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Presentation on theme: "LP PROCUREMENT AND DELIVERY OF TEXTBOOKS AND STATIONERY 2013 1."— Presentation transcript:


2 REQUIRED OUTCOME Procurement and business processes for delivery has to ensure the right number of text books, in the right languages, for all the learners are delivered at the right time 2

3 BUSINESS PROCESS MAPPING Guiding Principles for Textbook Procurement  Centralised procurement  Standardised core textbooks (core to a school/ district/province)  A book per learner per subject per grade  Procure only for grades 4-6 and 11 National Catalogue  8 titles per subject per component  Ranked from 1-8 according to price  No compromise of quality between ranks  Choices restricted to books on the catalogue  Reader packs 3

4 2013 TEXTBOOK PROCUREMENT  LDoE meeting with all publishers to discuss further reduction of prices to match or reduce prices lower than the cheapest price per textbook per subject per language per Grade; and to indicate availability of the textbooks per subject per language quoted on;  Provide quantities per subject and component to each publisher to match or better lowest price on catalogue  Verification of orders against learner enrollment per subject per school  Selection process of maximum of three publishers per subject and grade by LDoE  Processing of orders per publisher  Orders placed 4 GradeQUANTITIESOriginal Catalogue PriceReduced Price 4-63,488,271R219,918,574.75 R 141 499 655.06 111,051,901R148,491,520.00 R 80 206 152.99

5 On 22 October 2012, further orders were placed for titles on the Addendum Catalogue, which included Grade 11 English Accounting as well as Grade 4-6 Graded Readers for Xitsonga, Tshivenda and Isindebele and Afrikaans FAL 5 GradeQuantitiesLowest original National Catalogue Price Reduced Price 4-6369 360R9 368 640N/A 1190 575R5 080 673N/A 4-6 & 11459 935R14 449 313N/A

6 DATA Master list for grades 4-6 and 11 signed by the HOD and provided to the service provider was used to inform the delivery Although there is a 2% drop in learner numbers per year, 2-5% top up on existing numbers applied. Database of public schools, languages, addresses and quantities signed off by the PDE, accepted as the only distribution list 6

7 ORDERING Textbook were provided only for grades 4-6 and 11. Foundation Phase and Grade 10 textbooks as well as top ups for grade 12 were provided in 2012. Grades 7-9 and 12 CAPS aligned textbooks will only be provided in 2013 for the 2014 school year. Grades 4-6 Natural Science and Technology (NST) textbooks were not ordered as these were not provided for on the National Catalogue. Grade 4-6 NST workbooks and teacher guides were provided by the DBE to LDoE schools and nationally. Grade 11 Mathematics and Physical Science textbooks were not ordered as these were supplied by the DBE. An additional 2-5% surplus stock was ordered to cater for shortages, up to 5% additional stock was ordered. Orders were placed on 7 th September 2012. Publishers were required to deliver all stock by 12 th October 2012. 7

8 GRADE 11 QUANTITIES 8 SUBJECTTGLBEx BkTotal Accounting1 50044 999 91 498 Agricultural Sciences1 75952 769054 528 Business Studies1 58147 431049 012 Civil Technology288340862 Computer Applications Technology802 38602 466 Consumer Studies1915 73605 927 Economics1 71951 582053 301 Electrical Technology351 05101 086 Engineering Graphics and Design902 68802 778 First Additional Language5 429162 8560168 285 Geography2 96789 018091 985 History1 09732 908034 005 Home Language6 540196 2100202 750 Hospitality Studies164670483 Life Orientation5 481164 4220169 903 Life Sciences3 21996 576099 795 Mathematical Literacy3 07392 203095 276 Mechanical Technology216170638 Religion Studies61820188 Tourism56216 865017 427 Visual Arts92740283 35 4031 062 07444 9991 142 476

9 GRADE 4-6 QUANTITIES 9 GradeSubject Core Reader Graded Reader Series Teacher GuideText BookGrand Total 4First Additional Language115 624305 0403 854115 624540 142 Home Language113 889232 3003 797113 889463 875 Life Orientation 3 854115 625119 479 Mathematics 3 854115 624119 478 Social Science 1 14134 22435 364 4 Total 229 513537 34016 500494 9851 278 338 5First Additional Language119 706302 2803 990119 706545 682 Home Language118 063225 1603 935118 090465 249 Life Orientation 3 991119 707123 697 Mathematics 3 990119 706123 696 Social Science 1 18135 42736 608 5 Total 237 769527 44017 088512 6351 294 932 6First Additional Language117 978301 4403 933117 978541 329 Home Language116 505226 2603 883116 460463 108 Life Orientation 3 932117 977121 909 Mathematics 3 933117 978121 911 Social Science 1 16534 93836 103 6 Total 234 483527 70016 845505 3321 284 360 Grand Total 701 7651 592 48050 4331 512 9523 857 631

10 RECEIVING 10 ADMINISTRATION Installation of a well proven MIS; Assessment,verification and validation of all data supplied by both DBE as well as the publishers; Daily/Weekly/Ad-hoc reports to the LTSM Project Unit on the receipt,dispatch and delivery. Project Management Plan and Methodology covering Administration, Warehousing and Distribution aspects; Media and Communication Strategy involving all stake holders WAREHOUSING Proper Planning and Executive pertaining: Warehouse layout and spacing; Personnel; Systems; Material Handling Equipment; Facilities; Security; Health and Safety; Training and Vetting of Personnel. Automated Warehouse Management Systems: Receiving [ GRVs]; Picking and Packing; Dispatch and Distribution; Value Added Activities – boxing and labeling. Reporting in terms of Productivity [No of Schools picked and Packed] and meeting deadlines

11 11 Fully integrated system into school master; Web based access to PODs – available to the relevant parties; Fully trained and vetted personnel; Assessed, contracted SMMEs; Code of Practice and ethics pertaining to drivers and personnel; Satellite vehicle tracking; State of the art of security systems; Hand Held Scanners for real time reporting, capturing and scanning PODs; Just in time issuing of reports. DISTRIBUTION

12 PICKING AND PACKING Training of total of 100 staff Staff was provided with unique bar codes. The bar code is scanned together with the individual pick slip for each school. The system allowed for the rate of picking for each school to be monitored and the correctness of consignments delivered to be traced back to the individual picker. Priorities: Develop an effective picking and packing plan; provide adequately trained personnel to pick and pack; and provide IT support to produce trip sheets / delivery notes and proof of delivery per consignment 12

13  Receipting against orders  Pick and pack list per school matches original order from schools and total quantities ordered  Sign off of stock leaving central warehouse  Receipting of stock at central warehouse and sign off  Allocation of stock per circuit and distributor  Handover of stock to distributor per circuit with sign off and POD for schools  Delivery to schools  School principals check quantities against POD and Sign off  POD returned to District warehouse and recorded in register against each distributor  PODS collated and returned to central warehouse daily for capturing and upload on online system. 13 DELIVERY

14 DELIVERY AND PROOFS OF DELIVERY (PODS) Each delivery note has to be correctly endorsed to indicate the item, quantities and grades for each consignment. The service provider is required to provide daily updates on the status of delivery to schools to the project manager and the PDE. The actual delivery note has to meet the following minimum requirements: quantities for each item (by title, subject, grade and school) printed name, surname, identity number and signature of the person(s) delivering to each school; name and surname, signature and PERSAL number / identity number of the person receiving the consignments at each school; date and time of delivery; space for the school stamp; and space for reporting on correct language and shortages for each title. 14

15 PHASE 1 DELIVERY 15 LIMPOPO TEXTBOOKS PHASE 1 2013 DistrictDelivered Private school - full returnTotal schools Schools Delivery per district as a % of Total CAPRICORN6941695 17.1% LEBOWAKGOMO249 6.1% MOGALAKWENA280 6.9% MOPANI481 11.9% RIBA CROSS2571258 6.4% SEKHUKHUNE6671668 16.5% TSHIPISE SAGOLE226 5.6% TZANEEN225 5.5% VHEMBE791 19.5% WATERBERG182 4.5% Grand Total405234055 100.0%

16 16 District Sum of Orig. Qty of Textbooks & TG Sum of Del Qty Textbooks & TG Sum of Short Qty Textbooks & TG Sum of Return Qty Textbooks & TG CAPRICORN Total3214113204227201288 LEBOWAKGOMO Total1736571723863451670 MOGALAKWENA Total17022216639311114216 MOPANI Total38776937778287501979 POLOKWANE Total1926071904505621142 RIBA CROSS Total1592511581742931417 SEKHUKHUNE Total45238944756418876197 TSHIPISE SAGOLE Total11052810965547281287 TZANEEN Total15324914790449382598 Vhembe Total51790850711691345561 WATERBERG Total144854128964153172460 Grand Total278384527268104222629815


18 PHASE 3 DELIVERY Reports of shortages, where particularly increased learners have applied at schools. To assist schools decision made to deliver the remaining books to the District warehouses closer to the schools All surplus stock was picked and packed in accordance with titles provided for each district. District and Circuit Offices were informed about how the remaining consignment would be divided (pro rata) among the districts. DSMs contacted schools via circuits to either collect the textbook shortages from the district warehouse or forward remaining shortages for delivery to the school. The service provider has placed vehicles and additional staff at district warehouses to expedite the final mop up stage. Schools have been collecting shortages on a daily basis. Each school is required to complete, stamp and sign forms to specify list of titles and quantities per grade and subject of textbooks collected per school. The forms are collected on a daily basis from each district to reconcile the total textbook provisioning for each school. This process is planned to be completed by 1 March 2013. A final analysis will be 8 March 2013 for final close out. 18

19 REASONS FOR DISCREPANCIES The final mop of textbook delivery is not restricted to LP but in all 9 provinces because of the following: Migration of learners across schools, districts and provinces at the start of the school calendar year resulting in shortages at some schools and surpluses in others. Schools starting new grades Schools changing LoLT Incorrect languages Dual medium schools not indicated on data Returns for closed schools Merged schools lacking Change of schools’ addresses 19

20 20 LDoE - DISTRICT OFFICE DELIVERIES COMPLETED BY 11.2.2013 FOR PHASE 3 MOP UP DISTRICTCOMMENTQTY BOOKS DELIVERED CAPRICORN (Central Warehouse) Delivered73989 Delivered239760 GREATER SEKHUKHUNEDelivered127175 MOPANI Delivered93950 Delivered26330 VHEMBE Delivered61674 Delivered19320 WATERBERG Delivered93000 Returned3670 POLOKWANEDelivered30863 LEBOWAKGOMODelivered60055 MOGALAKWENADelivered32316 RIBA CROSSDelivered59208 TSHIPISE-SAGOLEDelivered35275 TZANEENDelivered49409

21 CONCLUSION The provision of textbooks in LP has drawn major attention without the understanding of the complexities, lack of understanding of the processes put in place for CAPS implementation and textbook provisioning for CAPS, budgetary pressures it draws, more so for LDoE, which is under administration. Compounding the above is claims of non delivery to schools for grades that have already been provided for CAPs or for grades that will be provided for CAPS in 2014. This displays ignorance of the prescripts of budget planning especially when the request is for books that could be obsolete in a few months time. The number of claims of non delivery has been refuted by the mere evidence of the PODs that have been captured on an online system and which was announced to the public by the Minister in her meeting with stakeholders on !8 November 2012 in Limpopo. The Department is however committed to ensure that all schools receive their full consignment of textbooks. Schools have been requested, via a circular, to declare any further shortages. This will be verified against the evidence of deliveries made and remediated where necessary. Principals will be held accountable for submitting I incorrect information. 21



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