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1 Water Services Planning J. Mc Gowan Senior Engineer May 2015 Kildare County Council Water Services.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Water Services Planning J. Mc Gowan Senior Engineer May 2015 Kildare County Council Water Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Water Services Planning J. Mc Gowan Senior Engineer May 2015 Kildare County Council Water Services

2 2 Water Services - Assessment Water supply Foul sewage Surface Water J. McGowan SE B. Rea SEE T. Moore EE

3 1 st January 2014 IRISH WATER National Authority - Water & Wastewater Statutory body – responsible for all services – Budget Capital & Operations – Customer Complaints - work orders – Metering and Billing - Domestic Local Authority - agents under Service Level Agreement Irish Water monitor KCC performance under ASP 3

4 IRISH WATER - Planning Statutory Consultee - under Planning Act – Application for permission – Planning approval – Applications to An Bord Pleanala KCC refer Planning files to Irish Water WS Dept in KCC continue to assess planning applications and submit observations to Irish Water Irish Water will submit formal response to Local Authority 4

5 IW - Comments / Observations The following comments from IW are interpreted by Planning Dept and put as a condition on Planning files as required. 1. Where the applicant proposes to connect directly or indirectly to a public water/wastewater network operated by Irish Water, the applicant must sign a connection agreement with IW prior to the commencement of the development and adhere to the standards and conditions set out in that agreement. 2. In the interest of Public Health and Environmental Sustainability, Irish Water Infrastructure capacity requirements and proposed connections to the Water and Waste Water Infrastructure will be subject to the constraints of the Irish Water Capital Investment Programme. 5

6 Pre-Planning Protocol - Connections KCC & IW - jointly manage statutory consultations KCC to advise IW where significant impact – attend – Advise applicant of any issues – subject to confirmation – IW advise - Applicant shall fill out Pre-Connection Enquiry form for all significant developments If Potential Applicant requires a connection to IW network – KCC advise applicant to make contact with IW - if significant ! No development to take place until developer obtains a Connection agreement from Irish Water. 6

7 New Connection Agreements ( Water & Wastewater ) KCC as an agent for IW shall – Manage and act as main point of contact for Customer – Application forms can be downloaded from KCC website Completed application forms from developer – Should be returned to KCC - sent on to IW ( inc OS Maps ) IW will send out quotation & connection offer to customer – Connection fees, Payment method, Validity duration – Conditions, Direction to specifications, Instructions for works Water and Wastewater Development Charges – KCC will no longer levy such charges – Will now be part of connection charge KCC will process Road opening licence separately 7

8 8 Submission – Pre planning Pre Planning meeting - Site location map  Scale of development  Availability of services  Proposed flows / demand  Need for Flood Risk Assessment – submit if required Application to include  Design calculations  Pipe sizes, Pump stations etc  Drawings – services - on site & connection to outfall  Capacity of existing network – constraints  Longitudinal section – sewers SW pipes  Wayleave agreements as necessary

9 9 Water Supply Public supply – Metered – main & service – Min 24 hour storage - on site – Housing Estate min 100mm - looped Private supply – Water quality tests - HSE – KCC ground water Source Protection Policy Water Conservation – Dual flush systems, - Rainwater Harvesting – Water audit & leakage survey – Taps with water conservation mechanisms

10 10 Waste Water - Sewerage Connect to public supply  Only foul waste not surface water  Gravity or rising main  Drawings – Longitudinal sections etc Pump Station ( Design & Location )  New standard specification – KCC website - access, overflows, flow recorder, standby generator, dosing - septicity etc  Pre Planning meeting advised Waste Water Treatment plant  Licence / Regulation  Design/Construction standards – future maintenance  Pre planning meeting advised

11 11 Surface Water Drainage Storm Water Management Policy - GDSDS – Design & construct & maintain – Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems – SUDS – Attenuation – On site storage systems – 1 :100 year storm event – Post development flows not to exceed green field runoff Design – Min pipe size 225 mm – Return Period - 5 yr - allow 20% for Climate Change – Surcharge analysis Discharge – Public system – existing capacity - outfall – Arterial Drainage Act 1945 ( S. 50 ) – culvert sizes – On site - BRE Digest 365 - soakpits

12 12 FLOODING Assessment of Application  OPW website :  Local Knowledge  Flood maps – Local Area Plan / Dev Plan  CFRAMS - draft mapping available OPW Guidelines to Local Authorities “ Planning System and Flood Management Guidelines”  Flood Risk Assessment  High : only in exceptional circumstances  Moderate : vulnerable developments - inappropriate  Low : yes - engineering / planning criteria

13 13 General Policy Development Plan – Strategic Flood Risk Assessment – All villages & settlements - adequate water supply – Promote conservation of water - reduction in overall demand – One main municipal Sewerage plant per settlement – Management of Group Water schemes - Rural Water Strategic Plan – Co-operate with adjoining LAs - servicing of towns - water & sewerage Constraints - Sewer Capacity ( 2006 – 2014 ) – Case by Case basis – Large Developments - may be premature – Smaller Developments - conditions re phasing – Priority to Developments (a) Employment (b) Significant Community gain  IW Capital Investment Plan - CIP

14 Capital Schemes - WWTPs Osberstown ( 80,000 - 130,000 ) PE – Contract signed May 2014 – Q4 2015 : 100,000 Q4 2016 : 130,000 Leixlip ( 80,000 - 150,000 ) PE – Under construction – 27 month contract – Q3 2015 - full upgrade Minor Capital Schemes – Coill Dubh, Calverstown, Timolin, Rathcoffey, Athgarvan 14

15 Capital Network Schemes Upper Liffey Valley Sewerage Scheme – Contract 2A - Newbridge Eastern Int. Sewer Design Q4 2016 - 18 months – Contract 2B - ( Naas, Clane, Sallins, Kill ) Planning / Design Q2 2017 - 24 months Kildare Town Sewerage Scheme – Expected Contract sign Q4 2015 - 12 months 15

16 16 End of Presentation Thanks For your attention Questions & Answers

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