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The Research Process English 1 CP Mrs. Palka.

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Presentation on theme: "The Research Process English 1 CP Mrs. Palka."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Research Process English 1 CP Mrs. Palka

2 Step One: Choose a Topic
Develop a thesis statement Example: Teen obesity is a growing problem in America that must be addressed.

3 Develop at least three main points:
There are too many adolescents becoming pregnant. (How many and why?) There are many negative consequences of teen pregnancy teenagers. There are many ways to prevent teen pregnancy.

4 Step Two: Locate and Evaluate Sources
Remember to only use reliable sources. Not all web pages are good sources!

5 Step Three: Take Notes on Topic
Find facts, examples, and interesting information that supports your main points. 2. Write down exactly where you found the information. 3. Limit yourself to one or two points per card. 4. Write the subject at the top of each card or each page of notes.

6 Step Four: Write an Outline

7 Step Five: Write Rough Draft
1. Write an attention grabbing introduction that ends with a clear thesis statement. 2. Write body paragraphs that start with a strong topic sentence, include adequate support statements, and end with a clincher statement. 3. Restate your thesis first in your conclusion, then end with good concluding thoughts. you want the reader to remember them well and understand why you wrote the paper.

8 Step Six: Create a Works Cited Page
London, Jack. The Sea-Wolf. New York: Bantam Books, Johnson, Anna. "Secrets From the Sands of Time: Archaeologists Unveil More Than 3,000 Year Old Tombs of Pharaonic Officials." Lincoln Journal Star 21 Feb. 2007, sec. A:3. Allen, Mike. "Car Care: Changing a Tire." Popular Mechanics Nov. 2006: 115+. Richardson, Sarah. "Seeds: How Flowering Plants Beat Out the Competition on Ancient Earth." Discover Magazine. Oct Feb <

9 Step Seven: Revise Rough Draft
Read paper out loud to self and have a peer revise it. Make sure to use sophisticated transition words such as furthermore, moreover, and additionally. Submit paper for final grade!

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