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Welcome to South Australia. Welcome to our South African Visitors 11 October 2004 Adelaide, South Australia Opening.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to South Australia. Welcome to our South African Visitors 11 October 2004 Adelaide, South Australia Opening."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to South Australia

2 Welcome to our South African Visitors 11 October 2004 Adelaide, South Australia Opening

3 Session 1: LG in SA Session 2: The LGA Strucure Session 3: Intergovernment Relationships Session 4: LGA project activities Program

4 1: LG in SA Australia is a “pluralist democracy”- i.e. citizens can go to any Government for help and Governments can disagree Areas of discrete powers Areas of joint responsibility Financial transfers Relationships unclear

5 1: LG in SA Structure: 68 Councils + ACDT + 5 Aboriginal Communities 68 = 15% area 97% of population 50 Country & 18 Metro Adelaide

6 1: LG in SA

7 Democratically elected body: 3 year terms; full adult franchise; secret postal ballot; proportional representation count & avge turnout 40%.

8 1: LG in SA Council Members only exercise power as a group Meetings open to public No overt party politics CEOs manage staff (~ 8000)

9 1: LG in SA Smallest: 1160 Pop; A$1.16m Largest: 150,000 Pop; A$80 m

10 1: LG in SA Revenue:

11 1: LG in SA Expenditure

12 1: LG in SA Infrastructure Assets

13 LG Functions include: Town Planning Local Roads Stormwater Sport & Recreation Waste Management Libraries Parks & Gardens Food inspection / Env Health

14 1: LG in SA Questions?

15 2: LGA ‘Voice’ of Local Government est. 1875 Membership organisation All 68 Councils are members - Plus Pitjantjatjara, Nepabunna and OACDT What?

16 2: LGA Representation - Voice of Local Government - to State & Federal Governments; - media etc Leadership - highlighting “best practice” to Councils - supporting networking Why?

17 2: LGA Information - visits, circulars, newsletter, website Corporate schemes - bulk purchasing Why?

18 2: LGA LG Act & Constitution General Meeting & AGM Policy Manual Executive Committee Structure

19 2: LGA Senior Executive Committee Metropolitan LG Group SAROC (country regions) Secretariat Structure

20 2: LGA Research Policy Development Vision/Strategies Lobbying/Representation Functions

21 2: LGA Information/Advocacy Services Project Management Functions

22 2: LGA LGA Budget A$2.2 million - LGA Subscriptions A$1.4 m - Business income A$0.4m 25 staff (incl. projects) 14% LG outlays via LG House LG Research & Dev. Scheme Capacity

23 2: LGA Information - web, paper, visits; Consult - surveys; forums; decisions at executive Represent - Minister’s Forum; Ministers; Officers; Parl’t; media How?

24 2: LGA Guide - Manuals; Models; Training; Conferences LG Research & Dev. Scheme How?

25 2: LGA Entities LG Finance Authority LG Corporate Services Superannuation Scheme Public Liability Insurance

26 2: LGA Entities Workers’ Compensation General Insurance Public Libraries Purchasing

27 2: LGA R & D Scheme LG’s own research agenda Tax Equivalent on LGFA About A$800,000 p.a. Principles, Purposes & Plan Benefit Sector as whole Strategic Policy work

28 2: LGA National State LGAs federated Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) Canberra office

29 2: LGA National Member of COAG Ministerial Councils Member ILUA-AUSPAC Mainly lobbying on funding

30 2: LGA Questions?

31 3: Intergovernment Civilised but unclear Funding important with Commonwealth State Parliaments manage legal framework Prime working relationships with State Governments

32 3: Intergovernment Councils/State agencies – day to day relationship History – ad hoc Growing role of LGA

33 3: Intergovernment State/Local Relations Agreement Local Government Forum LGA & Ministers

34 3: Intergovernment LGA Role Listening to Councils Liaising with State agencies Deal with “Government of the day” Unless blocked

35 3: Intergovernment LGA Role Representations to Ministers Lobby Parliament Public Campaign

36 3: Intergovernment S/L R Agreement Signed Premier & President Not legally binding Points to good practice Role for LG Forum Annual list of priorities

37 3: Intergovernment S/L R Agreement Aims to: “improve consultation arrangements, government communication practices and to build a closer, more productive and collaborative working relationship between State and Local Government.”

38 3: Intergovernment S/L R Agreement Co-ordination objectives Shared understandings Agreed principles Communication and consultation expectations

39 3: Intergovernment S/L R Agreement Improved financial relations Objectives, and Shared strategic directions

40 3: Intergovernment Annual Priorities Alignment of strategic plans Commonwealth relationships Governance Economic development

41 3: Intergovernment Annual Priorities Stormwater and STEDS Waste management Natural resources management Planning and development Housing

42 3: Intergovernment Annual Priorities Surplus Land Improved financial information Consultation guidelines on legislation

43 3: Intergovernment LG Forum 5 Ministers & others 5 LGA Executive Members 3 Senior State Officers 3 Senior Local Government Officers 2 Union representatives

44 3: Intergovernment LG Forum Agenda items agreed by OLG and LGA Papers jointly prepared Advice to Premier & Cabinet and LGA Executive Focus on Priorities Add value – not manage all

45 3: Intergovernment Questions?

46 4: Activities Selected issues Comparative Performance Measurement

47 4: Activities Selected issues Annual Rating Strategy

48 4: Activities Selected issues Asset Management

49 4: Activities Selected issues Bulk Electricity

50 4: Activities Selected issues Online Services

51 4: Activities Selected issues Communication

52 4: Activities Questions?


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