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Production Pitch Tyler Bloor. Production Media/Delivery/Deadline Short video/film (to be uploaded to YouTube at some point) June 3 rd 2015 HD 1080p mp3.

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Presentation on theme: "Production Pitch Tyler Bloor. Production Media/Delivery/Deadline Short video/film (to be uploaded to YouTube at some point) June 3 rd 2015 HD 1080p mp3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Production Pitch Tyler Bloor

2 Production Media/Delivery/Deadline Short video/film (to be uploaded to YouTube at some point) June 3 rd 2015 HD 1080p mp3

3 Production mind maps The mind map is separated into 4 main ideas, put simply they are: time travel, a military base, phones downloading anything, and written in red, a possible blend of all 3 plotlines Eventually I decided to do something related to time travel

4 Production Concept/Style/USP In 2025, the hero works as a journalist, only the company he works for sends people back in time to get REAL stories, but after our hero go’s on his first time travel, he meets his Bosses younger self, accidentally setting of a series of chain events that massively alter time The style of my short film will be full live action, with a few computer generated special effects USP: an absolutely frantic and crazy adventure like no other

5 Production Audience PG rating - violence allowed but the cause cannot be seen and blood is out of the question. Character can use weapons but injuries/deaths cannot be graphic

6 Production Equipment/Techniques Camera and shoulder mount Adobe premiere Boom mic (for some scenes)

7 Production Resources/Budget PC, monitor, mouse, keyboard, shoulder mount, video camera, and adobe premiere, mic, and boom. =£650 (approx.)

8 Production Collaboration I will need the help of several peers, as both main characters and extras

9 Production Constraints Running out of time Availability of peers (they will likely be busy filming/making their own project)

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