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Interdisciplinary Project Common Core Standards English Language Arts W 7.3, W 7.4, W 7.6, W 7.8 History/Social Studies WHST 7.2, WHST 7.7 Mathematics.

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Presentation on theme: "Interdisciplinary Project Common Core Standards English Language Arts W 7.3, W 7.4, W 7.6, W 7.8 History/Social Studies WHST 7.2, WHST 7.7 Mathematics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Interdisciplinary Project Common Core Standards English Language Arts W 7.3, W 7.4, W 7.6, W 7.8 History/Social Studies WHST 7.2, WHST 7.7 Mathematics 7.RP.A.2, 7.NS.A.1, 7.NS.A.3 Science WHST 7.9 By: A. Jackson-Jones English Language Arts Teacher

2 Interdisciplinary Project Connection MathematicsScienceSocial StudiesWriting 1.Find the cost of each food item per pound. 2.Convert the ounces you will purchase into pounds. 1. Research the importance of carbohydrates, protein, and vegetables in a balanced diet. 1. Complete a T-chart identifying five different jobs/careers and list their starting salaries. 1. Compile a report (three-3 paragraphs) with your findings. See below. 3. Multiply the number of pounds purchased by the cost per pound. 4. Add the amount of each food total together (subtotal). 5. Add 10% sales tax. 6. Record your final total. 7. How much would it cost to eat one healthy meal every day for a month? 2. Draw a pie chart indicating the percentage of each food that should be consumed in a healthy meal. Allow for healthy fats. 3. Which percentage is the highest? * Be sure to have a legend/key (color- coded) at the bottom of the page. 2. Research the minimum wage. 3. Draw a number line in increments of five years listing the minimum wage changes since 1985. 4. Can a minimum wage worker afford this healthy meal for a month-30 or 31 days? Why or why not? 1.Body’s needs 2.Components of a healthy meal 3.Food cost 4.Minimum wage changes 5.Include any questions you may have By: A. Jackson-Jones English Language Arts Teacher

3 Interdisciplinary Project Rubric OrganizationContentNeatness/Creativity 3-All information is organized and flows according to project guidelines. 3-All information is accurate with minimal (1-3) grammar errors in writing. All references cited. 3-Information is displayed in a creative and visually appealing manner. 2-Most information is organized and can be understood. 2-Most information is accurate with some (4- 6) grammar errors in writing. Some references cited. 2-Information is partially neat and creative. 1-Some information is disorganized and confusing. 1-Only some information is accurate with several (7+) grammar errors in writing. No references cited. 1-Some information is lacking in neatness and difficult to decipher. 100 total points available By: A. Jackson-Jones English Language Arts Teacher

4 Interdisciplinary Project Guidelines Step 1: Plan a healthy meal for a family/group of six people that includes 24 ounces of protein (4 oz. per person), 24 ounces of carbohydrates (4 oz. per person), and 48 ounces of vegetables (8 oz. per person). Step 2: Write your menu indicating your food choices (refer to the food choices listed or find approved substitutes). By: A. Jackson-Jones English Language Arts Teacher CarbohydratesProteinVegetables RiceBeefGreens Red/White PotatoesSeafoodGreen beans QuinoaPoultrySquash/zucchini PastaTurkeyCarrots Beans/PeasPorkSalad Sweet PotatoesEggsSpinach BreadLamb/Veal/LiverCabbage

5 Interdisciplinary Project Guidelines Step 3: Use the grocery store circulars/ads to find the sale price for your food choices. Step 4: Use technology (cell phone, laptop, tablet) to check other store websites to make sure you are getting the lowest price. By: A. Jackson-Jones English Language Arts Teacher Step 5: Step 6: Create a two-column (T-chart) indicating the type of food and calories consumed for your meal by using Google to find out the calories per serving for each food. Calculate the amount needed to buy all of the food to be consumed. (use a calculator or calculate by hand) Step 7: Step 8: Create a two-column (T-chart) indicating five different jobs and their starting salaries. Draw a pie chart depicting the percentage of each type of food to be consumed in a healthy meal. Step 9: Draw a number line with five year increments indicating the changes in minimum wage since 1985 to the present (2015): 1985, 1990, 1995, etc… Step 10: Write a report summarizing your findings about the food a body needs, healthy meal requirements, food cost, and minimum wage changes over the last 30 years. (Three-3 paragraph minimum)

6 Interdisciplinary Project Websites Online Resources: Additional Resources: 1.Any other credible online sites 2.Grocery Store Ads (name, dates valid) 3.Teachers (name/subject taught must be cited) 4.Text or books (title, author, publisher, year published) By: A. Jackson-Jones English Language Arts Teacher

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