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What is our position on Customer Nutrition, Health & Wellness?

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Presentation on theme: "What is our position on Customer Nutrition, Health & Wellness?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is our position on Customer Nutrition, Health & Wellness?

2 We recognize that the food we serve can have a significant impact on the health and well being of our customers. Our Balanced and Meeting Well initiatives provide a variety of healthful options and educational tools that encourage our customers to make healthier dining, catering and vending choices. Our Goals are to: *Introduce Meeting Well to 50% of eligible clients by 2010 *Engage all suppliers to meet specific targets set forth in our position papers on trans fat, sodium, portion size and providing nutrition information

3 How are we addressing the obesity issue?

4 Focuses on moderation and variety Promotes reasonable portion sizes Identifies foods moderate in calories, fat and sodium Provides solutions for dining, vending and catering

5 What are we doing to ensure the health of our employees?



8 Our Meeting Well catering initiative, in partnership with the American Cancer Society, promotes healthful meals, breaks and exercise time for all internal meetings. We encourage unit level managers to engage our associates and promote a healthy lifestyle as a team effort. Our Goals are to: *Realize a 10% year over year increase in associate participation in our Annual Physicals, Breast Cancer and Colon Cancer Screening programs *Use Meeting Well guidelines for 80% of all internal meetings by 2010 Our Meeting Well catering initiative, in partnership with the American Cancer Society, promotes healthful meals, breaks and exercise time for all internal meetings. We encourage unit level managers to engage our associates and promote a healthy lifestyle as a team effort. Our Goals are to: *Realize a 10% year over year increase in associate participation in our Annual Physicals, Breast Cancer and Colon Cancer Screening programs *Use Meeting Well guidelines for 80% of all internal meetings by 2010

9 Healthy Nutrition Facts For a truly whole grain bread, choose options with labels that use the word “whole” in the name, such as “100% whole wheat,” “whole wheat,” or “whole grain.” Look for the many whole grain options available in our café’s every day

10 “Not-so-healthy” Nutrition Facts A 20 oz. bottle of Coca-Cola has the equivalent of 26 sugar cubes. Look for our many “No Added Sugar” and zero calorie beverages if you are managing your weight

11 What is a Superfood?

12 A Superfood has health benefits above and beyond standard nutrients. We celebrate a different Superfood each month in our cafes

13 What is Portion Distortion?

14 Portion sizes have increased substantially in the past 20-30 years. In 1988, a bagel averaged 140 calories, today’s bagel averages 350 calories! A cheeseburger in 1988 was 333 calories, today’s average is 590! An extra 100 calories per day can result in an additional 10 lbs weight gain per year!

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