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Cultural Industries and their Contribution to the Creation of Decent Employment Third Inter-American Meeting of Ministers of Culture and Highest Appropriate.

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Presentation on theme: "Cultural Industries and their Contribution to the Creation of Decent Employment Third Inter-American Meeting of Ministers of Culture and Highest Appropriate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cultural Industries and their Contribution to the Creation of Decent Employment Third Inter-American Meeting of Ministers of Culture and Highest Appropriate Authorities Montreal, November 15th, 2006

2 I. Cultural Policy and Legislation Framework National Level Sectorial Level II. National Agenda Information and research Artistic formation and profesional training Creation /Production Circulation, promotion and comercialization Management III. Outcomes Development of new Productive Projects Ministerio de Cultura República de Colombia Ministry of Culture Republic of Colombia

3 National Level Political Constitution of Colombia (1991) More than 25 articles reflect the relevance of culture as one of the basis of nationality and as a right of society. In particular, Article 71 stresses the importance of promotion and incentives for people who work in cultural or artistic activities. General Law on Culture (1997) Its main objective is to support and encourage people, communities and institutions that develop or promote artistic and cultural expressions in the local, regional and national levels. I. Cultural Policy and Legislation Framework Ministerio de Cultura República de Colombia Ministry of Culture Republic of Colombia

4 I. Cultural Policy and Legislation Framework National Level National Plan on Culture. Towards a cultural democratic citizenship 2001- 2010. The Plan highlights the importance of promote micro, small and medium-sized cultural enterprises, design special credit lines that respect cultural specificity, and develope programs that enhance managerial skills The CONPES 3162 of 2002, “Guidelines for sustainability of the National Plan on Culture 2001-2010”, recognizes that the cultural sector is an investment catalyst and a source of employment that generates added value and propels economic growth and exports. Ministerio de Cultura República de Colombia Ministry of Culture Republic of Colombia

5 Sectorial Level The Law 814 of 2003 or Film Law establishes three main mechanisms to promote the Colombian film industry: 1. Creation of the Fund for Cinematography 2. Granting tax exemptions to investments and donations to cinematographic projects Thanks to the implementation of theses strategies, the national production has growth from 2 to 3 movies released per year to 8 to10. Ministerio de Cultura República de Colombia Ministry of Culture Republic of Colombia I. Cultural Policy and Legislation Framework

6 Sectorial Level The Law 98 of 1993 or Book Law sets specific actions to encourage the production and the exports of Colombian books. - Ex. Tariff reduction to the imports of machinery for editorial production The maintenance of a coherent and sustainable policy has allowed the strengthening of an editorial industry that has become one of the most competitive in Latin America. - Colombia contributed with 18% of the total editorial production of the Spanish speaking countries in Latin America (2003). Ministerio de Cultura República de Colombia Ministry of Culture Republic of Colombia I. Cultural Policy and Legislation Framework

7 Ministerio de Cultura República de Colombia Ministry of Culture Republic of Colombia II. National Agenda for Productivity and Competitiveness - Cultural sector, advertising and media - Objective: Prepare the domestic productive sector to face the challenges on competitiveness and productiveness that free trade agreements present The Agenda was built in a one and a half year process of consultation with the public and private sectors. That process resulted in private sector iniciatives that the Ministry of Culture wants to support in accordance with its policy strategies

8 II. National Agenda for Productivity and Competitiveness Ministerio de Cultura República de Colombia Ministry of Culture Republic of Colombia - Cultural sector, advertising and media - Components 1.Information and research 2.Artistic formation and profesional training 3.Creation/Production 4.Circulation, promotion and comercialization 5.Management

9 1. Information and Research Satellite Account on Culture For 2000, direct culture activities represented 1.92% of the GDP. The Account will make possible to trace the evolution of cultural activities and to estimate the number of new jobs created within the sector. In the future, it will also be possible to build an information system on the characteristics of those jobs and other indicators related to temporality and informality in the sector. Ministry of Culture Republic of Colombia

10 Ministerio de Cultura República de Colombia 1.Information and Research Mapping of Creative Industries “Guide for conducting regional mappings of Creative Industries” Regional mappings help improve the sources of information on which the Satellite Account on Culture is based and facilitate the identification of cultural activities with potential for development in different regions. Ministerio de Cultura República de Colombia Ministry of Culture Republic of Colombia

11 1. Information and Research Subsectorial Diagnostics “Economic Diagnostic of performing arts public shows in Bogotá and Medellín” The diagnostic shows that the main dificulties the sector faces are informality, excess of taxes, insuficient demand and poor trained audiences. This characterization will allow to propose alternatives, which are being consolidated, to improve the sector general situation and to stimulate its development at all levels of the productive chain. Ministerio de Cultura República de Colombia Ministry of Culture Republic of Colombia

12 2. Artistic Formation and Profesional Training Objectives: 1.To promote and facilitate the creation and consolidation of new business initiatives on cultural goods and services 2.To encourage and support quality projects that are profitable and sustainable 3.To strength competitiveness strategies and the development of the sector Ministerio de Cultura República de Colombia Ministry of Culture Republic of Colombia

13 2. Artistic formation and profesional training Strategies 1.Strengthening the National System of Artistic and Cultural Formation – SINFAC. 2.Incorporation of the cultural sector to the National System of Creation of Enterprises – SNCIE. 3.Professionalization Plan for the artistic and cultural education 4.Entrepreneurial training for the sector Ministerio de Cultura República de Colombia Ministry of Culture Republic of Colombia

14 Art and Part: Guide for entrepreneurship in arts and creative industries This Guide presents theoric and practical advice for the entrepreneur in arts and creative industries It is based in testimonies and articles of authors with experience and responsabilities in different areas of the artistic and cultural sector It points out ways to strength the sector and shows exemplary practices for new generations of artists, promoters and agents in the cultural sector Ministerio de Cultura República de Colombia Ministry of Culture Republic of Colombia 2. Artistic Formation and Profesional Training

15 3. Creation/Production Objectives: 1.To support the cultural development of the nation 2.To give special incentives to artists, researchers, managers and cultural institutions in the country Strategies: 1.Strengthening of the National System of Incentives to Creation and Research 2.Creation of strategic partnerships between public institutions, private sector and civil society Ministry of Culture Republic of Colombia

16 4. Circulation, Promotion and Comercialization Objectives 1.To develop and strengthen the production and distribution of cultural goods and services 2.To facilitate public access to cultural goods and services Strategies 1.Improvement of cultural infrastructure and resources 2.Promotion of audiences formation processes and of cultural consumption 3.Creation of the Country-Label Ministry of Culture Republic of Colombia

17 5. Management There are two lines of action that work together in management 5.1 Institutional Management It tries to establish a normative framework and to create financial credit lines in order to strengthen cultural industries Ex: Committee for the Support of Creative Industries Social Security for artists 5.2 Social Management It works with the multiple agents in the productive chain, to promote consolidation of networks, communitarian management and entrepreneurial management Ex: Colombian Coalition for Cultural Diversity

18 Ministerio de Cultura República de Colombia Ministry of Culture Republic of Colombia IV. OUTCOMES Policy recommendations derived from the research agenda have allowed the development of productive projects and other actions that try to consolidate cultural industries as promoters of economic growth and the creation of high quality jobs

19 Ministerio de Cultura República de Colombia IV. OUTCOMES Development of new Productive Projects Ministerio de Cultura República de Colombia Alternative Movie Theaters for the Cultural Diversity Strengthening of Local Music Independent Production Ministry of Culture Republic of Colombia

20 “…culture is one of the factors that make a country competitive and a capital city interesting to attract and retain creative people. So the motives for fostering cultural activities are not simply philanthropic or pity for “poor” artists. They also result from a crucial economic need” Testimony: Andrés Hoyos Manual for Enterprise in the Arts and Creative Industries

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