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SEX in Invisible Man.

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1 SEX in Invisible Man

2 Nude Dancer Eyes Tattoo Invisible Man forced to look at her
mixed feelings..protect? Scold?

3 Quotes “I wanted at one and the same time to run from the room, to sink through the floor, or go to her and cover her from my eyes and the eyes of the others with my body; to feel the soft thighs, to caress her and destroy her, and yet to stroke where below the small American flag tattooed upon her belly her thighs, formed a capital V.” (19).

4 Trueblood’s Story Incest
Insult to white men - as they used to have their slaves sleep with their own children Tries to explain and justify with a dream Treated better by the white people, although rejected by the black people

5 Quotes “‘...and I can’t move ‘cause I figgers if I moved it would be a sin. And I figgers too, that if I don’t move it maybe ain’t no sin, ‘cause it happened when I was asleep - although maybe sometimes a man can look at a little ole pigtail gal and see him a whore-you’all know that?’” (59).

6 The Whores at the Golden Day
“I seldom went there myself except with some of the fellows when word got out that a new bunch of girls had arrived from New Orleans.” (73). “‘...I’m the best little home-maker in the business...Pay me then! If he’s too good for me, let him pay!’” (96).

7 Going to New York “‘And listen,’ he said, leaning close to whisper, ‘you might even dance with a white girl!’” (152). A dream of equality with white men - being able to dance with ‘their women’.

8 More New York “...being crushed against a huge woman in black ...who smiled while I stared with horror...” (158). The lady didn’t scream or seem at all distressed when they were so close that they could have kissed. Another sign of more equality with white men.

9 Young Mr. Emerson Invited to Club Calamus - a white man’s club. Someone actually feels sorry for him, yet IM is too upset to actually appreciate.

10 Dancing with a White Girl
Asked to dance by a white punishment - more feelings of equality “...Emma challenged me to a dance...For having committed myself, I felt that I could never allow myself to show surprise or upset...” (315).

11 “Primitive” Qualities
The first time a white woman has ever been openly attracted to him...she claims it’s his speech however she’s attracted to his “primitive” qualities - tried to seduce him. Her husband is not even upset when he walks in on them. He does not stop to think how getting involved with a white woman will affect his credibility, not to mention his safety.

12 ( ) = SEX Confused between what he should do, and what he wants to do “...feeling her swirl against me and I was lost, for the conflict between the ideological and the biological, duty and desire, had become to subtly confused.” (416). Decides to have SEX “...Let them break down the door, whosoever will, let them come.” (416).

13 The End

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