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Sustainable, Ecological, Community-based Model for Adolescent Substance Abuse Prevention Incorporating the Promotion of Developmental Assets by the Faith-based.

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Presentation on theme: "Sustainable, Ecological, Community-based Model for Adolescent Substance Abuse Prevention Incorporating the Promotion of Developmental Assets by the Faith-based."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sustainable, Ecological, Community-based Model for Adolescent Substance Abuse Prevention Incorporating the Promotion of Developmental Assets by the Faith-based Community: Presented by: Beth Bascom (November 8, 2004)

2 Adolescent substance abuse is a serious health issue “Most destructive health and social problem facing our Nation today” (Donna Shalala) Despite spending $250 billion/year on substance abuse prevention, our youth continue to use at unacceptable rates. A Abbott (2002) Health & Social Work Monitoring the Future National Survey Results on Adolescent Drug Use: Overview of Key Findings, 2001. NIH, 2001

3 Current Best Practice: Ecological, Community-based Model The current ecological model includes a multi-faceted, community-based approach that targets not only people’s individual behavior, but the social/political/physical systems that surround and impact them. Grzywacz & Fuqua (2000), Behavioral Medicine Merzel & D'Afflitti (2003), AJPH

4 Protective Factors Current Best Practice: Protective Factors “ Influences that modify, ameliorate, or alter a person’s response to some environmental hazard that predisposes to a maladaptive outcome” Rutter (1985), British J of Psychiatry

5 Protective Factors Research Finding More risk factors an individual has, the greater the impact of protective factors. Scales,et al (2002) J of Early Adolescence Regnerus (2003), J of Scientific Study of Religion Oman (2004), AJPH

6 Protective Factor Model “Views youth as resources instead of potential problems, focusing on providing them with an environment that encourages positive growth and development, focusing on providing them with an environment that encourages positive growth and development, despite potential adversity.” despite potential adversity.” Oman (2004), AJPH

7 Powerful Protective Factor: 40 Developmental Assets External –Support –Empowerment –Boundaries & Expectations –Constructive Use of Time Internal –Commitment to Learning –Positive Values –Social Competencies –Positive Identity (2000)

8 The Power of Developmental Assets Search Institute

9 9 Developmental Assets Peer role models Use of time (religion) Responsible choices (females) Family communication Non-parental adult role models Use of time (groups/sports) Community involvement Aspirations for the future Good health practices Oman (2004) AJPH

10 Key Finding of Recent Study “The combination of assets may be more effective than any single asset for preventing risk behavior.” Oman (2004) AJPH

11 Protective Factor: Religion Protective Factor: Religion Religion has consistently been demonstrated to be a protective factor for a number of adolescent health-related outcomes. Cochran (1992) J of Drug Issues Cook (Nov 2001) Mental Health, Religion & Culture Nonnemaker, et al. (Dec 2003) Soc Science & Medicine

12 Despite the robust research connecting religious faith and lower incident of substance abuse, there is a lack of ecological, community- based intervention models that effectively incorporate the faith- based community.

13 Key Components of Community-based Interventions Mobilizing the Community Implementing Interventions in Multiple Settings Using Multiple Individual-level Intervention Strategies Developing Environmental Interventions Merzel & D'Afflitti (2003) AJPH

14 Sports League Community Center SchoolFamilyBusiness Faith Congregation Faith Congregation Government ATOD Program Youth Organization Mobilizing the Community through Coalitions

15 Mobilizing the Community: Challenge Coalitions are complex organizations that require considerable effort to create and operate successfully. Wandersman & Florin (2003) American Psychologist

16 Challenges of Including Faith Congregations in Coalitions Nature of faith-based organization –Firmly held ideologies define who they are Perceptions –Interpretation of the 1 st Amendment –Compromise convictions/ideologies (faith congregation) –Force convictions on others (other members of coalition) Youth leaders are very busy Focused on own activities

17 Mobilizing the Community Are community-wide coalitions the only way to mobilize all elements of a community? Must all the elements of the community be involved in a coalition in order to successfully mobilize the community?

18 DA Mobilizing the Community through Shared Focus DA DA = Developmental Assets

19 DA through Shared Focus Implementing Interventions in Multiple Settings through Shared Focus DA DA = Developmental Assets

20 Is the Promotion of Developmental Assets Appealing to Faith Organizations? Consistent with tenets/beliefs of most faith communities. Helps young people make healthy choices and grow in their faith. Fosters a congregational-wide commitment to young people. Provides opportunities to link with the broader community.

21 Is the Promotion of Developmental Assets Legal? Each organization, including various faith congregations, can promote the Developmental Assets (DA’s) within the context of their ideology (freedom of expression). If governmental funding is involved, the program promoting the DA’s can be designed within legal parameters (non-establishment). All programs, regardless of ideology, can be promoted as Asset Building (equal excess).

22 Example of Faith-based Program Unintentionally promoting Developmental Assets: Hoops and Homework* Positive Adult Relationships Constructive Use of Time –Sports Commitment to Learning *After school program where students work on homework and then play basketball.

23 Example of Intentional Promotion of Developmental Assets: Hoops and Homework Positive Adult Relationship –Engage more adults –Train them in Asset Building Constructive Use of Time –Sports –Train using “Hey Coach” (Search Inst) Commitment to Learning Responsibility All actions are framed within context of personal choice and consequences. Peaceful Conflict Resolution –Consistent steps for conflict resolution. –Consistent consequences for non- peaceful resolution.

24 Possible Goals of Coalition –Engage all organizations in the community in the promotion of Developmental Assets. –Promote Asset Building Programs. –Provide community-wide Asset Building training. DA Coalition Driven Promotion of Developmental Assets DA DA = Developmental Assets

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