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RESPONSE TO INSTRUCTION AND INTERVENTION (RtII) Adapted from School District of Philadelphia Rtii Materials.

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Presentation on theme: "RESPONSE TO INSTRUCTION AND INTERVENTION (RtII) Adapted from School District of Philadelphia Rtii Materials."— Presentation transcript:

1 RESPONSE TO INSTRUCTION AND INTERVENTION (RtII) Adapted from School District of Philadelphia Rtii Materials

2 Part I  Understand the philosophy of RtII  Review benefits for the transition from CSAP to RtII  Identify the key components of the RtII model  Explain Rtii and IEP interaction Learning Objectives

3  2012-2013: District-wide implementation of RtII  ALL Grades: K-12  Replaces CSAP Process  Phase 1 focus areas: Literacy, Behavioral Health, Attendance, Student Discipline  Documentation in the online system in Schoolnet Roll-out plan: Implementation New Process

4  The CSAP database will no longer be in use after the 2011-2012 school year  Beginning with the 2012-2013 school year, Rtii, a module in Schoolnet, will replace the CSAP reporting system Roll-out plan: Online System New Process

5  The Interventions system will document the following:  Strategic and Intensive academic intervention plans provided through RtII  Positive behavioral interventions in compliance with the State- mandated SAP (Student Assistance Process)  EIS (Early Intervening Services) mandated by Federal law  Truancy interventions in compliance with the State-mandated compulsory attendance procedures and TEP (Truancy Elimination Plan)  Intervention plans will be automatically closed out in the system on the last day of school each year Roll-out plan: Online System New Process

6  A multi-level system of support focused on improving learning for ALL students  A data-driven model to enable early identification and strategic interventions for students at academic or behavioral risk (screening, progress monitoring)  A shared, collaborative, data-driven decision-making process among professional educators. What Is Response to Instruction and Intervention (RtII)?

7 RtII Tier 3 Individual Students evaluated for Change of Placement Level 3 Small group or Individual supplemental and targeted instruction Tier 2 Individual Student Intervention plans 60 days to demonstrate progress Level 2 Small group supplemental and targeted instruction Tier 1 Small Group supplemental instruction 30 days to demonstrate progress Level 1 All students Research - based, effective instruction Progress monitoring through Curriculum Based Assessments CSAP Differences in CSAP & RtII Student Support Model

8  Quality Standards-Based Core Curriculum  RtII School Team  Time for Collaboration  Time for Intervention Delivery  Screening  Progress Monitoring  Evidence-based Interventions  Documentation and Accountability System Key Components of RtII Implementation

9 The Key Components of RtII Courtesy of the National Center on Response to Intervention

10 Progress Monitoring Evidence Based Interventions Screeners RTI Process 10

11  Core Program: Research-based curriculum and instruction  Strategies: Instructional tools used broadly across all RtII levels to support learning  Interventions:  Academic : Evidence-based programs that supplement Core Program  Behavioral/Attendance/Discipline : Evidence–based programs or best practices that address the barriers  Screening:  Academic : assessing ALL students a minimum of 3X/year to group students according to risk level  Behavioral/Attendance/Discipline: assessing ALL students on a monthly basis to group students according to risk level  Progress Monitoring: On-going assessment of students identified as at-risk to determine accuracy of screener, and to gauge student progress with selected intervention program RtII Components: Speaking a Common Language

12  Principal & Assistant Principal  “RtII Champion”  Teachers  Counselor  Technology Teacher Leader - TTL  Attendance Designee  Student Discipline Designee  Special Education Liaison – SEL  School Psycologist RtII School Team

13 Purpose  To create dedicated time for the RtII team to analyze student data for the purpose of improving all student’s achievement. Recommended Best Practices  Frequency:  data meetings 1-2 per month  Review screener data every marking period (monthly for attendance)  Review progress monitoring data  Structure:  Grade group meetings or other group meeting times  RtII Team present Key components of RtII: Time for collaboration

14 Outcomes  Form consensus on students identified for intervention plans  Assign team members for a specific plan  Initiate the plan online  Task completion and progress monitoring Key components of RtII: Time for collaboration New Process

15 Attendance Behavior Discipline Literacy Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 ~85% of students ~10 % of Students ~5% of Students Whole Class Small Group Small Group/Individu al Philadelphia School District RtII Model

16  Screeners are assessments tools used to assess ALL students a minimum 3 times/year to group students according to risk level  To prepare for start of school year, use prior year cycle four data to group students Key components of RtII: Screeners

17 RtII Model For Reading Literacy Level 3 Few students at this level Level 2 Some students at this level Level 1 Most students at this level Within 2 years below grade-level 2+ years below grade-level (chronically under- performing) Just at or above grade-level

18 RtII Model For Attendance Level 3 Few students at this level Level 2 Some students at this level Level 1 Most students at this level 10 or more illegal absences 3 or more unexcused and illegal absences

19 RtII Model For Behavioral Health Level 3 Few students at this level Level 2 Some students at this level Level 1 Most students at this level Students with a behavioral health diagnosis Students who struggle with exhibiting appropriate social skills

20 RtII Model For Student Discipline Level 3 Few students at this level Level 2 Some students at this level Level 1 Most students at this level Students with an EH-21 Discipline Referral Students with 3 or more suspensions

21  Choose an intervention using the following criteria:  Evidence-based  Matched to student need  Available  Staff are trained to implement with fidelity  Identify evidence-based interventions:  National RTI Center Key components of RtII: Selecting Interventions

22  Time should be allotted/scheduled for interventions to be delivered to the identified students  Regular and consistent delivery of the intervention Key components of RtII: Time for Intervention Delivery

23  Progress monitoring (PM) assesses progress of students identified through the screener as “at-risk”  Determines accuracy of screener  Gauges student progress with selected intervention program  The online system requires monthly Progress Monitoring for all interventions, but may be administered more frequently.  PM data should be reviewed collaboratively 1-2 times/month; time for structured and facilitated data analysis should be built into RtII team meeting agenda  Recommended Progress Monitoring Tools:  Assessments built into evidence-based interventions  Some screeners (e.g., DIBELS)  ScholarChip (High Schools) Key Components of RtII: Progress Monitoring

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