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Chem 80A Lecture 2 Textbook available in Bookstore? 1 copy on reserve in library, more coming min 1 week. Website now available w/ lectures

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1 Chem 80A Lecture 2 Textbook available in Bookstore? 1 copy on reserve in library, more coming min 1 week. Website now available w/ lectures Lecture 2  Break (Healthy Alt. Foods) Lecture 2 cont.  Diet Analysis

2 Chem 80A Lecture 2 Concepts and Controversies Dieting Ones daily Diet

3 Healthy Diet Going on a “Diet” Chem 80A Lecture 2 Concepts and Controversies Imp. To distinguish b/w a Healthy “diet”... And going on a “diet” What is the difference b/w the two? (prescribed selection of foods) a sustainable dietary plan for the long term (e.g. an eating lifestyle) adjustment to normal eating habits, selection of foods, usually to loose weight, detox. or other


5 Chem 80A Lecture 2 Concepts and Controversies Establishing a Healthy “Diet” – Ideal for the long run, why? Going on a “diet,” short term to get results. Many options, plans, approaches What are some concerns? 1 2 3 4

6 A Healthy Diet Emphasizes Low fat products (esp. sat. fat) Lower sodium levels (<2400 mg/day) More plant based proteins & fats Fruits daily Vegetables daily Fish 2X week more Whole grains -Less pastries, processed foods More water/ day According to the USDA Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion

7 45-60% Calories from Carbohydrates 20-30% Calories from Fat (esp. Unsat Fat) 15-30% Calories from Protein IDEALAvg. American 60% Calories from Carbohydrates50% from Carbo 20% Calories from Fat30% from Fat  obesity: excess calories 20% Calories from Protein20% from Protein A Healthy Diet Emphasizes According to the USDA Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion

8 Steps to a better Eating Diet ( Confirming your knowledge and Challenge Questions) Healthy Alternatives Less sat fat., try low fat products What are good examples? Less Sodium in the Diet (<2400 mg) – How? Introduce more plant based proteins/fats – How? Examples? CHALLENGE Q What do excessive levels of Na in the body cause and what physiological condition does this lead to? According to the USDA Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion

9 Steps to a better Eating Diet (Confirming your knowledge and Challenge Questions) More fruits in you diet. What steps can you take to make it easier? More vegetables in you diet. What steps can you take to make it easier? What topping should you use sparingly when making salads? 1 tsp ≥ calories 1 slice of cheese According to the USDA Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion

10 Challenge Question: What chemical is responsible for the ripening of fruits/vegetables and how can you promote or slow this process? Steps to a better Eating Diet (Confirming your knowledge and Challenge Questions) Drink more water/ day - What steps can make it easier? Anything but... How can diluting your juice(s) contribute to maintaining healthy weight?


12 Steps to a better Eating Diet (Summary) According to the USDA Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion According to the USDA 2005 food pyramid What are the seven major areas to consider when establishing a Healthy Diet? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7

13 Whole wheat breads Bagels w/ Honey Lowfat yogurt, sour cream, milk Cereals, whole wheat, (mod-minimal sugar) Fruits - Apple a day Fresh vegetables (organic) Beans, (kidney, Garbanzo, black, pinto) Olive oil Pasta w/ tomato sauce vs cream sauce Chicken Turkey Roast beef Eggs (ok in moderation, not daily) Lowfat or N.fat ice cream Suggested Healthy Alternatives- (Eat More) According to the USDA Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion White breads Muffins w/ butter Cream sauce, sour cream, Sugary Cereals, Refried Beans Read meat (sparingly) Butter Pasta w/ cream sauce Regular Ice cream Salad Dressings (sparingly) Sodas Processed foods mayonnaise Suggested Eliminations (Eat Less) Steps to a better Eating Diet (Summary)

14 Diet Analysis Assignment: Due 7/1 1 st - calculate your Daily Req. Caloric intake Write down the Nutritional facts of all the foods you eat for two days... See website for Diet Analysis form



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