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Luca Guevara You could travel up the Blue Nile with your finger, tracing the route while Mrs. Tilscher chanted the scenery. Tana. Ethiopia. Khartoum.

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Presentation on theme: "Luca Guevara You could travel up the Blue Nile with your finger, tracing the route while Mrs. Tilscher chanted the scenery. Tana. Ethiopia. Khartoum."— Presentation transcript:


2 Luca Guevara

3 You could travel up the Blue Nile with your finger, tracing the route while Mrs. Tilscher chanted the scenery. Tana. Ethiopia. Khartoum. Aswân. That for an hour, then a skittle of milk and the chalky Pyramids rubbed into dust. A window opened with a long pole. The laugh of a bell swung by a running child. Imagery Metaphor Simile Diction Personification Listing Enjambment Allusion Rhyme

4 This was better than home. Enthralling books. The classroom glowed like a sweet shop. Sugar paper. Coloured shapes. Brady and Hindley faded, like the faint, uneasy smudge of a mistake. Mrs. Tilscher loved you. Some mornings, you found she'd left a good gold star by your name. The scent of a pencil, slowly, carefully, shaved. A xylophone nonsense heard from another form. Imagery Metaphor Simile Diction Personification Listing Enjambment Allusion Rhyme

5 Over the Easter term, the inky tadpoles changed from commas into exclamation marks. Three frogs hopped in the playground, freed by a dunce, followed by a line of kids, jumping and croaking away from the lunch queue. A rough boy told you how you were born. You kicked him, but stared at your parents, appalled, when you got back home. Imagery Metaphor Simile Diction Personification Listing Enjambment Allusion Rhyme

6 That feverish July, the air tasted of electricity. A tangible alarm made you always untidy, hot, fractious under the heavy, sexy sky. You asked her how you were born and Mrs. Tilscher smiled, then turned away. Reports were handed out. You ran through the gates, impatient to be grown, as the sky split open into a thunderstorm. Imagery Metaphor Simile Diction Personification Listing Enjambment Allusion Rhyme

7 Free verse poem 4 Stanzas 8 lines in the 1 st and 2 nd stanzas 7 lines in the 3 rd and 4 th stanzas 8 - 12 syllables per line 10 cases of enjambment 2 cases of internal rhyme 1 case of end rhyme

8 Approximately 10 year old girl in class with Mrs. Tilscher Girl really likes knowledge and learning Mrs. Tilscher is a great teacher While in the playground boy tells girl how babies are born Girl astounded asks Mrs. Tilscher who ignores her School year ends and girl exits school

9 Growing up o Complex o Excitement/Awe Love and protection Childhood Unveiling life/ignorance Loss of innocence Transition from child to adolescent o Stanza structure Maturity/Puberty The unknown

10 “Mrs. Tilscher chanted the scenery”(Line 3) “chalky pyramids rubbed into dust”(Line 6) “ The scent of pencil slowly, carefully, shaved”(Line 15) “A xylophone nonsense”(Line 16) “Three frogs hopped in the playground”(Lines 18-19) “ You kicked him, but stared at your parents, appalled, when you got back home.” (Lines 22-23)

11 “The laugh of a bell”(Line 8) “heavy, sexy sky.” (Line 26)

12 “You could travel up the Blue Nile”(Line 1) “ Over the Easter term inky tadpoles changed from commas into exclamation marks. ”(Lines 17-18) “A rough boy told you how you were born”(Lines 21-22) “the air tasted of electricity”(Line 24) “ impatient to be grown, as the sky split open into a thunderstorm.” (Line 30)

13 “Brady and Hindley faded, like the faint uneasy smudge of a mistake”(Lines 11-12) The Moors Murders Ian Brady and Myra Hindley sexually assaulted and killed 5 children Made news everywhere in 1965

14 “route”(Line 2) “uneasy”(Line 12) “xylophone nonsense”(Line 16) “changed”(Lines 17) “appalled”(Lines 23) “impatient”(Line 29) “thunderstorm.” (Line 30)

15 Do some people even after becoming an adult and having completely matured keep on being more innocent and naïve than others? Those this how to do with how they were raised? Is learning about topics such as sex something a child should be taught by an informed adult (parents, teachers, counselors) or something they should begin to discover by themselves?

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