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Church Power and Corruption Emma Hoskins Zoë Wheeler Period 5.

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1 Church Power and Corruption Emma Hoskins Zoë Wheeler Period 5

2 Age of Faith Background info. Another term for the Middle ages and the most important Faith and religion played extremely important roles during the middle ages. Power of faith was so strong that it functioned like a government Dominated all aspects of life

3 Age of Faith Effect of Religion Christians taught that faith was divine grace, granted only to those who would fortify it. People began listening to the Pope before the Emperor, because he had a connection with god. Also listened to church leaders over political rulers Faith was the most dominant force. Catholics viewed the era as harmonious and productive

4 Influence of the Church Roman Catholic Church Daily Life was based around the church Controlled political and economic aspects Usually was the biggest building in town and at the center of the town Collected taxes from people within the town Often used as town halls. Faith and religion in the middle ages had absolute power and basically absolute rule

5 Influence of the Church Clergy of the church Priests- weren’t rich like bishops. Generally head of the church Cared for spiritual life of people relieved men and women of their sins through confessions Bishops- acted like judges Both in civil and criminal matter

6 Influence of Church Over Society Controlled peoples beliefs Not lead by the King but the Pope King couldn’t tell anyone from the church what to do Church owned many large areas of farmland Peasants workers grew crops Taxed by church, had to give one 10% of produce to the church and Tithe

7 Corruption Simony Simony was the practice of giving or obtaining an appointment to a church office for money. Also the exchange of spiritual for temporal things is considered simony Pope Julius II declared having practiced simony during his elections “Sin of Simon” Selling church offices to unqualified men

8 CORRUPTION Priests become illiterate and unable to lead religious ceremonies Bishops led lives of luxury Lived in palaces wore jewel-encrusted gold robes Found ways to pay for luxuries Charged to see holy relics Sold indulgences

9 Corruption of Church Led to many doubts and questioning of authority Crimes tried by fellow churchmen resulted in lenient verdict The church told its people that pilgrimages to sites of relics and holy places were suitable ways to repent for their sins.

10 CORRUPTION- CELIBACY Celibacy: members of the clergy were required to be unmarried Popes married Fathered and raised children Priests and nuns in spite of taking vows of chastity engaged in sexual relationships

11 Corruption Indulgence Indulgence: Full or partial dismissal of a sin Earned through confession and granted by a Catholic Church Being sold instead of earned Commissaries sought to extract the maximum amount of $ for each indulgence The professional “pardoners” collected their donations by selling indulgences in order to get $


13 Works Cited =en&gbv=2&spell=1&q=cache:eQboJM7aMF4J:h ttp:// ages+%22age+of+faith%22+background+info&ct= clnk =en&gbv=2&spell=1&q=cache:eQboJM7aMF4J:h ttp:// ages+%22age+of+faith%22+background+info&ct= clnk Church-in-the-Middle-Ages&id=969734 middle_ages_the_age_of_faith_pg2.html?cat=37 middle_ages_the_age_of_faith_pg2.html?cat=37 d.RMT.1.html d.RMT.1.html

14 Works Cited n+the+middle+ages&btnG=Search&hl=en &gbv=2&prmd=ivnsb&ei=2ljVTpmtHoXL sQLnmJz9Dg&sa=N n+the+middle+ages&btnG=Search&hl=en &gbv=2&prmd=ivnsb&ei=2ljVTpmtHoXL sQLnmJz9Dg&sa=N

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