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How did this Empire grow and unite many different people?

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1 How did this Empire grow and unite many different people?
Umayyad Empire How did this Empire grow and unite many different people?

2 Power Play How did the Umayyads come to power?
By the early 600’s Muslims in the former Eastern Roman Empire began organizing and conquering cities in the region under the direction of the Caliphs During this time, the Islamic governor of Syria (Muawiya) began to build up a devoted army of followers By 661 he was able to take control of the entire Eastern Empire

3 Move West Young Men! Umayyad Expansion: North Africa and Spain
Under the leadership of Muawiya, the Umayyads were talented military strategist By 711 they had expanded the Empire from the Middle East, through northern Africa, and across the straight of Gibraltar

4 Taking Spain Further Expansion
They were so determined to take the Iberian Peninsula that they burned their boats after crossing. Retreat was NOT an option After conquering Spain, they began attacking the Kingdom of the Franks in an attempt to spread Islam Charles “The Hammer” Martel (Charlemagne’s Grandfather) stopped the Muslims in 732 at the Battle of Tours

5 What was the significance of the Hammer’s victory at Tours?

6 Peaceful Coexistence Treatment of Non-Muslims in the Umayyad Empire
Over the next few centuries some Umayyad rulers attempted to convert people to Islam Umayyads were generally tolerant and let Jews and Christians keep their religions because they were considered “people of the book”

7 Growth of Christianity and Judaism in the Umayyad Empire
Religious Freedom Christians in Spain, and Jews in the Middle East practiced their religions peacefully among the Umayyads They were allowed to work in key government positions and earn wealth in Umayyad culture simply by paying a special tax There were many different departments within government (bureaucracy) to oversee and organize the tax collection

8 Cultural Success Common Language
By the late 600’s the Umayyads made Arabic the official language of the Empire Why is this significant? If government, business and religion are conducted in the same language, anyone who wishes to do business or practice faith in that Empire must speak the language

9 More Culture Building Common Coinage
Around 640 the Umayyad government began minting coins to be used throughout the Empire They borrowed this idea from the Byzantines Why would this give the Umayyad Empire an economic advantage over European kingdoms?

10 End of an Empire Downfall of the Umayyad
Non-Muslims in the Empire had to a pay a tax to practice their religion Unfortunately, over time many converted to Islam to avoid the tax More conversions meant less money for the Umayyad government

11 Downward Spiral Fewer Conquests/Opposition
Because of less tax revenue, the Muslim armies made few conquests As a result, there was less wealth gained through war booty Groups within the Empire were concerned that religion was no longer the focus of the Umayyads

12 End of an Empire Rebellion
One group, the Abbasids, launched a rebellion against the Umayyads in 750 As the rebellion gained strength, the Abbasids were able to take control of all Umayyad controlled land in the east and in the west

13 Quick-Write Explain how the Umayyads were able to unite many lands and people. Do countries use these same strategies today when invading other countries? Provide examples in your answer.

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