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Subject- Verb Agreement Subject- Verb Agreement. Agreement- Subjects and Verbs  My brother (lifts, lift) weights.  The shop (is, are) always filled.

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Presentation on theme: "Subject- Verb Agreement Subject- Verb Agreement. Agreement- Subjects and Verbs  My brother (lifts, lift) weights.  The shop (is, are) always filled."— Presentation transcript:

1 Subject- Verb Agreement Subject- Verb Agreement

2 Agreement- Subjects and Verbs  My brother (lifts, lift) weights.  The shop (is, are) always filled.  She (owns, own) and (operates, operate) a pizza shop.  My brothers (lifts, lift) weights.  The shops (is, are) always filled.  They (owns, own) and (operates, operate) a pizza shop.

3 Agreement- Preps and Clauses  The book of short stories (is, are) by Edgar Allan Poe.  The characters in the story (represent, represents) abstract symbols.  Poe, who wrote many books and poems, (was, were) an influence on Stephen King.  The teacher, as well as her students, (was, were) fascinated by the exhibit.

4 Singular Indefinite Pronouns  Neither of the boxes (contain, contains) books.  Everyone at the school (is, are) wearing garnet.  One of the most beautiful places in the United States (is, are) the Rocky Mountains.

5 Plural Indefinite Pronouns  Both of the stories (was, were) written by the student.  Few of the students (has, have) attended the camp.  Many of the words (is, are) derived from Latin.  Several of the juniors (has, have) received medals.

6 Singular/Plural Indefinite Pronouns  Some of the artwork (is, are) beautiful.  Some of her paintings (is, are) beautiful.  None of the furniture (was, were) damaged.  None of the chairs (was, were) damaged.  Most of the food (was, were) eaten.  Most of the sandwiches (was, were) eaten.

7 S–V Agreement- Compound Subjects Basil and Thyme (is, are) mint plants. The man and woman (is, are) getting married. * Compounds naming one person/item * * Compounds naming one person/item * The secretary and treasurer (is, are) Amy. Spaghetti and meatballs (is, are) a great meal.

8 S–V Agreement- Compound Subjects The or and nor rules The or and nor rules   Neither Paul nor Mary (want, wants) to go.   Neither your mother or your father (has, have) met him?   Neither the players nor the coach (was, were) satisfied.   Neither the coach nor the players (was, were) satisfied.

9 S–V Agreement- Other Issues   Here (is, are) four slices of pizza.   One-fourth of the student body (is, are) employed.   The United States (call, calls) its flag “Old Glory”.   The Philadelphia Eagles (is, are) a football team.

10 S–V Agreement- Other issues   The news (was, were) disappointing.   Mathematics (is, are) a class at GVHS.   The scissors (was, were) in the drawer.   Every sophomore and junior (is, are) participating.   She (don’t, doesn’t) know the answer.   I (don’t, doesn’t) know the answer.

11 Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement SingularPlural 1 st Person I me my mine we us our ours 2 nd Person you your yours 3 rd Person he him his she her it its himself herself they them their theirs themselves theirs themselves

12 Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement   Each has memorized (his/her, their) playbook.   Each of the boys has memorized (his/her, his, their) playbook.   Anyone attending needs to bring (his/her, their) money.   Both Kerri and Ken wrote (her/his, their) essays about symbols.

13 Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement   Each of the actors required (his, their ) own room.   None of the books are in (its, their) proper place.   Neither of the artists will be asked to display (his/her, their) work.   Either Lauren or Kelly will bring (her, their) IPod.   James and Brittany asked (his/her, their) parents if they could stay out late.

14 Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement   Some of the best athletes will share (his/her, their) training tips.   Each of the members of the jury has voiced (his/her, their) opinion.   Neither Will nor Emily has submitted (his/her, their) application.   Not one of the girls identified (her, their) books.   Neither my coat nor my hat is where I left (it, them).

15 Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement   Did all of the applicants leave (his/her, their) email addresses.   If anyone wants to see an elm tree (he/she, they) should go with Christian.   Everyone going on the hike should be on (his/her, their) best behavior).   Either Lauren or Kelly will bring (her, their) IPod.   Both Pat and Michael gave (his, their) speeches on trees.

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