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K-12 Activities IEEE Central Texas Section Spring Planning Meeting January 28, 2012 San Marcos, TX.

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Presentation on theme: "K-12 Activities IEEE Central Texas Section Spring Planning Meeting January 28, 2012 San Marcos, TX."— Presentation transcript:

1 K-12 Activities IEEE Central Texas Section Spring Planning Meeting January 28, 2012 San Marcos, TX

2 IEEE Central Texas Section K-12 Activities People Albert Lozano, K-12 Activities Chair Steve Pearson, Austin Area Activities Tom OBrien, SA BEST Tom Grim, John Purvis, Discover Engineering

3 IEEE Central Texas Section K-12 Activities Focus Areas Central Texas Future City Competition IEEE Teacher In-Service Program Edison Lectures Support Discover Engineering BEST Robotics Competition Support

4 IEEE Central Texas Section Central Texas Future City Regional Competition Engineering Competition for 7-8 graders Students partnered with engineering mentor Winner advances to national Future City Competition in Washington DC

5 IEEE Central Texas Section Central Texas Future City Regional Competition(update) Regional Competition Held at Texas State University on Jan 21, 2012 Sponsors: IEEE CTSShell OilSan Antonio ASCE

6 IEEE Central Texas Section Central Texas Future City Regional Competition Regional Coordinator: Dawn Roberson Judging Coordinator: Dean Schneider Mentor Coordinator: Andrew Hunt Volunteer Coordinator: Joules Webb TX State Coordinator: Larry Larson

7 IEEE Central Texas Section Central Texas Future City Regional Competition 1 st Place Aeterna West Ridge MS 2 nd Place Star City Corbett JHS 3 rd Place CORE Smith MS

8 IEEE Central Texas Section Teacher In-Service Program (TISP) MOU signed with Transformation 2013 T-STEM Support Center to support TISP marketing and registration 3 lesson plan presentations in 2011 No TISP seminars are scheduled CTS 2011 Support: $85

9 IEEE Central Texas Section Edison Lecture Series Series presented by UT Austin ECE Dept Introduces middle and high school students to the potential applications and impacts of electrical engineering on the world CTS 2011 Support: $500

10 IEEE Central Texas Section Discover Engineering Excite K-12 students to pursue careers in math, science and engineering In-class, hands-on engineering activities Collaborative, volunteer-driven initiatives of the engineering and education communities Supported by CTS Members Adding San Antonio this year DE Board Members: Tom Grim, John Purvis Supporting SA version of Discover Engineering with Transformation 2013 Center

11 IEEE Central Texas Section BEST Robotics Support to BEST Competitions in San Antonio Members: Tom OBrien CTS 2011 Support: $500 budgeted through Life Member Affinity Group

12 IEEE Central Texas Section K-12 Plans / Issues Strengths: Wide variety of activities Weaknesses: Fractured communications between activities, lack of timely volunteers Opportunities: Additional funding for TISP Activities through IEEE Foundation and Life Members Grants Threats: Lack of Interest and volunteer responses

13 IEEE Central Texas Section QUESTIONS??? Thanks

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