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Jefferson Lab Strategic Planning Divisional Town Meeting Mission Statement of your Division – What is or should be the mission statement of your division?

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Presentation on theme: "Jefferson Lab Strategic Planning Divisional Town Meeting Mission Statement of your Division – What is or should be the mission statement of your division?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jefferson Lab Strategic Planning Divisional Town Meeting Mission Statement of your Division – What is or should be the mission statement of your division? Scope of Current Activities – What is it that your division does, what is your current scope of work? Unique capabilities - What facilities/capabilities/expertise does your group offer that is unique, world class? Synergy – Discuss how you think your division contributes to the missions of other parts of the lab. Can you do more? Vision for the Future - What do you see your division contributing to/doing in the future? What could you be doing? 5 year 10 year 20 Year Beyond Lost or missed opportunities - Were there expansion opportunities/synergies that you missed or that you have not been able to capitalize on? What were they, and what was the obstacle that kept you from realizing that opportunity? Are there lessons to be learned from that experience? Are there likely future opportunities in the same or similar areas? Required New Initiatives - What research, projects or preliminaries would you need to pursue or put in place to achieve the visions above? This should include internal to the lab as well as external.

2 Physics Division Mission - Draft The experimental investigation of the powerful force fields believed to be responsible for quark confinement: one of the major gaps in our understanding of nature; The understanding of the quark and gluon structure of the proton, the neutron, and atomic nuclei at the most basic quantum level; The exploration of the limits of our understanding of nuclear structure and the nucleon-nucleon force at short distances; The search for new physics beyond the Standard Model of nuclear and particle physics; and The development of technical capabilities to engage cutting-edge research, and to exploit these for applications to the good of humankind. To plan and execute the research program of a world-leading nuclear physics facility and its international user community, in order to probe the nature of the particles that comprise 99% of the mass of the visible universe and the forces between them. In particular, to fulfill the laboratory’s scientific mission aimed at: What is or should be the mission statement of your division?

3 Scope of Current Activities Manage Nuclear Physics Research at JLab by Executing cutting edge research based on peer-reviewed, scientifically prioritized proposals from the nuclear physics community Operating the “standard” experimental facilities (three (soon to be four) large end stations w/ >$150M (>$ 250M) of installed equipment) Developing major new experimental apparatus required to address key science (required for most JLab experiments) This now includes the major instrumentation of the 12 GeV Upgrade Coordinating the JLab research activities of our international user community: – 1233 (1377) scientists from 260 (259) institutions in 32 countries – Users on site outnumber staff by 3:1 Providing leadership for long-range planning for the science program (12 GeV in the mid-term and a possible collider in the long term) What is it that your division does, what is your current scope of work ? (Verbatim from 2010 Operations Review (changes))

4 Synergies with Theory in terms of planning for the research program and the interpretation of data, often by joint projects such as a spectroscopy analysis center (EBAC, PWA), CTEQX, & phenomenology of spin- dependent PDFs, TMDs and GPDs. with Accelerator in terms of defining beam improvements enabling novel research programs, developing state-of-the-art beam monitors, improvements to parity-quality beam properties, and development of polarized positron sources, amongst others. with FEL in terms of developing dedicated NP (and select VUV) experiments of mutual interest. with Engineering in terms of complementing engineering capabilities that are core to the ongoing research program and possible extensions, such as SC magnets, polarized targets, and fast electronics for NP- related Accelerator Instrumentation. with all Divisions in terms of development of applications. This area likely can be expanded. Discuss how you think your division contributes to the missions of other parts of the lab. Can you do more?

5 Jefferson Lab Strategic Planning Experimental Nuclear Physics Division Town Meeting Mission Statement of your Division – What is or should be the mission statement of your division? Scope of Current Activities – What is it that your division does, what is your current scope of work? Unique capabilities - What facilities/capabilities/expertise does your group offer that is unique, world class? Synergy – Discuss how you think your division contributes to the missions of other parts of the lab. Can you do more? Vision for the Future - What do you see your division contributing to/doing in the future? What could you be doing? 5 year 10 year 20 Year Beyond Lost or missed opportunities - Were there expansion opportunities/synergies that you missed or that you have not been able to capitalize on? What were they, and what was the obstacle that kept you from realizing that opportunity? Are there lessons to be learned from that experience? Are there likely future opportunities in the same or similar areas? Required New Initiatives - What research, projects or preliminaries would you need to pursue or put in place to achieve the visions above? This should include internal to the lab as well as external. Today’s goal:Put various ideas on the table Final product: Filled-in form along these lines of about 5 pages

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