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3 PREAMBLE We declare and establish this Constitution to preserve and secure the principles of our faith and to govern the Church in an orderly manner while pursuing its ministry. This constitution will guide this Church in conducting Jesus’ ministry locally, nationally and across all borders as He leads.

4 ARTICLE 1 The name of this organization as incorporated under the laws of New Hampshire shall be Heritage Baptist Church, Manchester, New Hampshire.

5 ARTICLE II: Foundation, Object and Priorities of Ministry Section 1:Foundation: The foundation of this Church is the Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 3:11 Its code of guidance in all its affairs shall be the Word of God, and this Church does here affirm its faith that the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the Word of Almighty God. Mark 13:31

6 ARTICLE II: Foundation, Object and Priorities of Ministry Section 2:Object: The object of this Church shall be to worship God according to the teaching of His Word, to practice the precepts and examples of the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ as set forth in the New Testament, to sustain its ordinances and doctrines and to preach and propagate among all peoples the Gospel of Salvation which is by personal faith on Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.

7 ARTICLE II: Foundation, Object and Priorities of Ministry Section 3:Priorities: The priorities of ministry of this church flow from the vision of God's glory revealed in Jesus Christ. We exist to savor this vision in worship, John 4:23 strengthen the vision in nurture and education 1 Corinthians 14:26; 2 Peter 3:18 and spread the vision in evangelism, missions, and loving deeds. 1 Peter 2:9, 3:15; Matthew 28:18-20; 5:16

8 ARTICLE 3: Membership The membership of this church shall consist of persons who [1] confess faith on the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior, [2] have been baptized by immersion upon profession of faith, [3] gives evidence of rebirth in Christ through a life consistent with this profession, [4] share the beliefs of this church as expressed in the Statement of Faith and Practice, and [5] have these things confirmed and recognized by the membership of the church, in accordance with the By-Laws of this church.

9 Pertinent By-Law Article I of the By-Laws deal with the procedures of membership. There are two key components of membership: –Agreement with the Articles of Faith and Practices –Annual reaffirmation of agreement

10 Erik’s Phone Number 603-716-6055

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