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Instructions Demonstration August 2013
8/15/2013 Senior Companion Program Performance Measure Surveys: Using the Spreadsheet Instructions Demonstration August 2013 SCP Performance Measure Surveys: Using the Spreadsheet
Session Agenda Technical Assistance
8/15/2013 Session Agenda Technical Assistance Overview of the Client-Caregiver Surveys Spreadsheet (purpose, location, due date) How to use the Spreadsheet Data Entry Steps Demonstration Q & A Agenda: Technical Assistance available to you Client-Caregiver Surveys Spreadsheet overview (purpose, location, due date) How to use the spreadsheet Data entry steps, including what to do with it when you are finished Demonstration Q & A 8/15/2013 SCP Performance Measure Surveys: Using the Spreadsheet SCP Performance Measure Surveys: Using the Spreadsheet
Technical Assistance Senior Corps Survey Help Desk Website
8/15/2013 Technical Assistance Senior Corps Survey Help Desk Telephone: Monday – Friday, 10 AM – 8 PM Eastern Website evaluations TA resources are available to you. Senior Corps Survey Help Desk - call or . Visit the website for materials to help with data collection and aggregation. 8/15/2013 SCP Performance Measure Surveys: Using the Spreadsheet SCP Performance Measure Surveys: Using the Spreadsheet
SCP Performance Measure Surveys: Using the Spreadsheet
Overview Enter data from the SCP Performance Measure Surveys into the spreadsheet Summarizes results for H9 and H14 spreadsheet to CNCS at by Sept. 30, 2013. Spreadsheet and instructions are on the website: evaluations As you know, there are two new performance measure surveys. All Senior Companion projects beginning grants in 2013 use one or both of these performance measure surveys. The Senior Companion Program Independent Living Performance Measure Survey measures H9, “Number of homebound or older adults and individuals with disabilities who reported having increased social ties/perceived social support.” Clients who receive independent living services complete this survey. The Senior Companion Program Respite Performance Measure Survey measures H14, “Number of caregivers of homebound or older adults and individuals with disabilities who reported having increased social ties/perceived social support.” Caregivers who receive respite services complete this survey. Overview of the Client-Caregiver Surveys Spreadsheet: You will need to enter data from SCP Independent Living Performance Measure Survey (H9) and/or SCP Respite Performance Measure Survey (H14). The purpose of the spreadsheet is to aggregate survey data, summarize results for H9 and H14. The person who enters data should be familiar with Excel but doesn’t need to be an expert. When you are finished, you will need to send completed spreadsheet to CNCS to by Sept. 30, 2013. Be sure you do not include client/caregiver names or other identifiers. Location of spreadsheet and instructions: 8/15/2013 SCP Performance Measure Surveys: Using the Spreadsheet
Data Entry Steps Finish collecting the surveys.
8/15/2013 Data Entry Steps Finish collecting the surveys. Download and save the spreadsheet. Rename with grant number. View the three worksheets: Summary, Client Survey, and Caregiver Survey. Fill in yellow cells in the Summary worksheet. Enter data from the SCP Independent Living Performance Measure Surveys into the Client Survey worksheet. Enter data from the SCP Respite Performance Measure Surveys into the Caregiver Survey worksheet. Review the spreadsheet. the spreadsheet to CNCS at by Sept. 30, These are the steps involved in entering the data into the spreadsheet. Finish collecting the surveys. Download and save the spreadsheet; rename it using your grant number. Familiarize yourself with the spreadsheet by taking a look at the three worksheets: Summary, Client Survey and Caregiver Survey. If you did both surveys, you’ll put data in all three worksheets. If you only did one survey, you’ll put data in the Summary worksheet and the worksheet for that survey. Fill in the yellow cells in the Summary worksheet. Enter data from the SCP Independent Living Performance Measure Surveys into the Client Survey worksheet. Enter data from the SCP Respite Performance Measure Surveys into the Caregiver Survey worksheet. After you enter the data, review the spreadsheet and prepare to it. the spreadsheet to CNCS at by Sept. 30, 2013. 8/15/2013 SCP Performance Measure Surveys: Using the Spreadsheet SCP Performance Measure Surveys: Using the Spreadsheet
8/15/2013 Data Entry Steps 1. Finish collecting surveys. 2. Download and save the spreadsheet at: evaluations. Rename it using your grant number. Example: 12SCPANJ001.xls The data entry steps we will demonstrate follow the written instructions, also available at Step 1. Finish collecting your client surveys, if you are measuring H9, and your caregiver surveys, if you are measuring H14. Step 2. Download the spreadsheet, and save it to your desktop using your grant number. Don’t get the grant number mixed up with the application number. Here is an example of a grant number: 12SCPANJ001. 8/15/2013 SCP Performance Measure Surveys: Using the Spreadsheet SCP Performance Measure Surveys: Using the Spreadsheet
3. View worksheets by clicking on tabs.
8/8/2013 3. View worksheets by clicking on tabs. Step 3. Open the spreadsheet. Notice there are 3 tabs at the bottom for the Client Survey, Caregiver Survey, and Summary sheets. You will use the Client Survey sheet if you are entering client surveys for H9, and the Caregiver Survey sheet for caregiver surveys if you are measuring H14. This is the Summary sheet, which everyone will use. Summary tab 8/15/2013 SCP Performance Measure Surveys: Using the Spreadsheet SCP Performance Measure Surveys: Using the Spreadsheet
4. Fill in the Summary Sheet (yellow cells).
8/15/2013 4. Fill in the Summary Sheet (yellow cells). Fill in yellow cells. Step 4. Fill in the Summary sheet Fill in yellow cells (boxes) only. Other cells will populate automatically once data is entered (we’ll come back to this). The yellow cells you should fill in are: Your project information: the grant number, sponsoring organization name, city and state; The total number of clients you serve, and the number who you have been serving for at least one year; The total number of caregivers you serve, if you provide respite care, and the total number you have been serving for at least one year; The number surveys that clients and caregivers completed in each language. 8/15/2013 SCP Performance Measure Surveys: Using the Spreadsheet SCP Performance Measure Surveys: Using the Spreadsheet
Client Survey example (page 2)
8/15/2013 Client Survey example (page 2) Enter the code number response in the spreadsheet: 1, 2, 3, or 4. If no response, leave it blank If unclear, leave it blank Step 5. Enter survey data. Let’s start with the Client Survey. The SCP Independent Living Performance Measure Survey (client survey) measures H9. There are two pages, with 13 responses to enter into the spreadsheet. Page 1 (not shown) has one question where the client is asked how many hours per week their Senior Companion visits. For that question (#1), you will enter the number of hours they wrote in. This is a completed example of page 2 of the survey. For these questions, #2-13, you will need to enter a code number: 1, 2, 3, or 4. Note that in this example question 7 wasn’t answered, and in question 9, it isn’t clear what the client wants to answer. In both of these cases, you would not enter anything into the spreadsheet. You would leave the cells for those responses blank. 8/15/2013 SCP Performance Measure Surveys: Using the Spreadsheet SCP Performance Measure Surveys: Using the Spreadsheet
5. Enter Client Survey data into the Client Survey Sheet.
8/15/2013 5. Enter Client Survey data into the Client Survey Sheet. Enter data going across. Each survey gets a row. Enter the code number or use the drop-down menu. Here is the Client Survey sheet where you enter data from SCP Independent Living Performance Measure Survey (the client survey). Enter data going across; that is, each survey gets a row. Note the columns have questions and question numbers to show you where the answer to each question goes. For each completed survey, enter the answer to each question in the correct cell using the number code. You can either select the number from the drop down menu, or you can type the number in. You will only be able to enter numbers shown in the dropdown menu. If you type in an invalid number - for example, you enter a “5” where only 1, 2, 3, or 4 are allowed - an error message will alert you so you can correct it right away. 8/15/2013 SCP Performance Measure Surveys: Using the Spreadsheet SCP Performance Measure Surveys: Using the Spreadsheet
Client Survey Sheet Enter the actual number for Question #1
8/15/2013 Client Survey Sheet Enter the actual number for Question #1 Enter the survey’s code number for Questions 2-13. As we noted earlier, for question 1, enter the actual number of hours the client wrote in. For questions 2-13, enter the number code that is on the survey. This will be a 1, 2, 3, or 4 that the client marked on page 2 of the survey. Remember, if the answer in the survey is left blank or if it is not clear which answer the client wanted, leave the cell blank. Don’t assume. 8/15/2013 SCP Performance Measure Surveys: Using the Spreadsheet SCP Performance Measure Surveys: Using the Spreadsheet
Client Survey Sheet Result Calculates automatically 8/15/2013
Notice the “Result” column at the far right. You do not need to do anything here. This column automatically calculates a “yes” or “no” based on the data you entered for the survey. “Yes” means the target for H9, the independent living outcome, was met for that survey; “no” means the target was not met for that survey. The default is “no” when no data is entered. 8/15/2013 SCP Performance Measure Surveys: Using the Spreadsheet SCP Performance Measure Surveys: Using the Spreadsheet
Client Survey Sheet Survey Mode Client Identifier 8/15/2013
Let’s look at the two columns on the far left: Survey Mode and Client Identifier. Survey Mode is the way the survey was given to the client – a self-report on paper or online, or an interview in person or over the telephone. A self-report means the client filled it out on their own. An interview means someone read the questions to the client and marked down their answers. Fill in this column if you have this information. For example, if you know that the surveys were done as interviews over the telephone, you would enter a “4”, the code for “interview (phone)”. If you aren’t sure, leave it blank. The Client Identifier column is already filled in and you don’t have to do anything here. However, you could use these numbers to keep track of which surveys have been entered. To do this, write the ID number on the corner of each survey before you start entering the data. If you are interrupted while you are entering the data, you won’t lose your place. Client Identifier 8/15/2013 SCP Performance Measure Surveys: Using the Spreadsheet SCP Performance Measure Surveys: Using the Spreadsheet
Client Survey Sheet – Completed Example
8/15/2013 Client Survey Sheet – Completed Example This is an example of a completed Client sheet. This project had 40 client surveys. We can see that right away because the number of the last survey entered – the Client Identifier number – says 0040. There are also some cells left blank. This means the client either did not respond to that question or the response on the survey wasn’t clear. Also note the Result column – some surveys met the target and some did not. 8/15/2013 SCP Performance Measure Surveys: Using the Spreadsheet SCP Performance Measure Surveys: Using the Spreadsheet
Caregiver Survey example (page 2)
8/15/2013 Caregiver Survey example (page 2) Step 6. Enter Caregiver Surveys into the Caregiver Survey sheet. Let’s look at the other survey, which is done the same way. This is the Senior Companion Program Respite Performance Measure Survey. This survey is given to caregivers and measures outcome H14. Like the other survey, there are two pages, but this survey has 12 questions in total instead of 13. The first question on page 1 (not shown) asks the caregiver for the number of hours the Senior Companion spends providing respite. Questions 2-12 on page 2, shown here, ask the caregiver how much they agree or disagree with a series of statements. Like the other survey, the answers have number codes: 1, 2, 3, or 4. 8/15/2013 SCP Performance Measure Surveys: Using the Spreadsheet SCP Performance Measure Surveys: Using the Spreadsheet
6. Enter Caregiver Survey data into the Caregiver Survey Sheet
8/15/2013 6. Enter Caregiver Survey data into the Caregiver Survey Sheet This is the Caregiver Survey Sheet. Data for the caregiver survey are entered here. Enter data going across; each survey gets a row. Note the columns have questions and question numbers to show you where the answer to each question goes. Like the Client Survey, you will enter the actual number for Question 1 – that is, the number of hours the caregiver wrote in for question 1. For questions 2-12, enter the number code: 1, 2 ,3, or 4, that the caregiver marked on the survey. You can either select the number from the drop down menu, or you can type the number in. If you type in an invalid number, an error message will alert you so you can correct it right away. Like the Client Survey sheet, there are also “Survey Mode” and “Client Identifier” columns. If you know the survey mode, enter the correct code. If you find it helpful, use the Client Identifier number to help you track which surveys were entered. There is also a “Result” column, which calculates automatically based on the data entered. A “yes” means the survey met the H14 target; a “no” means it did not meet the target. 8/15/2013 SCP Performance Measure Surveys: Using the Spreadsheet SCP Performance Measure Surveys: Using the Spreadsheet
Caregiver Survey Sheet – Completed Example
8/15/2013 Caregiver Survey Sheet – Completed Example This is an example of a completed Caregiver sheet. This project had 20 Caregiver Surveys. We can see that right away because the number of the last survey entered – the Client Identifier number – says 0020. There are also some cells left blank. This means the caregiver either did not respond to that question or the response on the survey wasn’t clear. And the Result column shows that some surveys met the target and some did not. 8/15/2013 SCP Performance Measure Surveys: Using the Spreadsheet SCP Performance Measure Surveys: Using the Spreadsheet
Summary Sheet Numbers in white cells are automatically calculated.
8/15/2013 Summary Sheet Numbers in white cells are automatically calculated. Number that met outcome is from “Result” column Let’s go back to the Summary Sheet now that data is entered. The numbers in the white cells are automatically calculated from the Client and Caregiver Survey sheets based on the data entered. This includes: The response rate, which is the number of surveys entered divided by the total number of clients or caregivers served for at least one year (i.e. the total number eligible to do a survey). The average hours that clients or caregivers are served is calculated from responses to question 1. The total numbers of individuals reporting increased social ties/perceived social support respond to the H9 and H14 outcomes. These are the numbers that met the target - “yes” from the “Result” column. The percent of individuals reporting increased social ties/perceived social support is calculated by dividing the number that met the target by the total number who completed the survey. Note where it says “Report this number”. These are the numbers you will report for H9 and H14 when you do the Progress Report (PPR) in eGrants. Report From question 1 8/15/2013 SCP Performance Measure Surveys: Using the Spreadsheet SCP Performance Measure Surveys: Using the Spreadsheet
7. Review the Spreadsheet
8/15/2013 7. Review the Spreadsheet Has each survey been entered completely into the rows on Client and Caregiver sheets (except non-response)? Are all yellow cells on Summary sheet are filled in? Does the data in auto-populated (white) cells look correct? Did you confirm that no client/caregiver identifiers are included in the spreadsheet? Has the file been renamed using correct grant number? Is the file saved to a safe location? Have hard copies of the surveys been stored in a safe location? 8. the spreadsheet as an attachment to CNCS at by Sept. 30, 2013. We are almost finished. Step 7. The next step is to get ready to the spreadsheet. Make sure you: Fill in the rows for each survey in the Client and Caregiver Survey sheets (except when there was no response or the response was illegible). Complete all yellow cells in the Summary sheet. Also check the white cells that are automatically populated to make sure they look correct. If not, you may need to go back to the sheets where you entered data and investigate. You can also call us at the Senior Corps Survey Help Desk and we can help you troubleshoot. Do not include client/caregiver names or other identifiers in the spreadsheet you send. Name it with the correct grant number. Save an electronic copy of the spreadsheet file for your records in a safe location. Keep hard copies of the surveys in a safe place. Step 8. Last, the spreadsheet as an attachment to CNCS at by September 30, 2013. 8/15/2013 SCP Performance Measure Surveys: Using the Spreadsheet SCP Performance Measure Surveys: Using the Spreadsheet
8/15/2013 Survey Results Results for H9 and H14 are automatically calculated (Summary sheet); this satisfies the performance measure requirement. Other ways to use the survey data: Percent of clients that report, “I can remain living in my own home.” Percent of caregivers that report, “The person I care for is able to remain at home.” Overall satisfaction with Senior Companion volunteer and Program A few final notes… As we saw, the spreadsheet calculates results for performance measures H9 and H14, the numbers you will report in eGrants in your Progress Report (PPR) when you normally report. However, you can use this data for more than reporting the H9/H14 number who met target. You may want to use survey results for other reports to stakeholders. For example, you can calculate the number/percent of clients who said “Because I have a Senior Companion volunteer, I can remain living in my own home” (question 6 of the client survey). Or you can report the percent of caregivers that say “The person I care for is able to remain at home” (question 10 of the caregiver survey) because they have a Senior Companion volunteer assisting. You can also report results from questions on satisfaction with the volunteers and the Senior Companion Program overall. 8/15/2013 SCP Performance Measure Surveys: Using the Spreadsheet SCP Performance Measure Surveys: Using the Spreadsheet
You can calculate results for any survey item.
8/15/2013 You can calculate results for any survey item. 1. Count how many: 1’s for “strongly disagree” 2’s for “somewhat disagree” 3’s for “agree” 4’s for “strongly agree” 2. To get the percentage, divide the number who said __ by the total number who responded to that question. 3. Write a statement: 75% of our clients (30 of 40 who responded) “strongly agreed” that … You can calculate results for any survey item. This is an example of one simple way. Count how many people answered “strongly agree” (coded as a “4”) in the column for that question. Divide the number who “strongly agreed” by the total number of people who answered that question. Write a statement describing what you found. 8/15/2013 SCP Performance Measure Surveys: Using the Spreadsheet SCP Performance Measure Surveys: Using the Spreadsheet
8/15/2013 Example This is an example of one simple way to present results using 3 questions on the client survey. Of the 40 clients that responded to the survey, most “agreed” or “strongly agreed” that because they have a Senior Companion, they are able to do more of things they want to do (78%); they are more satisfied with their lives (81%); and they can remain living in their own homes (90%). 8/15/2013 SCP Performance Measure Surveys: Using the Spreadsheet SCP Performance Measure Surveys: Using the Spreadsheet
Resources Senior Corps Survey Help Desk Website
8/15/2013 Resources Senior Corps Survey Help Desk Telephone: Monday – Friday, 10 AM – 8 PM Eastern Website evaluations Remember there are resources to help you. Call or us with questions, and visit the website for other technical assistance materials. 8/15/2013 SCP Performance Measure Surveys: Using the Spreadsheet SCP Performance Measure Surveys: Using the Spreadsheet
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