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Moving the Metals Industry Forward Metals in Motion Great paying jobs…really cool work!

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Presentation on theme: "Moving the Metals Industry Forward Metals in Motion Great paying jobs…really cool work!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Moving the Metals Industry Forward Metals in Motion Great paying jobs…really cool work!

2 Branding Identify ‘Name’ for project w- tagline Create logo/brand identity Animate logo for multimedia Create unique jingle for multimedia Click here jingle STATUS: COMPLETE ESTIMATED: $6,500.00 INVOICED: $6,500.00 *prepayment of $3,250 was used for jingle creation

3 Print Create a one-of-a-kind presentation binder that can be customized Develop individual inserts - education opportunities - training opportunities - other Direct Mailer - mailings and handouts Bi-fold General Brochure STATUS: 30%-progress ESTIMATED: $22,400.00 INVOICED: $4,027.00 REMAINING: $8,000.00 PROJECTED TOTAL: $14,027.00 DIFFERENCE: +$8,373.00

4 Radio Citadel Broadcasting 4 stations Forever Broadcasting 6 stations COOL 101.7 11 one-on-one call ins Click here for radio commercial STATUS: COMPLETE others in production ESTIMATED: $16,250.00 INVOICED: $21,236.77 REMAINING: $5,948.00 DIFFERENCE: -$10,934.77

5 TV WJET Market Penetration Production Capabilities Armstrong/Comcast STATUS: COMPLETE others in production ESTIMATED: $30,030.00 INVOICED: $14,590.00 REMAINING: $25,940.00 DIFFERENCE: -$10,500.00

6 Brian DeaneRob Smith

7 Rob Smith- Nick DavisJerry Knight

8 Tracy CoonBattlebots IQ

9 Web Secure domain/host STATUS: COMPLETE ongoing updates ESTIMATED: $14,400.00 INVOICED: $7,036.00 PROJECTED: $2,000.00 DIFFERENCE: +$5,364.00

10 Trade/Display Tabletop Display Presentation CD/Loop STATUS: COMPLETE ESTIMATED: $2,000 INVOICED: $1,416.09 DIFFERENCE: +$583.91

11 Promotional Items/Giveaways USB Keys 1,000 quantity STATUS: 0 % ESTIMATED: $8,500.00 INVOICED: $0 PROJECTED: $7,800.00 DIFFERENCE: +$700.00

12 Other Movie Screen Ads Ad Placement STATUS: ongoing ESTIMATED: $5,000.00 INVOICED: $2,251.00 REMAINING: $2,749.00

13 Newspaper Erie Times Meadville Tribune/Titusville STATUS: 0% ESTIMATED: $4,000.00 INVOICED: $0 REMAINING: $4,000


15 Contingency/Misc To be used for reprints, special media package buys, postage, etc. STATUS: 0% ESTIMATED: $15,000.00 * these funds have been used to increase our radio/TV exposure INVOICED: N/A REMAINING: $619.86

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