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SHRM’s Government Affairs Program & The Role SHRM State Legislative Directors Can Play State Legislative Directors Meeting March 10, 2013 The Thornton.

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2 SHRM’s Government Affairs Program & The Role SHRM State Legislative Directors Can Play State Legislative Directors Meeting March 10, 2013 The Thornton Room Hyatt Regency Hotel – Capitol Hill

3 2 2013 State Legislative Director Meeting Agenda 12:30 Luncheon & Introductions 1:00 Overview of SHRM’s Government Affairs Program 1:40 Overview of SHRM’s Advocacy Team (A-Team) Program 2:00 Break 2:15 The Legislative Director ‘Walkabout’ 3:30 Open Discussion (Q & A) 3:50 Adjourn Note: For first-time participants for Wednesday’s Capitol Hill Day, the 2nd Boot Camp Session to prepare participants for what to expect during their meetings will commence at 4:00 PM in the Congressional A Ballroom in the lower level of the hotel. 6:45 Meet in the lobby of the hotel to walk to dinner (dinner attire is business casual) 7:00 Dinner at Sixth Engine Restaurant 9:15 Return to the hotel

4 3 Vice President, Government Affairs Senior Associate, Government Relations Senior Associate, Member Advocacy Senior Government Affairs Policy Counsel Senior State Affairs Advisor State Affairs Intern (Temporary) Specialist Workplace Flexibility Specialist Who is SHRM Government Affairs? Senior Government Affairs Advisor

5 4 Why is SHRM involved in public policy ?  Largest line item in an organization’s budget – its people costs  HR’s role is to align its people strategies to meet an organization’s “business” objectives or mission  Federal, state and global public policy (laws, regulations and court decisions) have a major financial and practical impact on people management strategies costing organizations roughly $75 billion per year  SHRM is the “voice” that can influence the HR policy-making process

6 5 What does SHRM do in Public Policy?  SHRM is an active and vocal advocate for the HR agenda, influencing HR policy decisions at the federal, state and local levels  SHRM Government Affairs role is to both “advance” and “protect” the brand (SHRM) and the HR profession in the public policy arena Protecting the Brand Advancing the Brand

7 6 What do we mean “Protect and Advance” the Brand?  The “Brand” refers to both SHRM and the HR Profession  SHRM engages in a variety of activities and mediums in protecting and advancing the brand:  Public policy in the form of legislative, regulatory or judicial efforts that affect the management of human capital at the federal and state (soon to be global) levels  Proposals or research from public policy stakeholder groups that impact the management of people (standards)  News stories or issues  New approaches, solutions or “thought leadership” on HR policy issues

8 7 How Does SHRM Shape Public Policy? Effective HR Public Policy Issue Awareness Education efforts, Presentations & Media Interaction Partnerships Federal & State Levels Member Advocacy Federal & State Levels Direct Advocacy Legislative, Regulatory and Judicial Branches

9 8 Protecting and Advancing the Brand Federal Legislative Issues HR PUBLIC POLICY ISSUES Employment: - Americans with Disabilities Amendment Act Civil Rights: - Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act - Employment Non- Discrimination Act Immigration: - Employment Verification Health Care: - Patient Protection Affordable Care Act Tax and Benefits: - Employer Provided Education Assistance- Section 127 Labor: - Employee Free Choice Act - National Labor Relations Act Workplace Flexibility: - Healthy Families Act - FMLA

10 9 Protecting and Advancing the Brand Total SHRM Staff Congressional Meetings by Year 193 239 159 232 192 Direct Advocacy by Government Affairs Staff

11 10 Protecting and Advancing the Brand The Evolution of SHRM’s Member Advocacy Efforts  SHRM Government Affairs Team (GAT)  Mass Letter-writing  Capitol Hill Advocacy Day During Legislative Conference  Limited Days Inside the District  Sporadic Days Inside the Beltway  District-by-District Presence  Recurring, Tracked District Meetings  Tracked District Interactions (Phone Calls, Town Halls, etc.)  Briefings / Information Sharing  Enhanced Communication Flow to Chapter / Council / Legislative Directors

12 11 SHRM Member Advocacy Visits Non-Conference Related **A-Team engaged

13 12 SHRM Partnerships 2003

14 13 SHRM Partnerships 2012 Non-Profit Organizations Federal Organizations SHRM Partners State Organizations

15 14 Protecting and Advancing the Brand Employment and Legislative Law Conference

16 15 HR Competitors in Shaping Policy Organization Do they have Legislative or Related Conference? Hill Visits? XX

17 16 Human Resources Association Comparison Organization Do they have Legislative or Related Conference? Hill Visits? X XX XX X XX

18 17 Government Affairs Presentation Data 2008 - 2012 Data (coordinated through the SHRM Speakers’ Bureau) Year Total Presentations Total Attendance Average Rating Donation to SHRM Foundation 2008393,057**4.63**$6,900** 2009304,4654.8$12,130 2010303,5734.9$10,275 2011463,7864.8$10,100 201296n/a $2,150 Totals32513,5584.752$41,555 **- Calculated with Available Data 2012 Data Only Partially Available at this Time

19 18 Thought Leadership In the Public Policy Arena “Thank you for the leadership you’ve shown on workplace flexibility, particularly your recent partnership with the Families and Work Institute.” Valerie Jarrett, Senior Advisor and Chair of the White House Council on Women and Girls “As part of Joining Forces, businesses and organizations, including some of the best know names and brands (including SHRM), announced major new commitments to support military families in the areas of employment, education and public awareness.”

20 19 Thought Leadership WHAT IS IT?  Workplace Flexibility  Partnership with FWI and Sloan  Educate and encourage the voluntary adoption of flexible work programs  Influence workplace flexibility public policy efforts  Veterans Employment  Partnerships with the federal government and non-profits  Successful transition of veterans into the workplace is a key priority for SHRM  Educate members on how to recruit and retain veterans to the workforce to address critical skill shortages

21 20 Thought Leadership TARGET PLUS MOMENTS/OUTCOMES  Workplace Flexibility  SHRM testified at each opportunity on workplace flexibility during the 112 th Congress and consulted by White House on work flexibility  Over 75 workplace flex programs offered in 2012 to SHRM state councils and chapters in all 15 Sloan target states  New toolkit for California as well as Essential Guide to Effective and Flexible Workplaces among new educational materials in 2012  Increased visibility has positioned SHRM as the “go to” group for the media and other stakeholders  Veterans Employment  New toolkit, Support from Behind the Lines: 10 Steps to Becoming a Military-Ready Employer, distributed to SHRM chapters and state councils  Workshops held at 2010, 2011 and 2012 annual conferences on hiring and supporting veterans  100% of SHRM state councils and chapters have signed ESGR Statement of Support

22 21 Thought Leadership WHAT IS IT?  Section 127  SHRM Co-chaired of the Coalition to Preserve Employer-Provided Educational Assistance  The tax provision allows an employee to exclude from taxes up to $5,250 per year in assistance provided by their employer for courses at the associate, undergraduate and graduate level.  It was set to expire on December 31, 2012  Permanently extended with the enactment of the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012

23 22 Thought Leadership Target Plus Moments/Outcomes  Section 127  SHRM was instrumental in the introduction of legislation to extend and make permanent Section 127  SHRM was seen as a though leader on this issue and was featured in articles in The Boston Globe, CNN Money, USA Today and US News and World Report

24 23 Focus in 2013 And Beyond  Public Policy  Tax Reform and Employer-Sponsored Benefits  Comprehensive Immigration Reform  Workplace Flexibility  Labor-Management Regulations (EEOC, DOL, NLRB)  Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act  A-Team Rollout and Fulfillment  Global  California Initiative  CALSHRM State Legislative Conference  Advocacy Presence  Workplace Flexibility  FWI-SHRM/Sloan

25 24 State-Specific Legislative Advocacy Since 2008, SHRM has advocated on 83 bills throughout 28 states through our volunteer network – YOU! RI State Advocacy 2008-2012 Consulted with National SHRM 1 Year- 2 Years- 4 Years- 3 Years- 5 Years-

26 25 State-Specific Legislative Advocacy See Your Handout

27 26 2013 And Beyond See Your Handout

28 27 Closing the Loop Final Misc. Issues to Discuss  State Legislative Director Position Description (see handout)  Update on the Legislative Director Survey Results (see handout)  Subjects for Discussion During the Legislative Director ‘Walk-About’ between 2:15 and 3:30 (15 minute segments) – SHRM A-Team Issues (David Lusk & Chatrane Birbal) – Communication Vehicles for Updating Chapter LDs/SC Members in Your State – Dealing with the Media (Kate Kennedy) – Coordinating Advocacy Efforts (e.g. Letter-Writing and Presenting Testimony) with SHRM (Bob Carragher & Sherry Johnson) – Tips for Improving/Planning a State Legislative Conference – Any Suggestions for Substitutes?  Is There Anyone NOT Going to Dinner Tonight with the Group?

29 28 Thank You for Your Attention and Your Service!

30 29

31 30 SHRM Advocacy Team Background & Status Government Affairs Team (GAT) Background No federal Political Action Committee Two-pronged challenge  Maintain relevance with no PAC  Manage “assets for testimony” Democrats & Republicans both request SHRM testimony on federal / state level Only ONE members of Congress possess HR background Over 90 new lawmakers in the 113 th Congress with limited knowledge of the Human Resource profession

32 31 Government Affairs Team (GAT) Background Members engaged in GA activities demonstrate among highest satisfaction ratings across SHRM departments Satisfied members renew -> renewing members engage more (volunteer, attend conferences, etc.) -> SHRM & State Councils grow Renewal rate for those attending SHRM’s Employment Law & Legislative Conference – 97%! SHRM A-Team Background & Status

33 32 SHRM A-Team Background & Status A-Team Purpose Developed to ensure when policy decision-makers (legislators, regulators, etc.) develop workplace policy, HR’s voice is heard via a “local network” Since MoC’s are most responsive to their constituents, informs legislators of policy impacts upon employers in her / his district SHRM members best understand / are best suited to communicate how public policy affects employees, employers & the HR profession as a whole Entering year four (2013) of five-year implementation

34 33 SHRM A-Team Background & Status A-Team Target States 2010-2014 -2012 Target -2013 Target-2014 Target -2011 Target -2010 Target

35 34 SHRM A-Team Background & Status A-Team Spanning the Country 2010, 2011 & 2012 Total of 190 Advocacy Captains out of 311 Districts 1,300 A-Team members overall (Advocacy Captains and HR Advocates) Over 125 training sessions educating 6,000 SHRM members

36 35 SHRM A-Team Background & Status California Colorado Florida Georgia Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 2010-2012 Target States Needing Captain Candidates Pennsylvania Tennessee Texas Virginia Washington Wisconsin Wyoming Kansas Maine Maryland Nebraska Nevada New York Ohio Oklahoma

37 36 SHRM A-Team Background & Status A-Team Purpose Intended to build upon successful but ad-hoc country-wide efforts in place (DITB, DITD, conference Hill Advocacy Days) Two participation levels  HR Advocate  Advocacy Captain Four “soloists” lobbyists vs. “choir” of 260,000 SHRM activists Members represent diverse opinions (260,000 voices of information) Members comprise the entire spectrum of employer settings

38 37 SHRM A-Team Background & Status Must be a SHRM member in good standing Strong preference for prior or current experience as an HR professional (HR certification highly desirable) Must live within the congressional district he / she is representing as an Advocacy Captain Appointment is made by SHRM with input from state councils and chapter representatives, among others Serve a two-year term beginning the first day of January and ending the last day of December. May be reappointed for additional terms. It is advisable that one serves in this position for multiple terms. Advocacy Captain Requirements

39 38 SHRM A-Team Background & Status Advocacy Captain Job Description Commit 30 minutes to 1 hour per month every other month; up to 2 – 4 hours during months meeting with legislators Serve as the key advocacy contact in your congressional district Develop and maintain (or foster) relationships with Congress & their staff Recruit and train colleagues / allies to manage as district assets as well as successor Advocacy Captains Understand SHRM’s priority issues and initiatives for sharing with team members Learn SHRM’s online advocacy and feedback system Inform legislative directors on activities in the district Participate in on-line trainings, retraining sessions & “special insider” calls Attend the SHRM Employment Law and Legislative Conference, as appropriate

40 39 SHRM A-Team Background & Status Georgia GAC (Government Affairs Committee)

41 40

42 41 SHRM A-Team Background & Status Moving the Needle with Measurable Results House Concurrent Resolution 101 (Neal / Gerlach)  Sought 100 co-sponsors; had 52 as of early February 2012  SHRM launched coalition activities plus A-Team letter-writing & phone calls  Co-sponsorship hit 106 in two weeks (by mid-February intro) SHRM testified FIVE times in 2012  Three hearings on workplace flexibility issues held last Congress  SHRM testified at each hearing PERMANENT extension of Employer Provided Education Assistance in January 2013

43 42 SHRM A-Team Background & Status Moving the Needle with Measurable Results Legislators called upon A-Team Captains & HR Advocates as a resource (Delaware, Illinois & Pennsylvania) Over 140 SHRM members participated in inaugural A-Team GATChat during SOTU VT SHRM held 1 st legislative conference with 90 attendees Third annual legislative conference with Hill Visit Days in California & Florida NV SHRM’s 6 th biennial legislative conference well attended by legislative speakers & HR professionals Stateline, IL Fox Valley & Northwest HR Council SHRM Chapters held 1 st legislative conference for 150 attendees

44 43 SHRM A-Team Background & Status Helpful Links

45 44 SHRM A-Team Background & Status Alaska Arizona Louisiana Michigan Minnesota 2013 Target States for A-Team Programming Montana New Hampshire North Carolina South Carolina Vermont

46 45 SHRM A-Team Background & Status Advocacy: A Critical Ingredient to chapter, Council & SHRM Success 1.Be the voice on key HR issues in the community 2.Offer strategic educational programming for HR professionals 3.Support SHRM strategic priority while increasing visibility on “hot” HR issues 4.Contribute to SHAPE objectives / CLA areas of Government Affairs

47 46 SHRM A-Team Background & Status Advocacy: A Critical Ingredient to chapter, Council & SHRM Success SHRM provides speakers on advocacy and public policy issues for state council and chapter programs Quarterly A-Team conference calls to share successes / challenges and hear from policy insiders Advocacy Captain Toolkit to help build HR Advocacy Teams will be available in Q1 2013 Sample press releases, marketing brochures, media strategies to support local A-Team program

48 47 SHRM A-Team Background & Status Host 5 regional introductory webinars in Jan/Feb for targeted state councils Review A-Team program at state council meeting or via conference calls Conduct in-person A-Team training at chapter and/or council events 3 3 2 2 1 1 Request A-Team programming through the SHRM Speakers Bureau at Advocacy: A Critical Ingredient to chapter, Council & SHRM Success

49 48 SHRM A-Team Background & Status David M. Lusk Senior Associate, Member Advocacy W: 703-535-6158 C: 703-597-3602 A-Team Staff Contact Information Chatrane Birbal Senior Associate, Member Advocacy W: 703-535-6476 C: 917-627-4682

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