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Annual Safety Meeting February 21, 2007 Ron Marshall, SD LTAP Local Rural Road Safety in SD - What does the data tell us?

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Presentation on theme: "Annual Safety Meeting February 21, 2007 Ron Marshall, SD LTAP Local Rural Road Safety in SD - What does the data tell us?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Annual Safety Meeting February 21, 2007 Ron Marshall, SD LTAP Local Rural Road Safety in SD - What does the data tell us?

2 Today’s presentation z Overview local road safety problem y National yRegional y South Dakota y County zOffer a few observations/challenges

3 Introduction  LTAP - local rural roads  Personal  Safety Data – it’s more than just numbers

4 The Reality Highway deaths 43,443 in 2005 are more than statistics

5 The Reality Injuries and fatalities are our neighbors, our friends, our relatives, or even us.…

6 Rural Road Safety from a National Perspective zNational overview zRural road safety issues and concerns

7 National Fatalities 1966-2005

8 National Highway Fatalities Total and Local Rural Local Rural Total

9 Where Fatalities Occur in U.S. 2005 Data 18,047 RURAL & URBAN Percent Fatalities lInterstate Rural 13% l lArterials 37% lCollectors 31% Local 19% RURAL Fatalities by Roadway Functional Class

10 Rural Roads – U.S. z40 % of Travel and 60% of Fatalities zFatality Rate is 2.5 times that for Urban Roads. z 44,168 fatalities local rural roads – last 5 years (20%)

11 Rural Road Fatality Rates  40 % of Travel and 60% of Fatalities  Fatality Rate is 2.5 times that for Urban Roads.

12 National Data Observations Moving the numbers z Rural Roads ! z The challenge of Local Rural roads ?

13 SD Local Rural Highway Safety How do we compare to our neighbors?

14 Total Highway Fatalities – Surrounding States

15 Rural Fatality Rate in Surrounding States

16 Rural Road Fatality Rates SD compared to Nation Interstate Local roadsAll Rural Avg last 5 years - FARS

17 Local Rural fatalities in Surrounding States (% of total fatalities ’05)

18 SD compared to our neighbors

19 Local Road Fatality Rate How do we compare ? 5 year avg - FARS

20 Local Rural Road Fatalities % rollover Surrounding States -2005

21 Local Rural Road Safety Compared to our Neighbors zLzLocal Rural Fatality rate – 5.3 yHyHighest zRzRollovers – 50% of total y2y2 nd Highest (Note: 70 % unrestrained)

22 South Dakota Rural Local Roads z A look at all crashes, not just fatalities

23 SD Highway Fatalities Total and Local Rural Total Fatalities Local Rural Fatalities

24 On SD Local Rural Roads Every Year there are approximately: z 3000 crashes z 50 Fatalities z 1100 injuries

25 Local Rural Road Deaths Source: FARS

26 Rural Local Road Fatalities – South Dakota 1 st Harmful Event (‘01-’05) Rollover 42 % Other vehicle24 % Pedestrian 8% Embankment6% Tree4% RR1% Total 242 fatalities

27 SD Local Rural Fatalities FHE (’01-’05)

28 SD Local Rural Road All Crashes Top 4 FHE Categories Source: DPS ’04-’06

29 SD local rural road crashes top 4 FHE categories Source: DPS ’04-’06

30 All local rural 2004 - 2006 First Harmful Event % Total %Inj/death z Other vehicle1321 z Fixed object2228 z Animal43 4 z Rollover2245

31 All local rural 2004 - 2006 – Rank z First Harmful Event % Total %Inj/death z Other vehicle4 3 z Fixed object32 z Animal14 z Rollover21

32 SD Local Rural Roads zRollovers and Fixed objects 43 % crashes 71 % fatalities and injuries

33 Local Crash Data zGoing from statewide statistics to local data zCounty Maps from DPS zLocal data

34 Look at your own crash data

35 Example – Custer County DPS 3 Year Summary

36 Custer County Example z134 crashes – 1 death, 58 injuries $648 M property damage zDriver contributing circumstances y Speed 30 % y Run off road 31 % z Crash Type y Fixed object 39 % y Rollover 28 % z Non-intersection 96 %

37 Local Rural Road Safety z Challenges yKeep ‘em on the road y Make road sides more forgiving

38 Next Steps z Make safety a part of what you do and talk to others z Support SD Strategic Highway Safety Plan z Look at your data y Use it to discuss issues, causes, solutions, priorities z Form partnerships y County Highway Superintendents, LTAP, SDDOT, SDDPS, Engineers, law enforcement, EMS, judiciary, Driver’s Ed, media

39 Next Steps (continued) z Identify Significant Safety Problems z Look for solutions: x Participate and take home ideas from Safety Conference x Develop and make use of innovative solutions and strategies zLaunch Coordinated Attack on Problems z Move the numbers !

40 Safer Roads ! Our Goal: Move the numbers – Reduce the number and severity of crashes And… Save lives

41 Questions/comments Let me hear from you……. Ron Marshall SD LTAP Email

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