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Published byAlexander Fowler Modified over 9 years ago
Seals First half 1.First 2.Second 3.Third 4.Fourth ___________________________ Second half 5. Fifth 6. Sixth (Armageddon) 7. Seventh = 8:1-19:21 Trumpets First half 1.First 2.Second 3.Third 4.Fourth 5.Fifth 6.Sixth __________________________ Second half 7.Seventh = End of Trib.
The Central Players: The Woman and the Child - 12:1-2 The “sign” indicates the vision stands for something else. Two of the major characters in the last half of the Tribulation involve the woman (Israel), here along with her child (Jesus), versus the dragon (Satan).
The Central Players: The Woman and the Child - 12:1-2 Once again, Revelation presents things as they are given to John, not in chronological order.
The Central Players: The Woman and the Child - 12:1-2 “The moon under her feet, and on her head a garland of twelve stars…” Recalls Genesis 37:9-10 The twelve stars = the twelve sons of Jacob = Israel.
The Central Players: The Woman and the Child - 12:1-2 The sun, moon, and stars. Ps. 89:34-37; Jer. 31:35-36 The faithfulness of God and His promises.
The Central Players: The Woman and the Child - 12:1-2 “Child” The Lord Jesus (v. 5) “Labor and pain” The sufferings Israel endured from Satan attempting to prevent the coming of Messiah. Gen. 3:15
The Central Players: Enter the Dragon - 12:3-17 “Dragon” or “Serpent” Satan (12:9; 20:2) The man of sin who becomes the Beast has a similar description (13:1; 17:3). Satan is behind the establishment of his kingdom.
The Central Players: Enter the Dragon - 12:3-17 The persecution of Israel occurs through the Man of Sin and the power given to him. 12:17; 13:5-7 “Seven diadems” = Seven kingdoms
The Central Players: Enter the Dragon - 12:4 “Stars of heaven” Probably the angels who followed him in his rebellion. Job 38:7
The Central Players: Enter the Dragon - 12:4 The central theme of the Bible involves God’s attempt to establish His kingdom on earth. That purpose for thousands of years has involved the coming of the Messiah, the Davidic King.
The Central Players: Enter the Dragon - 12:4 Consequently, the goal of Satan and his angels has been to prevent the appearing of that King in no small measure through the corruption and destruction of Israel. Gen. 3:15; Dan. 10; Ex. 1:16; 2 Kings 11:1-3
The Central Players: Enter the Dragon - 12:4 These forces also actively oppose NT believers. Eph. 6:12 Their attempts to corrupt the world have led to the permanent imprisonment of some angels Gen. 6; 2 Pet. 2:4; Jude 6; also Mt. 8:29
The Central Players: Enter the Dragon - 12:4 “Stood…ready…to devour” Through Herod, this attempt was made and failed. Matt. 2:13; also Eph. 6:12
The Central Players: “unto us a Child is born” - 12:5 Psalm 2:8-9… again! “caught up to heaven” Rev. 11:12; Acts 1:9; Heb. 1:10
The Central Players: Anger at Israel - 12:6 Notice the parenthesis between the ascension of Christ and the forming of the Church and the Tribulation. This is another reason to see the Church Age as “the Great Parenthesis” in history. Isa. 61:1-2 The Church Age is left out in this discussion entirely.
Biblical Time Line Ascension Rapture Return Parenthesis Eternal The Law (Church Age) Trib. Kingdom State OT NT 7 years 1,000 years Day of the Lord
The Central Players: Anger at Israel - 12:6 Those dealings with Israel began with the start of the Tribulation, as we have seen other places, as for example, in Revelation 11. Now, midway through the Tribulation, things really heat up.
The Central Players: Anger at Israel - 12:6 The Man of Sin now becomes the Beast and, as Satan’s agent, seeks to destroy Israel.
The Central Players: Anger at Israel - 12:6 At this point, the Beast recreates the Abomination of Desolation in the rebuilt Temple, declaring himself to be God. 2 Thess. 2:3-4; Matt. 24:15-18, 21
The Central Players: Anger at Israel - 12:6 God supernaturally protect the believing remnant for 3 ½ years. The Beast’s armies pursue Israel, but those who obey Christ’s advice escape into the mountains. As the Lord provided for Israel’s fathers in the Wilderness, so He does now.
The Central Players: War in Heaven - 12:7-9 “Michael” The only angel called an “Archangel” He had previous encounters with Satan (Jude 9), but now he “stands up” (Daniel 12:1) and acts on behalf of Israel as he and his legions battle Satan’s forces.
The Central Players: War in Heaven - 12:7-9 Satan has had access to the throne of God prior to this and has used it to accuse the brethren (v. 10). “Satan” = “adversary, enemy” “Devil” = “slanderer” The Serpent from the Garden.
The Central Players: War in Heaven - 12:7-9 “Deceives the whole world” John 8:44 He wants to deceive you and those around you. That’s what his life is about.
The Central Players: Praise for victory! - 12:10-12 The fall of Satan, seen prophetically by Jesus (Luke 10:18), is now realized. He is done! And he’s not happy about it.
The Central Players: Praise for victory! - 12:10-12 The “power” of God and His Christ is displayed. This will result in “salvation” being realized for His people in the Kingdom.
The Central Players: Praise for victory! - 12:10-12 The 144,000 evangelize the world, but eventually “all Israel will be saved” (Rom. 11:26). “Nationally as well as individually, their sins will be forgiven (Isa. 59:20-21; Rom. 11:25-27)”. Bible Knowledge Commentary p. 1294
The Central Players: Praise for victory! - 12:10-12 “They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb…” Satan lost access to God but believers don’t!
The Central Players: Praise for victory! - 12:10-12 “They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death”. They would not bow to the image of the Beast and kept evangelizing, if though it meant death. They loved Jesus more than life!
The Central Players: Praise for victory! - 12:10-12 The result of all this is great anger from Satan on the earth as he knows he only has a little time before he is thrown in the Lake of Fire!
The Central Players: Open war on Israel! - 12:13-17 “Water out of his mouth like a flood” The OT often uses water as a symbol for military attacks. Isa. 8:7-8; Jer. 47:2-3 God supernaturally delivers Israel and cares for her during this time.
The Central Players: Open war on Israel! - 12:13-17 As He did before for the faithful in Israel, God opens the earth to swallow His enemies. Ex. 15:12; Ps. 106:17
The Central Players: Open war on Israel! - 12:13-17 But this only further angers the Beast, as he then turns on the rest who believe. The remnant come to faith (Isa. 1:9; 10:22-23; Mic. 2:12; 5:7-8; Zech. 13:8-9) and this includes those who believe at the return at the Son of David (Zech. 13:10-14:1; Rom. 11:25-26).
The Central Players: Open war on Israel! - 12:13-17 This chapter summarizes the key players and events in the last half of the Tribulation. Satan is furious. The book now turns to his moves as a result of his anger.
The Central Players: Open war on Israel! - 12:13-17 The most wicked being in the universe, with a vast army of angels at his disposal is enraged and seeks to kill believers. Yet… “They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death”.
The Central Players: Open war on Israel! - 12:13-17 What does that mean to us today when we face opposition? 1 John 4:4 “He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world” Stay close. Get perspective.
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