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Week 2:. Needs Assessment Program evaluation Why evaluation in advance of program design? Assessment of merit/value of curriculum Tylers Stufflembeams.

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Presentation on theme: "Week 2:. Needs Assessment Program evaluation Why evaluation in advance of program design? Assessment of merit/value of curriculum Tylers Stufflembeams."— Presentation transcript:

1 Week 2:

2 Needs Assessment

3 Program evaluation Why evaluation in advance of program design? Assessment of merit/value of curriculum Tylers Stufflembeams

4 What is a Needs Assessment? Systematic set of procedures Setting priorities and making decisions About program improvement and resource allocation Priorities based on needs Witkin & Altschuld

5 What is a need? A gap: between current and desired NA seeks to highlight gaps Detail their nature Set priorities for action on gaps

6 Why conduct NA? Discussion: Why do we need a systemic set of procedures?


8 Types of needs Normative Comparative Felt Expressed Future needs

9 The NA Process Planning Data gathering Data Analysis Reporting

10 Kaufman: Organizational Elements Model Inputs Processes Products Outputs Outcomes

11 Task Analysis

12 What is a task analysis?

13 Decomposing tasks 1.Identify task to be analyzed 2.Break down task into subtasks 3.Diagram sub-tasks and flow 4.Decompose subtask into appropriate levels of detail 5.Sequence tasks and subtasks for instruction 6.Discuss and compare analysis with colleagues, experts, literature 7.Compare and revise against learner performance

14 Conduct task decomposition


16 What is DACUM?

17 What is the process?

18 Curriculum Validation

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