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The American Eugenics Movement By Alyssa Johnson, Andrew Ronbeck, Meghan Hamre, and Leah Hargraves.

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Presentation on theme: "The American Eugenics Movement By Alyssa Johnson, Andrew Ronbeck, Meghan Hamre, and Leah Hargraves."— Presentation transcript:

1 The American Eugenics Movement By Alyssa Johnson, Andrew Ronbeck, Meghan Hamre, and Leah Hargraves

2 Eugenics  Definition:  Science concerned with improving the human species by such means as influencing or encouraging reproduction by a person presumed to have desirable genetic traits.

3 The History of Eugenics

4 Origin  Francis Galton.  1883.  Moral Philosophy.  20 th Century.  Takes a negative turn.

5 The Growth of Eugenics.  Arranged Marriages.  Marriage-Restriction Laws.  Institutionalization.  Sterilization.  1907-1930.  Johnson Restrictive Immigration Act.  1924.  Positive Eugenics.

6 The Spark of Change: WWII

7 German Influences  Late 19 th Century.  Racial Hygiene.  Rapid Industrialization.  Social Darwinism.  1929  Euthanasia.

8 German Influences Cont’d…  1939  Committee is created.  1941  Can exterminate <17yr. olds.  1943  Expansion of who is exterminated.

9 Decline of Eugenics.  Negative eugenics.  Eugenics becomes controversial.  Genocide association.

10 Eugenics Today  Benefits of Eugenics.  Pre-natal care.  Birth control.  Sexual Education.  “Better Babies” Movement.  Artificial Insemination.

11 Controversy of Eugenics

12 Why do people support eugenics?  Positive eugenics.  Better breeding.  Scientific advances.  Better informed Americans.  Healthier society.  Less disease.  Less poverty.

13 Why are people against eugenics?  Genocide correlation.  Religious values.  Negative effect on society.  Designer babies.  Infringement of Human Rights.  Defers diversity.

14 Discussion  Do you think we should utilize our eugenic capabilities? Why or why not? …to what extent?  What are some forms of eugenics that we still see today?  Do you support or oppose eugenics? Why?

15 Bibliography  American Philosophical Society. "Promoting Eugenics in America." Treasures of the APS. 14 Nov. 2007..  Carlson, Elof. "Scientific Origins of Eugenics." Image Archive on the American Eugenics Movement. 14 Nov. 2007. Movement. 14 Nov. 2007.  Garver, Kenneth L. "Feature Article/Historical Perspectives." Eugenics: Past, Present, and the Future.49 (February 04 1991): 1109-1118.  Herring, Richard. "Eugenics Online." Eugenics Online. 4 Nov. 2007...  Hunt, John. "Perfecting Humankind: A comparison of progressive and Nazi views on eugenics, sterilization and abortion." 30 Oct. 2007. PBS Institute. "Eugenics movement reaches its height 1923." A Science Odyssey. 11 Nov. 2007..  Platt, Tony. "The Frightening Agenda of the American Eugenics Movement." 24 Oct. 2007...  Vassy, Carine. "The diffusion of Down's Syndrome prenatal screening and diagnostic techniques in France." Social Science & Medicine. 63 (June 23 2006): 241-251.  Westport, Conner. The Eugenics Movement. Greenwood Press, 2005.  Westport, Conner. The Eugenics Movement. Greenwood Press, 2005.

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