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Confessions of a Portraitist The Journey of a Qualitative Researcher.

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1 Confessions of a Portraitist The Journey of a Qualitative Researcher

2 Dual Citizenship in Athens and Jerusalem: A Portrait of Professors Who Exemplify the Integration of Faith and Learning at Wheaton College

3 Step 1: Read, read, read Explore a topic that you’re interested in. Keep going until/unless you decide it’s not the one you want for your dissertation. Once you choose, keep reading. Use reference lists to lead you to other sources.

4 Step 2: Focus What questions are still left unanswered? What do you really want to know? What research would make a genuine contribution to the discussion of this issue?

5 Problem Statement Despite a strong rhetorical and theoretical focus on the importance of the integration of faith and learning in Christian higher education, few professors understand or practice it well. Of those who exemplify such integration, little in- depth knowledge has been generated about the contributing factors, foundational narratives, or internal processes which have led them to integrate the spiritual and the academic realms.

6 Research Questions What are the factors that have contributed to the exemplary integration of faith and learning of professors at Wheaton College? How do exemplary professors define, perceive, and consider the integration of faith and learning? What are the personal experiences of exemplary professors as they integrate their faith and learning?

7 Step 3: Methodology Remember: Your research questions determine your methodology. You will have to justify your choice, so be clear in your own mind. You will need to know what the other options are and why your choice is the best one.

8 Step 4: The Proposal By this time, you should have enough information to write at least a rough draft of chapter 1. But... Chapter 2 requires analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. Chapter 3 requires complete understanding of your methodology beyond the Creswell text.

9 Step 4: Gathering data Gaining access NVivo7 Be prepared! Know the best practice for interviewing and observing. Follow the rules for your methodology. Write down everything in journals.

10 Step 5: Analysis Transcribing the interviews Comparative analysis: iterative and continual Using NVivo7 Member checking Avoiding analysis paralysis

11 Findings

12 Step 6: Writing the Results Particularly challenging for portraiture The difference between chapters 4 and 5 Many, many drafts

13 Other words of advice Your committee Be sure to connect the dots! Don’t try to take short cuts; it’s not worth it in the end. Expect it to take a lot longer than you think it will. Never, never give up. Learn to use small chunks of time wisely.

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