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Copyright Prentice Hall 2004 Abnormal Psychology Fourth Edition Oltmanns and Emery.

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Presentation on theme: "Copyright Prentice Hall 2004 Abnormal Psychology Fourth Edition Oltmanns and Emery."— Presentation transcript:

1 Copyright Prentice Hall 2004 Abnormal Psychology Fourth Edition Oltmanns and Emery

2 Copyright Prentice Hall 2004 PowerPoint Presentation Prepared By Fred W. Whitford Montana State University

3 Copyright Prentice Hall 2004 Chapter 15 Mental Retardation and Pervasive Developmental Disorders This multimedia product and its contents are protected under copyright law. The following are prohibited by law: any public performance or display, including transmission of any image over a network; preparation of any derivative work, including the extraction, in whole or in part, of any images; any rental, lease, or lending of the program.

4 Copyright Prentice Hall 2004 Case Study:Case Study: –A Mother with Mild Mental Retardation *Overview

5 Copyright Prentice Hall 2004 Typical Symptoms and Associated FeaturesTypical Symptoms and Associated Features –American Association of Mental Retardation (AAMR) Mental RetardationMental Retardation* Mental Retardation

6 Copyright Prentice Hall 2004 –Significantly Subaverage IQ Measuring of IntelligenceMeasuring of Intelligence –Normal Distribution Controversies About Intelligence TestsControversies About Intelligence Tests –Culture-Fair Tests –Limitations in Adaptive Skills –Onset Before Age 18 Years * Mental Retardation

7 Copyright Prentice Hall 2004* The Normal Distribution of IQ Scores

8 Copyright Prentice Hall 2004* DSM-IV-TR Criteria for Mental Retardation

9 Copyright Prentice Hall 2004 Research Methods:Research Methods: –Central Tendency, Variability, and Standard Scores * Mental Retardation

10 Copyright Prentice Hall 2004 ClassificationClassification –Brief Historical Perspective “Idiot,“ “Fool,“ “Moron,“ and “Imbecile”“Idiot,“ “Fool,“ “Moron,“ and “Imbecile” Early Classification EffortsEarly Classification Efforts* Mental Retardation

11 Copyright Prentice Hall 2004 ClassificationClassification –Contemporary Classification Mild Mental RetardationMild Mental Retardation Moderate Mental RetardationModerate Mental Retardation Severe Mental RetardationSevere Mental Retardation Profound Mental RetardationProfound Mental Retardation EpidemiologyEpidemiology –IQ 70 or Below * Mental Retardation

12 Copyright Prentice Hall 2004 Etiological Considerations and ResearchEtiological Considerations and Research –Biological Factors Chromosomal DisordersChromosomal Disorders –Down Syndrome –Fragile-X Syndrome Genetic DisordersGenetic Disorders –Phenylketonuria (PKU) * Mental Retardation

13 Copyright Prentice Hall 2004 –Biological Factors Infectious DiseaseInfectious Disease –Rubella –Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) –Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) –Syphilis –Genital Herpes –Encephalitis –Meningitis * Mental Retardation

14 Copyright Prentice Hall 2004 –Biological Factors ToxinsToxins –Fetal Alcohol Syndrome –Lead Poising Other Biological AbnormalitiesOther Biological Abnormalities –Rh Incompatibility –Premature Birth –Anoxia –Malnutrition –Epilepsy * Mental Retardation

15 Copyright Prentice Hall 2004* Correlation Between the IQ Scores of Pairs of Relatives Reared Together or Apart

16 Copyright Prentice Hall 2004 –Biological Factors Normal Genetic VariationsNormal Genetic Variations –Cultural-Familiar Retardation –Reaction Range –Psychological Factors –Social Factors * Mental Retardation

17 Copyright Prentice Hall 2004 Treatment: Prevention and NormalizationTreatment: Prevention and Normalization –Primary Prevention AmniocentesisAmniocentesis –Secondary Prevention * Mental Retardation

18 Copyright Prentice Hall 2004 –Tertiary Prevention –Normalization Main StreamingMain Streaming DeinstitutionalizationDeinstitutionalization* Mental Retardation

19 Copyright Prentice Hall 2004 Further Thoughts:Further Thoughts: –Our History of Shame: Eugenics and Mental Retardation * Mental Retardation

20 Copyright Prentice Hall 2004 Pervasive Developmental DisordersPervasive Developmental Disorders –Autistic Disorder Typical Symptoms and Associated FeaturesTypical Symptoms and Associated Features –Impaired Social Interaction Theory of MindTheory of Mind* Autistic Disorder and Pervasive Developmental Disorders

21 Copyright Prentice Hall 2004 Case Study:Case Study: –A Child with Autistic Disorder * Autistic Disorder and Pervasive Developmental Disorders

22 Copyright Prentice Hall 2004 Case Study:Case Study: –Temple Grandin: An Anthropologist on Mars * Autistic Disorder and Pervasive Developmental Disorders

23 Copyright Prentice Hall 2004 –Impaired Communications DysprosodyDysprosody EcholaliaEcholalia Pronoun ReversalPronoun Reversal* Autistic Disorder and Pervasive Developmental Disorders

24 Copyright Prentice Hall 2004 –Stereotyped Behavior, Interests, and Activities Self-StimulationSelf-Stimulation –Apparent Sensory Deficits –Self-Injury –Savant Performance * Autistic Disorder and Pervasive Developmental Disorders

25 Copyright Prentice Hall 2004 ClassificationClassification –Brief Historical Perspective Asperger’s DisorderAsperger’s Disorder Childhood SchizophreniaChildhood Schizophrenia –Contemporary Classification Childhood Disintegrative DisorderChildhood Disintegrative Disorder Rett’s DisorderRett’s Disorder* Autistic Disorder and Pervasive Developmental Disorders

26 Copyright Prentice Hall 2004 EpidemiologyEpidemiology Etiological Considerations and ResearchEtiological Considerations and Research –Psychological Factors * Autistic Disorder and Pervasive Developmental Disorders

27 Copyright Prentice Hall 2004* DSM-IV-TR Criteria for Autistic Disorder

28 Copyright Prentice Hall 2004* DSM-IV-TR Criteria for Autistic Disorder

29 Copyright Prentice Hall 2004 Etiological Considerations and ResearchEtiological Considerations and Research –Biological Factors Autism as a Consequence of Known Biological DisordersAutism as a Consequence of Known Biological Disorders A Strongly Genetic Disorder?A Strongly Genetic Disorder? Integration: Multiple Pathways to a Brain DisorderIntegration: Multiple Pathways to a Brain Disorder* Autistic Disorder and Pervasive Developmental Disorders

30 Copyright Prentice Hall 2004 –Biological Factors Neurophysiology and AutismNeurophysiology and Autism –Endorphins Neuroanatomy and AutismNeuroanatomy and Autism A Disorder of Brain DevelopmentA Disorder of Brain Development* Autistic Disorder and Pervasive Developmental Disorders

31 Copyright Prentice Hall 2004 TreatmentTreatment –Course and Outcome –Medication –Psychotherapy: Intensive Behavior Modification LovaasLovaas* Autistic Disorder and Pervasive Developmental Disorders

32 Copyright Prentice Hall 2004 Research Close-Up:Research Close-Up: –A Study of Facilitated Communication * Autistic Disorder and Pervasive Developmental Disorders

33 Copyright Prentice Hall 2004 Getting HelpGetting Help* Autistic Disorder and Pervasive Developmental Disorders

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