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All contents ©2014 by Youth Villages, Inc. with all rights reserved Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board April 23, 2014 CEDAR BOUGH OREGON’S LANDMARK.

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Presentation on theme: "All contents ©2014 by Youth Villages, Inc. with all rights reserved Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board April 23, 2014 CEDAR BOUGH OREGON’S LANDMARK."— Presentation transcript:

1 All contents ©2014 by Youth Villages, Inc. with all rights reserved Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board April 23, 2014 CEDAR BOUGH OREGON’S LANDMARK MENTAL HEALTH PROGRAM FOR NATIVE AMERICAN YOUTH

2 2 All contents ©2014 by Youth Villages, Inc. with all rights reserved Presentation Overview Youth Villages and Cedar Bough mission How Cedar Bough came to be Who We Serve Program Components Enrollment Process

3 3 Youth Villages Mission All contents ©2014 by Youth Villages, Inc. with all rights reserved Youth Villages helps children and families live successfully Healing through culture and tradition

4 4 How Cedar Bough Came To Be All contents ©2014 by Youth Villages, Inc. with all rights reserved Growing number of mental and behavioral health challenges within tribal communities State of Oregon recognized the disconnect between tribal communities and available mental health services for seriously troubled youth Youth Villages (then ChristieCare) partnered with tribes and other community members to create Cedar Bough

5 Who We Serve Youth ages 11-17 with serious emotional and behavioral disorders Program is designed for tribal youth and other youth who can benefit from a cultural focus Tribes Represented: Oregon’s Nine Tribes, Muckleshoot, Navajo, Alaska Native Tribes, Shoshone and more than 15 other tribes All contents ©2014 by Youth Villages, Inc. with all rights reserved 5

6 6 Who We Serve Suicidal ideation or attempts Chronic post-traumatic stress disorder Anxiety and depression History of suicidal threats and/or attempts Substance use/abuse Developmental disorders (including fetal alcohol syndrome) Aggressive and destructive behavior Common referral issues All contents ©2014 by Youth Villages, Inc. with all rights reserved Among American Indians/Alaskan Natives ages 15 to 34, suicide is the second leading cause of death.

7 7 The Program Components Cultural and traditional best practices: sweat lodge, talking circles, elder visits, drumming, beading, community gatherings, cultural arts & crafts, seasonal gatherings Cultural outings: powwows, NAYA Family Center events, tribal community events Mental Health Assessment and treatment including Trauma-focused Cognitive Behavior Therapy Collaborative Problem Solving Equine-assisted psychotherapy All contents ©2014 by Youth Villages, Inc. with all rights reserved

8 8 The Program Components All contents ©2014 by Youth Villages, Inc. with all rights reserved Educational supports: assessment, individual educations plans, balanced school year incorporating Native American history, literature, and tradition (Clackamas Educational Service District) Alcohol and Drug Assessment, Education, & Treatment offered through Native American Rehabilitation Association of the Northwest, INC. Culturally guided by Native American Advisory Council spearheaded by Dr. John Spence




12 12 Enrollment Process Steps to Enroll: Is the youth dangerous to himself/herself or others due to mental health symptoms Are they unable to safely conduct themselves in the community? Does he/she need 24-hour supervision? If so, proceed to evaluation. Psychiatric assessment by mental health specialist is the next step. If unsure, contact our Placement Manager: 503-675-2246 All contents ©2014 by Youth Villages, Inc. with all rights reserved

13 13 Funding Options The Cedar Bough Program has been funded through: Medicaid/Oregon Health Plan Contract with Idaho Department of Health and Welfare Single Case Agreements with Tribes and other entities Indian Health Service All contents ©2014 by Youth Villages, Inc. with all rights reserved Call our Placement Manager who can help identify options - 503-675-2246

14 14 Thank You! Adam Becenti Cultural Coordinator/Tribal Liaison All contents ©2014 by Youth Villages, Inc. with all rights reserved

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