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Week 6: Tying things together. Review Multiple Intelligence Extending the classroom Role of lesson plans Facets of understanding Blooms taxonomy Motivation.

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Presentation on theme: "Week 6: Tying things together. Review Multiple Intelligence Extending the classroom Role of lesson plans Facets of understanding Blooms taxonomy Motivation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Week 6: Tying things together

2 Review Multiple Intelligence Extending the classroom Role of lesson plans Facets of understanding Blooms taxonomy Motivation

3 Review Chickering and Gamson High expectations Intentionality Scaffolding Sequencing Teaching formats

4 Review Personal theory of teaching and learning ZPD GRASPS WHERETO Connecting/relating

5 3 Rs Repetition Review Reflection Enables richer connections and associations

6 Varied Instructional activities Lecture Discussion Q & A

7 Varied learning activities Group work Collaborative assignments Self-exploration PBL

8 Classroom extensions Labs Guest/experts field trips Technology

9 Diversity and focus Approach must align with intent Diversity ensures multiple encounters with big ideas

10 Seamless Outcomes teaching/learning assessment

11 Seamless Tied to larger systems: program, department, college

12 Teaching Has origin in activity Has target in completion Is holistic – related to a field/department or discipline

13 Learning is What we enable students to do based on guidance, direction, resources, encouragement, and patterns of a field

14 Learners require Freedom/choice Personal relevance Practical, hands-on work Various levels of support Personalization Connections to prior knowledge Basics needs met first (security, trust)

15 Motivation Kellers ARCS: –Attention, –relevance, –confidence, –satisfaction

16 Motivation Internal/external Social, cognitive, emotional locus of control – attribution Maslows hierarchy of needs

17 Intervention Capitalize Compensate Correct

18 Adaptations Input Output Quality Quantity Rate Scaffolding

19 Providing feedback Feedback is a teaching process Positive, corrective Task-focused Language specific Observation: Situation: Your interpretation: Negotiation: Suggested changes. Involve students

20 Practice feedback

21 Journal What is the muddiest point for the course?

22 Portfolio Should be able to complete all activities EXCEPT: 3, 10, 14

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