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CELL STRUCTURE AND REPRODUCTION Organelles Plant ◦ Nucleus ◦ Golgi Apparatus ◦ Mitochondria ◦ Peroxisomes ◦ Plasma Membrane ◦ Rough and smooth endoplasmic.

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Presentation on theme: "CELL STRUCTURE AND REPRODUCTION Organelles Plant ◦ Nucleus ◦ Golgi Apparatus ◦ Mitochondria ◦ Peroxisomes ◦ Plasma Membrane ◦ Rough and smooth endoplasmic."— Presentation transcript:



3 Organelles Plant ◦ Nucleus ◦ Golgi Apparatus ◦ Mitochondria ◦ Peroxisomes ◦ Plasma Membrane ◦ Rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum ◦ Ribosomes ◦ Chloroplasts ◦ Cell Wall ◦ Central Vacuole Animal ◦ Flagellum ◦ Centrosome ◦ Cytoskeleton ◦ Microvilli ◦ Endoplasmic Reticulum ◦ Nucleus ◦ Chromatin ◦ Golgi apparatus ◦ Lysosome ◦ Mitochondrion ◦ Peroxisome

4 Both Nucleus ◦ Nuclear envelope : double membrane enclosing the nucleus; perforated by pores; continuous with ER ◦ Nucleolus : nonmembranous structure involved in production of ribosomes; a nucleus has one or more nucleoli ◦ Chromatin: material consisting of DNA and proteins; visible in a dividing cell as individual condensed chromosomes Golgi Apparatus ◦ organelle active in synthesis, modification, sorting, and secretion of cell products

5 Both Mitochondria ◦ An organelle found in large numbers in most cells, in which the biochemical processes of respiration and energy production occur. It has a double membrane, the inner layer being folded inward to form layers Endoplasmic Reticulum ◦ Network of membranous sacs and tubes; active in membrane synthesis and other synthetic and metabolic processes; has rough (ribosome-studded) and smooth regions

6 Both Peroxisomes ◦ organelle with various specialized metabolic functions; produces hydrogen peroxide as a by-product, then converts it to water Ribosomes ◦ complexes that make proteins; free in cytosol or bound to rough ER or nuclear envelope

7 Differences Animals only ◦ Lysosome: digestive organelle where macromolecules are hydrolyzed ◦ Centrosome: region where the cell’s microtubules are initiated; contains a pair of centrioles ◦ Flagellum: motility structure present in some animal cells, composed of a cluster of microtubules within an extension of the plasma membrane Plants only ◦ Central vacuole: functions include storage, breakdown of waste products, hydrolysis of macromolecules; enlargement of vacuole is a major mechanism of plant growth ◦ Chloroplast: photosynthetic organelle; converts energy of sunlight to chemical energy stored in sugar molecules ◦ Plasmodesmata: cytoplasmic channels through cell walls ◦ Cell wall: outer layer that maintains cell’s shape and protects cell from mechanical damage

8 Cellular Reproduction Mitosis ◦ Identical replication of cells ◦ Produces two daughter cells ◦ Somatic cells Meiosis ◦ Results in four daughter cells ◦ Each daughter cell contains only 23 chromosomes (humans) ◦ Occurs in two rounds ◦ Chromosome splitting ◦ Chromatid splitting ◦ Genetic variation

9 Binary fission ◦ Produces direct genetic copies ◦ Zero genetic variation ◦ Very quick and rapid process ◦ This form of asexual reproduction is most common in prokaryotes.

10 Cell Metabolism ◦ Metabolism ◦ Catabolism ◦ Anabolism

11 Cellular respiration ◦ Occurs in animals ◦ Catabolic pathway ◦ Turns glucose into ATP ◦ ATP- is usable energy for the body ◦ Mitochondria

12 Photosynthesis ◦ the process by which green plants and some other organisms use sunlight to synthesize foods from carbon dioxide and water. ◦ Oxygen is a product ◦ Chloroplast

13 ◦ (overview) ◦ (mitosis) ◦ molecular-biology/new-topic-2014-06-18T18:00:45.081Z/v/phases- of-meiosis (meiosis) molecular-biology/new-topic-2014-06-18T18:00:45.081Z/v/phases- of-meiosis

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