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Mapping Manukau Recent Statistics and data Professor Charles Crothers.

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Presentation on theme: "Mapping Manukau Recent Statistics and data Professor Charles Crothers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mapping Manukau Recent Statistics and data Professor Charles Crothers

2 Content Analysis of NZ Herald articles on ‘South Auckland’ RankMost frequently cited ‘problems’ in sampled articles 1Crime62.2% 2Political/Social/Economic27.2% 3Real estate/housing3.5% 4Education2.8% 5Environment2.1% 6Health1.4% 7Infrastructure0.7%

3 Most frequently cited assets% No assets mentioned37.2 Council11.1 Businesses5.8 Real estate4.8 Parks/beaches1.5 Schools/Education4.8 Community Groups9.2 Residents Association1.4 Sports Club3.4 Cultural organisation7.3 Religious Group1.4 Youth1.9 Volunteers2.9 Elderly- Other7.2

4 Local board projections Local Board200620112031Change Auckland137300014853001968100.43 Howick119100132500162400.36 Mangere-Otahuhu7250078600106300.47 Otara-Papatoetoe7660083400108300.41 Manurewa8160090300107900.32 Papakura431004650069000.60 Franklin6060066200101400.67

5 Ethnicity Single or combination ethnicityDeprivation Total LowMedHigh European only 78.7%54.2%39.2%54.4% Maori only 7.6%16.0%9.1% Pacific peoples only 1.6%7.3%21.9%11.8% Asian only 10.9%23.3%13.3%16.0% MELAA only/ Other Ethnicity only 3.9%2.4%.5%2.0% European/Maori 4.3%3.0%4.9%4.1% Other combinations of two or more Ethnicities.8%2.1%4.2%2.6%



8 Overall life satisfaction How do you feel about your life as a whole right now? Deprivation Total LowMedHigh Very satisfied 31.8%24.3%19.3%24.2% Satisfied 57.0%60.8%61.7%60.2% Neither satisfied or dissatisfied 6.2%7.0%8.1%7.3% Dissatisfied 3.9%6.4%9.6%7.1% Very dissatisfied 1.2%1.5%1.2%1.3%


10 Identity Here in New Zealand, how easy or difficult is it for you to express your own identity? Deprivation Total LowMedHigh Very easy 42.6%36.2%50.0%40.1% Easy 44.3%46.6%26.9%44.7% Sometimes easy, sometimes difficult 10.3%13.1%23.1%12.0% Difficult 2.8%3.0%2.8% Very difficult 1.0%.4%


12 Economic Living Standard Do you have enough money?Deprivation Total LowMedHigh Not enough 17.6%20.6%24.5%21.5% Just enough 24.6%38.7%37.8%36.0% Enough 39.4%30.9%31.0%32.4% More than enough 18.3%9.8%6.8%10.2%


14 Housing How do you feel about where you are currently living? Deprivation Total LowMedHigh Very satisfied 43.8%31.3%20.3%30.1% Satisfied 45.7%56.2% 53.5% Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 5.4%7.6%9.7%7.9% Dissatisfied 4.7%4.6%11.9%7.6% Very dissatisfied.4%.3%2.0%1.0%


16 Electoral/Civic Did you vote in the last general election Deprivation Total LowMedHigh Yes 87.8%79.6%78.6%81.3% No 12.2%20.4%21.4%18.7%


18 Leisure In the last four weeks, how much free time have you had? Deprivation Total LowMedHigh Too much free time 6.2%10.9%14.1%10.9% The right amount of free time 46.9%45.8%52.4%48.8% Not enough free time 46.9%43.3%33.5%40.3%


20 Access How many of the lakes, rivers, harbours, oceans and coastlines in your local area can you easily get to Deprivation Total LowMedHigh All of them 43.0%28.7%24.3%30.6% Most of them 39.5%35.2%30.8%34.5% Some of them 12.9%20.8%22.6%19.5% Only a few of them 3.1%8.6%11.7%8.4% None of them.4%4.6%6.5%4.3% Never need or want to go to any of them 1.2%2.1%4.2%2.7%


22 Safety In the last 12 months did you have any crimes committed against you? Deprivation Total LowMedHigh Yes 15.2%11.2%16.8%14.5% No 84.8%88.8%83.2%85.5%


24 Social In the last four weeks how often have you felt isolated from others? Deprivation Total LowMedHigh All of the time.4%1.2%.5%.7% Most of the time 1.6%3.3%5.1%3.6% Some of the time 12.2%13.4%13.2%13.0% A little of the time 16.1%17.3%14.5%15.9% None of the time 69.8%64.7%66.7%66.8%


26 Work If you had the opportunity, would you choose to: Deprivation Total LowMedHigh Work more hours and receive more pay 34.6%34.9%43.6%37.6% Work the same amount of hours and receive the same amount of pay 54.8%57.4%50.3%54.6% Work less hours and receive less pay 9.6%7.8%5.5%7.4% Doesn’t receive pay 1.0%.6%.4%


28 Education Education levelDeprivation Total LowMedHigh NEC13.7%3.4%9.2%8.0% Certificate35.0%44.5%63.9%46.2% Diploma12.7%16.1%10.9%13.8% Undergraduate19.3%21.0%8.8%17.6% Postgraduate19.3%15.0%7.1%14.4%


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