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Vocabulary Biodiversity – The variety of plants and animals living in one area. Deforestation – Removing or clearing away the trees from a forest.

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4 Vocabulary Biodiversity – The variety of plants and animals living in one area. Deforestation – Removing or clearing away the trees from a forest. Deforestation is often done to clear land for farming or ranching. Sustainable development – Using resources in ways that meet the needs of people today without hurting the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. This means finding ways to use resources without using them up.

5 Vocabulary Tropical forest – A broadleaf evergreen forest found in wet and hot regions near the equator. Clear cutting – Cutting down all of the trees in an area Agribusiness – The business of farming on large farms with many machines and chemicals Indigenous people – Natives of an area who have been conquered or dominated by others who came later

6 Homework Create a picture for 4 vocabulary words. Can be in the form of pictures from the internet or hand drawn.

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