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By: Christopher Gorski, Nikola Cvetković, Gabrielle Hochfelder.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Christopher Gorski, Nikola Cvetković, Gabrielle Hochfelder."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Christopher Gorski, Nikola Cvetković, Gabrielle Hochfelder

2  Our thesis is to present and support that America has created the East Asian Supply Chain › History: Low-Tech Supply Chain › Present: iPhone in the Supply Chain › Future: Sustainable Dominance?

3  Investigate what fostered the East Asian supply chain’s creation. › Flying Geese Economic Model › Neo-Confucianism › Division of Labour  Hypothesize the future of the supply chain. Is it sustainable? › 3 rd Alternative – Against Consumerism

4  Definition  Purpose, Goal

5  L.A. Riots › Hypothesis: Low Prices are more important than Manufacturing jobs to the U.S.A. › China as M.F.N.  Japan & Korean War › - Exploitation, Colonization as forms of domination. › U.S. retained technology, profits.

6  East Asian Supply Chain Diagram › Designed By America. › Domination By America

7  Japan › IP protection, (none in China) › Film Production  Korea › Samsung, LG › Screen Production › Mai-Ban

8  Manufacturing/Assembly.  Foxconn.  Labour – teams, mother-figure.  Constant tension, exploitation has caused pressures.  IP –Knockoffs – Disruptive technology.

9  Three Waves So Far. › Whoever is at the bottom wants to pass off low-tech, manufacturing jobs. › China’s Out-to-the-West Policy

10  Is the inverted population pyramid related to the Flying Geese Model?  What we think:  Yes, it is related.  One-Child-Policy.  Caring for Elderly.

11 Manufacturing Money Managing $$$ $

12  Disruptive Technology – › Caters to poor mass who has enough purchasing power to encourage economic growth. › Disagrees with Solow Model  C.K. Prahalad › Nestle Milk in India. Local Production has advantages.  McDonalds Vs. Organic › High-Tech Food?

13  Understanding ones position in relation to others within ones community. › The core value of Confucianism is rén ( 仁 ).  Internalization  Main concepts: › knowledge cannot be owned › everyone has the responsibility for their own actions.

14  Chinese take action against U.S.?  How secure is IP? Does it matter? › Nobles Oblige in China  In regards to the Flying Geese Model/Race-to-the-Bottom, is there an end?

15  Challenge of the lifestyle the supply chain provides › mass consumption, constant technological updates.  Should we be like Ghandi? › Organic, European lifestyle.  Sustainable dominance?

16  “Future Population of Japan: 2000 – 2050” - Y. Funatsu, Professor of Meisei University, Tokyo.  “A Bird Eye View of International Liquidity” - J.D. Han, Professor of King's University College, Canada.  “Impacts of East Asian Large-Scale Trade Surplus” - J.D. Han, Professor of King's University College, Canada.  “US and China Division of Labour” - J.D. Han, Professor of King's University College, Canada.

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