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Kyle, Fabio, Maisa and Daniel. The Real Macbeth… and the other one.

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1 Kyle, Fabio, Maisa and Daniel. The Real Macbeth… and the other one

2 Mac Bethad Mac Findláich (the real one). Macbeth was the King of the Scots, aka the King of Alba aka the King of Moray aka the King of Fortriu (just call him Macbeth.) He was born around 1005 and quit possibly Malcolm II’s grandson. During his reign, he promoted Christianity and sustained an efficient government. Sadly, he is known for William Shakespeare’s play of a character whom ironically bares little to no resemblance of who Macbeth really was.

3 The Other One… Shakespeare’s dramatization of Macbeth lacked courage, brains, and valor which lucidly epitomized by having no say in his marriage. His greed and his stupidity led to the demise of his noble status. This was due to the antics and shenanigans of his unscrupulous, underhanded, deceitful, amoral, wife.

4 Differences. The Real MacbethThe Other One This was a real man who led a rebellion against a King Duncan who was as successful and prestigious as he ought to be. Duncan was killed while leading his troops to curb the rebellious antics of Macbeth. The first significant attempt to oust Macbeth was when late King Duncan’s father led a rebellion against Macbeth which resulted in Crinan, Duncan’s father, quit simply dying. This one was a fictional character created by playwright William Shakespeare intended to delight the king.

5 More Differences…… The Real MacbethThe Other One(s) (Since Shakespeare's Macbeth was a fictional, many actors have played him. With that in mind, there have been so many that their faces cant fit in this box!) Facial resemblance was another difference.

6 Work Cited BBC. "Macbeth (c.1005 - 1057)." BBC News. BBC, 2013. Web. 28 Oct. 2013 "King Macbeth." Macbeth. Ed. Alistair Murray and Cameron Taylor. Highlands and Islands Enterprise's Tourism, 2002. Web. 04 Nov. 2013. "Macbeth 'the Red King' - Mac Bethad Mac Findlaích (d. 1057)." Macbeth 'the Red King' Scotish Government, 2012. Web. 04 Nov. 2013.

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