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Chapter Eleven Individuals With Hearing Impairments.

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1 Chapter Eleven Individuals With Hearing Impairments

2 Definitions and Concepts in the Field of Hearing Impairment Hearing impairment  Disordered hearing Hearing sensitivity loss  Described in range from mild to profound Deaf/deafness  Nonfunctional hearing; federal definition refers to the educational impact due to the hearing loss Hard of hearing  Residual hearing ability Minimal hearing loss  Difficultly hearing at a distance or with background noise 2

3 The Anatomy of the Auditory System The ear is divided into four connected sections:  outer ear  middle ear  inner ear  central auditory nervous system 3

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5 Classifications of Hearing Loss Conductive hearing loss  Sound transmission is blocked in the middle or outer ear Sensorineural hearing loss  Involves the inner ear (cochlea) and/or the auditory nerve Mixed hearing loss  Combination of conductive/sensorineural loss Central hearing loss  Dysfunction in the central nervous system Auditory neuropathy/auditory dys-synchrony  Absence of neural functioning Functional or nonorganic hearing loss  Reported hearing loss that is not substantiated by testing 5

6 Measurement of Hearing Impairments  Audiogram  Frequency  Hertz (Hz)  Decibels (dB)  Pure-tone audiometry  Air-conduction audiometry  Bone-conduction audiometry 6

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8 Other Types of Hearing Assessment  Play audiometry  Speech audiometry  Speech recognition threshold (SRT)  Auditory evoked potentials  Evoked otoacoustic emissions  Acoustic imittance 8

9 Age of Onset  Prelingual: present at birth or before speech onset  Postlingual: deficit acquired after speech onset 9

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11 Brief History of the Field 1817: First school for students with hearing impairments (American Asylum for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb) 1864: First college for the hearing impaired (today named Gallaudet University after Thomas Gallaudet) Communication methods:  Manual communication- sign language/finger spelling  Oral communication- encouraged use of residual hearing and speech reading  Total communication- combination of spoken and manual communication This video contains 1928 footage of Anne Sullivan and Helen KellerAnne Sullivan and Helen Keller 11

12 Prevalence of Hearing Impairment  Almost 71,000 students ages 6-21 were identified as having a hearing impairment and receiving a special education during the 2008-2009 school year.  Approximately 8,400 preschoolers were receiving a special education due to a hearing impairment. 12

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14 Etiology of Hearing Impairments Genetic/Hereditary factors  Down syndrome  Usher syndrome  Waardenburg syndrome Infections  Cytomegalovirus (CMV), rubella, otitis media Developmental abnormalities  Atresia Environmental/traumatic factors  Loud noise, low birth weight, prescription medication, head injuries 14

15 Disorders Associated with Hearing Loss in Children 15

16 Characteristics of Individuals with Hearing Impairments  Intellectual development for people with a hearing impairment is more a function of language development than cognitive ability  Speech and language is the area of development most affected  Social development depends on the use of communication skills  Educational achievement typically 3-4 years below grade level Watch this video to experience simulated hearing loss.simulated hearing loss 16

17 Assessment of Individuals with Hearing Impairments Cognitive assessment requires the use of non-verbal assessment measures Speech assessment  Articulation, pitch, loudness, quality, rate Personal/social/behavioral assessment  Social adjustment, self-image, emotional adjustment 17

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19 Instructional Interventions Methods of communication  Sign language  Oral  Cued speech  Total communication  Fingerspelling Audiologist Interpreter 19

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22 Services for Young Children with Hearing Impairments  Importance of early identification  Early intervention services  Family support 22

23 Transition and Individuals with Hearing Impairments Transition planning includes:  Family support  Higher education  Employment  Personal, social, community 23

24 Services for Adults with Hearing Impairments State Commission or Office on Deafness  Advocacy, information sharing, agency referrals, interpreting services, employment assistance State vocational rehabilitation services  Employment services National Association for the Deaf  Political advocacy, information sharing Self-Help for Hard of Hearing People (SHHH)  Advocacy, information, assistance 24

25 Family Issues  Most children with hearing impairments have hearing parents  Acceptance of the disability  Family relationships 25

26 Issues of Diversity  47% of all students in programs for the deaf and hearing impaired are from culturally diverse groups  Research is needed to address the needs of students with hearing impairments who come from non-English speaking families  People who identify with the Deaf culture are proud of their heritage including their language, history, values, and literature o The term Deaf (with a capital D) refers to individuals who identify with the Deaf culture o The term deaf (lowercase d) refers to the physical condition o Deaf culture considers American Sign Language (ASL) to be the natural language of the Deaf culture and urges recognition of ASL as the primary language choice with English considered a second language 26

27 Technology and Individuals with Hearing Impairments  Hearing aids  Auditory training devices  Computers  Alerting devices  Captioning  Telecommunication devices  Cochlear implants Watch this video to learn about Cochlear ImplantsCochlear Implants 27

28 Trends, Issues, and Controversies  Appropriate educational methods  Move from child-centered to family-centered approach  Early intervention programs  Interpreter services  Deaf culture 28

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