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African- American adolescent Mothers, their Babies, and Their Babies’ Fathers Reactor: Yvonne Bronner, ScD, RD, LD Director - MPH/DrPH Program Morgan State.

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Presentation on theme: "African- American adolescent Mothers, their Babies, and Their Babies’ Fathers Reactor: Yvonne Bronner, ScD, RD, LD Director - MPH/DrPH Program Morgan State."— Presentation transcript:

1 African- American adolescent Mothers, their Babies, and Their Babies’ Fathers Reactor: Yvonne Bronner, ScD, RD, LD Director - MPH/DrPH Program Morgan State University Cosponsored by OMH & MCHB, HRSA, USDHHS January 27, 2000

2 Objectives Cultural sensitivity as an influence on research methodology Discuss how the evolution of infant feeding advice may relate to current practices Discuss how the evolution of low income, urban, adolescent, African American fatherhood scripts may impact practices Propose policy implications of infant feeding and fatherhood research

3 Cultural sensitivity as an influence on research methodology Study questions Sample selection Instruments Data analysis Interpretation of findings Conclusions Dissemination of results

4 Cultural sensitivity as an influence on research methodology Since human lives are inextricably bound within the context of social relations and culture, are we concerned enough about understanding the social determinants of behaviors observed in research studies? (Kaufman, 1999)

5 Cultural Sensitivity and the Study Questions Are the study questions designed to advance our understanding of phenomena important to informing the content of programs and services for the target population?

6 Cultural sensitivity and the sample Is the sample appropriate to answer the research question? Fathers/father figures? -- title Adolescent? Children at risk of HIV through maternal substance abuse -- respondent burden FTT household? Independent effect of psycho/social factors on cognitive/dev. outcomes?

7 Cultural sensitivity as an influence on instruments, data analysis, interpretation Have instruments been normed on the target population? Is respondent burden appropriate? Is there a clear relationship between conceptual model/theory and analytic design Is the interpretation of findings fair?

8 Cultural sensitivity as an influence on conclusions drawn and dissemination of results Are conclusions fair and take account of contextural determinants? Are results disseminated to the target community?

9 Discuss how the evolution of infant feeding advice may relate to current practices Advice on the introduction of solids is documented for the last 50 years (AAP, 1958) Controversy - early versus late Rationale - renal solute load, obesity, physiologic and developmental readiness, Is the early introduction of solids only an African American low-income phenomenon?

10 How the evolution of low income, urban, adolescent, African American fatherhood scripts may impact practices Fatherhood - an iterative script sanctioned by society.

11 How the evolution of low income, urban, adolescent, African American fatherhood scripts may impact practices African fatherhood as a respected role Slavery and African American fatherhood Racism and African American fatherhood Impact of government programs and policies on African American Fatherhood Impact of adolescence on African American fatherhood

12 Policy implications research African American males - an endangered specie - DWB/profiling, a recent example Low-income African American males at even higher risk - poor education, high unemployment, substance abuse, poor health, high incarceration rates, etc Low-income adolescent African American male????????

13 Policy implications research Make more low- income families functional. The research shows that when mothers are educated and fathers have substantive roles - children do better. Educate parents Provide jobs with living wages Provide adequate housing Make policies that support these outcomes

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