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Charles A. Lindbergh Elementary School 2010-2011 Kenmore-Town of Tonawanda UFSD A Business First Math Award Winning School 2010 Top 10% in all of WNY.

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Presentation on theme: "Charles A. Lindbergh Elementary School 2010-2011 Kenmore-Town of Tonawanda UFSD A Business First Math Award Winning School 2010 Top 10% in all of WNY."— Presentation transcript:

1 Charles A. Lindbergh Elementary School 2010-2011 Kenmore-Town of Tonawanda UFSD A Business First Math Award Winning School 2010 Top 10% in all of WNY

2 Lindbergh Elementary Curriculum Night 2010 6:00p.m -6:30p.m NYS Testing Program, IIP Plan, Health & Wellness 6:30p.m-7:00p.m. Grade 3,4,5 Classrooms 7:00p.m-7:30p.m. Special Area Teachers 7:30p.m-8:00p.m. Grade K, 1, 2 Classrooms

3 SED Accountability and Changes Changes over the next three years…  Insure students will be successful in entry level ELA and MATH courses as they enter college  Administer assessments along the way to monitor growth  Deliver assessments that will require more rigor  Tie teacher and principal evaluations to student learning





8 Performance Trend Data ELA and MATH September 2010

9 Performance Data  Grades 3-8 trend data  School years … 2005-06, 2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09 and 2009 – 10*

10 Performance Data  Performance data … the % of all students tested performing at a specific level  Performance Levels … Level 1 - below standard Level 2 - meets basic standard Level 3 - meets proficiency standard Level 4 - exceeds proficiency standard

11 District Aggregate Performance for Grades 3-8 Percent at Levels 3 and 4 Green bar shows performance with new cut score applied ELAMATH

12 Lindbergh Percent at Levels 3 and 4 Green bar shows performance with the new cut score applied ELAMATH

13 Next Steps  Instructional Improvement Plans  LASW data teams and early release days  Formative/Benchmark Assessments  AIS  RTI  Literacy Cohort  Curriculum Mapping … NY Learns  Professional Development

14 English Language Arts Plan Summary ELA Plan # 1 Goal: By 2014, 100% of students in grades three through five at Lindbergh Elementary will achieve Performance Levels 3 or 4 on the NYS ELA Assessment. Strategy #1: Implement instructional and/or intervention strategies based upon analysis of assessment data. Strategy #2: Implement use of Kenmore-Tonawanda UFSD Writing Common Formative Assessments K-5.

15 Math Plan Summary Goal: By 2014, 100% of students in grades three through five at Lindbergh Elementary will achieve Performance Levels 3 or 4 on the NYS Math Assessment. Strategy #1: Implement appropriate mathematics instruction and / or intervention based upon information derived from data analysis (of Common Formative Assessments, Mid-Year Assessments, End of Year Assessments, and NYS Assessments). Strategy #2: Develop and use a variety of strategies to help students master their basic (+, -, *, /) facts which will improve student learning within the Number Sense and Operation strand.

16 Levels of Distinction Summary Goal: By 2014, 60% of students in 3-5 at Lindbergh Elementary will achieve Performance Level 4 on the NYS Math Assessments. By 2014, 40% of students in 3-5 at Lindbergh Elementary will achieve Performance Level 4 on the NYS ELA Assessments. Strategy: Analyze & Target Instruction to Level 3 students. Root Causes Addressed: Lack of targeted Level 3 & 4 instruction in ELA and Math as evidenced by lack of building based targeted data dissemination.

17 Where Can I Find Out More?  Lindbergh Elementary Website

18 Requirements of Public Law 108-265 Ken-Ton District Wellness Policy  Due to the obesity rates the Federal Government felt a need to act. As a result, Public Law 108-265 was passed requiring school districts to create and adopt a local wellness plan by 2006-2007 school year.

19 District Wellness Goals for 2010- 2011 school year  Healthy Celebrations- which don’t include foods from the minimal nutritional value listing (FMNV) or will be non-food related (Also accommodate increasing # of food allergies) Ken-Ton Wellness Brochure. Healthy Celebration Pamphlet  Eliminate Food as a reward- use other options  Fundraising Eliminate food-related fundraising to students during the school day

20 Healthier US School Challenge October 2010 A wider variety of fruits and vegetables, including dark green and orange vegetables, dry beans and peas, and fresh fruits Frequent use of whole-grain products Low-fat or fat-free milk Lindbergh Goal: 70% of students will purchase a school lunch during the month of October. $2000.00 School Prize!

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