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Oil Sands – Saviour or Scourge? Dirty Oil? Ethical Oil? The industry’s best alternative? William Schoenhardt, King City SS

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Presentation on theme: "Oil Sands – Saviour or Scourge? Dirty Oil? Ethical Oil? The industry’s best alternative? William Schoenhardt, King City SS"— Presentation transcript:

1 Oil Sands – Saviour or Scourge? Dirty Oil? Ethical Oil? The industry’s best alternative? William Schoenhardt, King City SS Oil Sands - Saviour or Scourge?

2 AGENDA Expectations / Rationale Oil Sands – a background Oil Sands: current state / future state Learning Activities Summatives Oil Sands - Saviour or Scourge?

3 Rationale & Links Current, real, in the news BIG Business Our lifestyle! Environment Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy Emerging Markets Canada’s GDP; F.Ex International Relations  Key Stone pipeline, Northern Gateway Pipeline Oil Sands - Saviour or Scourge?

4 Industry Western Canada home to the world’s second largest proven oil reserve – 173 billion barrels! – 150 years of production! – Canada in top 5 oil production by 2020 – Size of Florida! Bitumen – “molasses like oil mixed with sand, water and clay” HUGE capital investments Oil Sands - Saviour or Scourge?

5 Industry Bitumen – “molasses like oil mixed with sand, water and clay” HUGE capital investments Oil Sands - Saviour or Scourge?

6 Industry cont’d.. Price ($30 in 2008) Ft. McMurray growth  inflation #1 American supplier (18%) Canadian dollar & GDP Oil Sands - Saviour or Scourge?

7 DIRTY OIL “Tar Sands” Energy intensive – natural gas GHG emissions Water intensive Toxic tailings ponds Pit mine  “overburden” Pipelines  refineries USA & Asia in situ extraction First nations & the Boreal Forest Oil Sands - Saviour or Scourge?

8 ETHICAL OIL “Oil Sands” Best alternative Good Jobs, increased GDP Rule of law Environmental standards “made in Canada” Oil Sands - Saviour or Scourge?

9 Suncor pursues a triple bottom line vision of sustainable development – energy development should occur in a way that provides economic prosperity, promotes social well-being and preserves a healthy environment Leading Canadian company >60% of production market capitalization Sustainability report Oil Sands - Saviour or Scourge?

10 The Tipping Point The Tipping Point CBC The Nature of Things  Video  CBC learning work sheet Oil Sands - Saviour or Scourge?


12 Sustainability “business adds values” Sustainability report investigation Syncrude and Suncor SyncrudeSuncor Oil Sands - Saviour or Scourge?

13 Stakeholders Introduction with The LoraxLorax Round table  stakeholder perspectives Individuals  us! Oil Sands - Saviour or Scourge?

14 DEBATE The Resolution: Corporations add values 1. Be it resolved that, the oil sands are the most ethical (and viable) oil source in the world today and should continue to be aggressively developed. 2.Be it resolved that Suncor Energy’s pursuit of a ‘triple bottom line’ is... EVALUATION  Oil Sands - Saviour or Scourge?

15 The Resolution: Corporations add values FOR = “ETHICAL OIL”  The development of the oil sands is the most ethical source of oil and should be further developed AGAINST = “DIRTY OIL  The oil sands are a scourge to the environment, social well- fare and an abomination to Canada; Development should be severely curtailed.

16 CASE STUDY The Alberta Oil Sands (also referred to as the “Tar Sands”) has received much attention in its development. Critics claim it is the “dirtiest” oil and an environmental threat. Supporters claim that it is the most secure, source of energy and that development is being done in an “ethical” and “sustainable” manner. Complete a formal case study report on the attached article (40 marks, 60 minutes). EVALUATION  Oil Sands - Saviour or Scourge?

17 Next steps Extensions What could I / we do? Local solution  school green team? Avatar (the movie) Who killed the electric car? (the movie) Green Energy industry  Volt; photovoltaic Oil Sands - Saviour or Scourge?

18 Various Resources.... Ethical Oil, Ezra Levant Tar Sands: Dirty Oil and the Future of a Continent, Andrew Nikiforuk Tipping Point: the age of the oil Sands CBC The Nature of Things When Less is More, CBC The Nature of Things Crude Awakening: Alberta’s Oil Patch, CBC The National Oil Sands - Saviour or Scourge?

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