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Food Labels It’s more than what’s inside the can..

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Presentation on theme: "Food Labels It’s more than what’s inside the can.."— Presentation transcript:

1 Food Labels It’s more than what’s inside the can.

2 Food labels must contain: Common name of the food (so you don’t get “apples” when you open a can of “pears”) Net weight (the weight of the food only, not the packaging)

3 Food labels must contain (con’t): Ingredient list—ingredients listed in decreasing order (most to least); Contact for manufacturer, distributor, or packaging company; may be actual mailing address, a phone number, and/or a web site (or all of these!); Expiration date—”use by”, “sell by”, or “expiration” date should be listed.

4 Food labels must contain (con’t) UPC symbol—stands for “universal product code”; aka “bar code” –Advantages: 1. less human error in ringing up a purchase; 2. helpful to the store in keeping inventory (the amount of products the store has to sell) –Disadvantages: 1. the consumer doesn’t always know how much an item costs because it’s not posted on the item; 2. the code itself can be damaged

5 …and, of course, the Nutrition Facts!


7 Shows the size of one serving Shows how many servings in each container Pay very close attention to the number of servings in each package to avoid excess calories

8 Calories provide a measure of how much energy you get from 1 serving of this food. Many Americans consume more calories than they need. Calories from fat tells the # of calories in 1 serving that come from fat. Eating too many calories per day is linked to overweight and obesity.

9 Eating too much fat, saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol, or sodium may increase your risk of certain chronic diseases, like heart disease, some cancers, or high blood pressure. Important: Health experts recommend that you keep your intake of saturated fat, trans fat and cholesterol as low as possible as part of a nutritionally balanced diet.

10 Most Americans don't get enough dietary fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, and iron in their diets. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, grain products (that contain fiber), and is low in saturated fat and cholesterol may reduce the risk of heart disease.

11 It doesn't change from product to product, because it shows recommended dietary advice for all Americans--it is not about a specific food product. This statement must be on all food labels. Based on a 2,000 calorie per day diet

12 Based on the Daily Value recommendations for key nutrients Helps you determine if a serving of food is high or low in a nutrient Nutrients you want to avoid should be on the low side (i.e. salt, sugar, fat) Healthy nutrients should be on the high side (i.e. fiber, vitamins, calcium) NOTE: No daily reference value has been established for sugars, trans fats, or protein because no recommendations have been made for the total amount to eat in a day.


14 …now let’s see if you were paying attention…

15 Below are two kinds of yogurt- one is plain and the other is fruit. Each serving size is one container. Which has more sugar and more saturated fat? Which one provides a higher % DV of calcium ? Plain Yogurt Fruit Yogurt

16 Below are two kinds of milk- one is "Reduced Fat," the other is "Nonfat" milk. Each serving size is one cup. Which has more calories and more saturated fat? Which one has more calcium ? REDUCED FAT MILK 2% Milkfat NONFAT MILK 0% Milkfat

17 …and now onto our activity!

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