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The Reformation 1517-1563.

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1 The Reformation

2 Reformation – a movement to change religion in Europe
started by Martin Luther in 1517 when he posted his 95 Theses ended with the Catholic Council of Trent in 1563

3 Causes of the Reformation
Social – humanists and secularism led people to question the church Political – leaders viewed the Pope as a foreigner who had no real authority Economic – people become jealous of the church’s wealth and hated paying church taxes Religious – the church had become corrupt

4 Martin Luther 1483-1546 was a monk and a teacher
protested the selling of indulgences by the Catholic church wrote the 95 Theses to attack those who sold indulgences started the Reformation

5 95 Theses

6 Luther’s Teachings People can win salvation only by faith in God’s forgiveness. “Good works” were not needed. All teachings of the Church should be based only on the Bible. All people of faith are equal. Priests are not needed to interpret the Bible.

7 Reactions of the Church
Pope Leo X excommunicated Luther in 1520 Charles V – Holy Roman Emperor issues Edict of Worms Prince Frederick the Wise of Saxony helps Luther and his teachings are put into practice German princes support Luther’s ideas

8 Protestants German princes sign a protest against the Pope – became known as Protestants Protestant - Christians who belong to non-Catholic churches

9 Peace of Augsburg princes of Germany agree that each ruler would decide the religion of his own area applied to Catholics and Protestants both

10 Division of the Christian Church


12 Henry VIII - England

13 Henry VIII - England king of England in 1509 was Catholic
wanted to divorce Catherine of Aragon due to her having only one female child Pope wouldn’t allow it Henry started his own church that allowed divorce called it the Anglican Church or Church of England – and the king was the head of the church

14 Henry VIII – England remarried Anne Boleyn – she gave him another female child Henry had Anne beheaded Jane Seymour – the 3rd wife – finally produces a male child for Henry (named Edward) all of Henry’s children will rule England and this creates religious turmoil

15 Henry’s Children Mary I –”Bloody Mary”
Edward VI – king at a young age for only six years Elizabeth I – started American Colonies

16 Elizabeth I - England restored Protestantism to England after her sister Mary made Catholicism the official church and killed Protestants made the Anglican Church the only legal church in England started the American colonies to make money for England

17 Protestant Reformers Huldrych Zwingli – attacked the Catholic church and wanted members to have more control over services John Calvin – said men and women are sinful by nature, people cannot earn salvation, God has chosen those to save already (called the “elect”) – predestination John Knox – followed Calvin’s teachings but called church leaders presbyters (started the Presbyterian church) in Scotland Anabaptists – believed that only people who were old enough to choose to be saved could be saved – those baptized at birth had to be “re-baptized”

18 Protestant Reformers John Knox John Calvin Huldrych Zwingli

19 Predestination only those chosen by God to be saved will be saved
God has chosen these people already – we have no control over it those who are chosen are called the “elect”

20 Theocracy a government controlled by religious leaders
rules are based on religious ideas usually the rules are very strict example – Calvin’s followers lived in towns where bright clothing and games were not allowed

21 Catholic Reforms some Catholics wanted to change the church practices – their movement is called the Catholic Reformation Ignatius of Loyola – believed daily devotions, prayer, and meditation cleansed the soul – started the order of the Jesuits Jesuits started schools and converted people to Christianity

22 The Inquisition movement by the Catholic church to hunt down and prosecute any Protestants for heresy led to chaos in the church – many leaders of the church were put on trial as well Ignatius of Loyola

23 Council of Trent Catholic officials agreed to several statements of the church: 1-Church’s interpretation of the Bible is final. 2-Christians need both faith and good works to get to heaven. 3-The Bible and the Church were equal religious authorities. 4-Indulgences are valid expressions of faith, but selling them falsely is wrong.

24 Legacy of the Reformation
left Europe culturally divided Protestant churches flourish and the Catholic church is more unified education became more important did not change the role of women Catholic church lost political power monarchs gain political power led to the Enlightenment

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