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Hauraki Plains College Lessons from the Swampland: One student at a time.

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Presentation on theme: "Hauraki Plains College Lessons from the Swampland: One student at a time."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hauraki Plains College Lessons from the Swampland: One student at a time

2 The future that is now. Everything from the neck down increasingly minimum wage. Spiralling credentials. We are not being truthful when we assure students that if they get higher qualifications, they are sorted for work. The rise of the ‘precariat’. The global achievement gap – between what schools teach and what students need..

3 Lessons from the swampland: The simple side of complexity Cynefin framework

4 Lessons from the swampland: Figuring out what we’re about. “We cannot blow an uncertain trumpet.” If we are to prepare our students for a future of hope and purpose and contribution, then we need to be a place of hope where every young person believes “I can, I matter, I belong.”

5 Lessons from the swampland: next steps rather than new initiatives “ Incremental changes barely register, but from evolutionary or geological perspectives, what is happening is transformational change.” Deep Learning: Assessment for learning; Learning to learn; Student voice Deep Experience: Curriculum development; New Technologies Deep Support: Advice and guidance; Mentoring and coaching Deep Leadership: Staff development; Systems and structures

6 Lessons from the swampland: Every child needs a champion “Stepping out on a maybe, an idea, an impression that begins to grow inside that strengthens and persists with no guaranteed outcome.” “By the time your crop comes in, it’s too late to change what you planted.”

7 Lessons from the swampland: Purpose, Principles, then Practices “Why first, then what, then how.” Curriculum development: the eight line timetable.

8 Lessons from the swampland: High expectations, no blame, no excuses “Every student is someone’s grandkid.”

9 Swampland Lessons: putting faces to the data.

10 Lessons from the Swampland: go to where the game is being played. “Great coaches never impact the outcome of a game by sitting behind a desk all day. Your job is to be on the field where the game is being played and in your case, that’s the classroom.” Malachi Pancoast

11 Hauraki Plains College One student at a time: Preparing each student for a life of hope and purpose through deep learning, deep experience, deep support and deep leadership.

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