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What Is Seismic Facies Analysis?
Input: Seismic Data (2D or 3D) Product: Prediction of Rock Types Sand within reservoir intervals Shale in overlying seal intervals & source intervals Seismic Stratigraphic Analysis Define key stratigraphic intervals Determine the rock types within each interval Seismic Sequence Analysis Seismic Facies Analysis SLIDE 1 The second part of stratigraphic interpretation focuses in on the prediction of rock types (lithofacies) within key sequences We start we either 2D or 3D seismic data We identify and map the major sequence boundaries using reflection terminations Then we perform what is referred to as seismic facies analysis Our goal is to predict where we have potential reservoirs capped by potential seals We may also want to identify regions that have good source rock potential Courtesy of ExxonMobil L 11 – Stratigraphic Analysis
Seismic Facies Analysis
Definitions Seismic Facies Unit a mappable, three dimensional seismic unit composed of groups of reflections whose parameters differ from those of adjacent facies units. Seismic Facies Analysis the description and geologic interpretation (environmental setting, lithofacies, etc.) of seismic reflection parameters. Mitchum et al., 1977a SLIDE 2 Some definitions of terms: A seismic facies unit – is a mappable, three dimensional seismic unit composed of groups of reflections whose parameters differ from those of adjacent facies units Seismic Facies Analysis – is the description and geologic interpretation (environmental setting, lithofacies, etc.) of seismic reflection parameters Courtesy of ExxonMobil L 11 – Stratigraphic Analysis
Reflection Features Used in Mapping
Feature Significance Impedance Contrasts (significant stratal surfaces) Bed Spacing / Tuning Fluid Content Seismic Amplitude SLIDE 3 This slide lists 4 types of features that we can use in our mapping: Seismic amplitude …. Reflection geometry … Reflection continuity … Wavelet frequency … Reflection Geometry Depositional Processes Lateral Stratal Continuity Depositional Processes Reflection Continuity Bed Thickness Fluid Content Wavelet Frequency Courtesy of ExxonMobil L 11 – Stratigraphic Analysis
Seismic Facies Analysis
Seismic Sequence Analysis Mitchum et al., 1977b Key Stratigraphic Units Are Broken Out AAPG©1977reprinted with permission of the AAPG whose permission is required for further use. Seismic Facies Analysis Geometric Relations are Captured through ABC Mapping Other Seismic Features are Extracted as Seismic Attributes SLIDE 4 This slide shows a 'road map' for stratigraphic analysis First we perform seismic sequence analysis to map sequence boundaries using reflection terminations This subdivides the sediment fill into genetically related units – depositional sequences Second, we do seismic facies analysis, which has two elements We use a technique to capture geometric information We can also extract seismic attributes, any of a variety of measures of the seismic reflections A commonly used seismic attribute is reflection amplitude, another is reflection continuity We combine the geometric information with the seismic attributes to predict the environments of deposition (EODs) that influenced the types of deposits (e.g., a beach where clean sands may have been deposited) On the right, we have a portion of Line C from exercise 11a We talked about the shelf-edge carbonate build-up "reef” Below the seismic image is a map view for the youngest Jurassic depositional sequence The dark blue is the location of the "reef” To the right (landward) is a carbonate shelf To the left (basinward) is a carbonate slope Carbonate Shelf Edge Reef Carb. Slope Interpretation/Prediction Patterns are used to Interpret EODs Lithologies / stacking are predicted Courtesy of ExxonMobil L 11 – Stratigraphic Analysis
Posting Geometric Observation
The ABC Method Tr = Truncation Tp = Toplap C = Concordant On = Onlap Dn = Downlap C = Concordant A - B C p = parallel m = mounded ob = oblique progradation sub = subparallel w = wavy sig = sigmoid progradation div = divergent rf = reflection free sh = shingled SLIDE 5 We need a method to make geometric observations and post them on a map before we can make predictions The method we use is called the ABC method Although it looks like a formula, it is more a template for recording observations The A term is the type of termination pattern at the top of the sequence erosional truncation, toplap, or concordance, i.e., no terminations The B term is the type of termination pattern at the base of the sequence onlap, downlap, or concordance, i.e., no terminations The C term is the internal reflection pattern, e.g., parallel The next few slides show some common internal reflection patterns A way to remember the code is to think: A = Above; B = Below; C = Center A = Termination Pattern at the Upper Sequence Boundary B = Termination Pattern at the Lower Sequence Boundary C = Internal Reflection Pattern Courtesy of ExxonMobil L 11 – Stratigraphic Analysis
Internal Reflection Patterns
Stratified Unstratified Simple Progradational Complex SLIDE 6 This slide shows a hierarchical method to classify internal reflection patterns First, do you think the reflections indicate stratification patterns? If they do, is the stratification simple, progradational, or complex in appearance? If not, the internal reflection pattern may be chaotic – complex structure/stratigraphy or poor seismic imaging or it may be reflection free – which could be due to a nearly homogenous interval (massive sand, salt, etc) or it could be an imaging problem The next slides illustrate the terms on the lower half of this diagram Parallel Subparallel Divergent Sigmoid Oblique Combination Shingled Mounded Hummocky Deformed Chaotic Reflection Free For examples, see AAPG Memoir 26 Courtesy of ExxonMobil L 11 – Stratigraphic Analysis
Simple Stratified Internal Configurations
Parallel - Even Stratified Simple Progradational Complex SLIDE 7 Simple stratified means the seismic reflections are parallel, sub-parallel or divergent The spacing (thickness) between reflections are relatively uniform A few words on the divergent pattern In the diagram, there are fewer reflections on the left side than the right The shorter reflections terminate internally, not at the top or base This is probably due to seismic resolution issues The internal layers are thick enough on the right that tops and bases are imaged But moving to the left, units thin and some get too thin for the seismic data to fully resolve Thus the reflections terminate internally as the total sequence thins right to left Subparallel Divergent Courtesy of ExxonMobil L 11 – Stratigraphic Analysis
Progradational Internal Configurations
Shingled Stratified Simple Progradational Complex Sigmoid Oblique SLIDE 8 This slide focuses in on progradational internal patterns This is commonly associated with deltaic-types of deposits that build out a shelf Sigmoid and oblique are two variations Sigmoid exhibits a combination of upbuilding (or aggredation) and outbuilding (or progradation Oblique exhibits outbuilding without upbuilding Oblique is characterized by toplap terminations at the top of the sequence Sigmoid and oblique represent outbuilding into relatively deep water; 200 meters of water depth or more Shingled is a progradational pattern in a shallower basin or on a relic shelf There is not enough paleotopography for progradation to develop at a scale obvious on typical seismic data Upbuilding (Aggradation) Outbuilding (Progradation) Courtesy of ExxonMobil L 11 – Stratigraphic Analysis
Complex Internal Configurations
Mounded Stratified Simple Progradational Complex SLIDE 9 Complex internal configurations show significant thickening and thinning Mounded shows thinning in at least two directions from a central thick mounds are common in carbonate environments and in association with deep sea fans Hummocky shows a complex pattern of thickening/thinning Deformed indicates that there has been some post-depositional forces that have partially disrupted the layering The example shown in the lower right is what might exist where some down-slope creep has occurred Hummocky Deformed Courtesy of ExxonMobil L 11 – Stratigraphic Analysis
The Classic Method - An Example
C -On P T -C Ob T -Dn Ob C -Dn P C -C P Line B SLIDE 10 We will code this cartoon section (Line B) to illustrate the ABC method Animation shows the steps Starting on the left, the first code would be – concordant at the top, onlap at the base, and parallel internally This code is good until we start to observe toplap What is the code for the second unit? Toplap, Concordant, Oblique The third zone? Toplap, Downlap, Oblique The fourth zone? Concordant, Downlap, Parallel (or oblique) Not everyone would code every segment the same, which is not a problem Once the codes are posted on a map and interpreted – that is what is important The last zone? Concordant, Concordant, Parallel Each Line is Subdivided into Seismic Facies Units where Each Unit Differs from its Neighbors Here Facies Units are based on Reflection Geometries Courtesy of ExxonMobil L 11 – Stratigraphic Analysis
ABC Codes Posted on a Map
T -C Div Line A 10 Line B 10 20 30 40 50 T -Dn Ob C -On P T -C C -Dn C -C SLIDE 11 We have placed the codes for Line B on the map – we offset the codes to help the illustration We also have the codes for Line C (similar string of codes) and Line A (different codes) Note where Line B and Line A intersect – see a problem? Line B has Oblique while Line A has Parallel This is not necessarily a conflict Progradation has a dip and a strike component Line B is more of a dip orientation while Line A is more of a strike orientation With these two codes we can conclude the progradation is primarily west to east 20 Line C 30 10 20 30 40 50 C -C P C -Dn T -Dn Ob T -C C -On 40 Courtesy of ExxonMobil L 11 – Stratigraphic Analysis
Facies Synthesis Wedge Zone of Progradation Sheet Line B Line C Line A
10 20 40 30 Line B Line C Line A 50 C -On P T -C Ob C -Dn C -C T -Dn Div 30 Line B Line C Line A 10 20 C -On P C -C Wedge 10 20 40 30 Line B Line C Line A 50 C -On P T -C Ob C -Dn C -C T -Dn Div Zone of Progradation Last Shelf Margin C -C P Sheet SLIDE 12 After we post the observations for each line, we have to synthesize the geometric observations In this example, there is a zone of oblique progradation to the ESE near the center of the area Landward there is an onlaping wedge Basinward where is a sheet (C–C/P) Courtesy of ExxonMobil L 11 – Stratigraphic Analysis
Depositional Environments
Line B Line C Line A 10 20 30 40 50 Non-Marine Marginal Marine Slope Basin SLIDE 13 We are now ready to interpret the EODs – Environments of Deposition From left to right we have: A fluvial/non-marine wedge that thins by onlap to the west (tan) A nearshore/marginal marine zone (characterized by toplap) (yellow) The paleo-slope at the end of this depositional period (concordant at top) (green), and The basinal deposits out in deep water (blue) Courtesy of ExxonMobil L 11 – Stratigraphic Analysis
Inferred Lithology - Prediction
Facies Model Delta Front Sandstone Delta Front Siltstone Pro-Delta Shales Offshore Clay Sea Level Prediction Crevasse Splay Channel Fill Proximal Distributary Mouth Bar Distal Prodelta Delta Front SLIDE 14 Given these interpreted EODs, we can think about the types of depositional bodies we should have We use depositional models based on modern analogues, ancient outcrops and/or laboratory experiments If we were to drill in the marginal marine (yellow) area of the map on the last slide, we would expect (top-down) Delta front sands Delta front silts Prodelta shales Offshore clays We can even anticipate a vertical (and lateral) facies succession as shown on the right We can even use geo-statistics to predict, for example, the thickness and lateral extent of channel sands or crevasse splays Courtesy of ExxonMobil L 11 – Stratigraphic Analysis
Time for Another Exercise
Woodbine: Onshore East Texas SLIDE 15 It is time for another exercise The data comes from an area in East Texas Together we will code Line 1 Line 1a Line 1 Ramsayer, 1979 OTC©1979 reprinted with permission of the OTC whose permission is required for further use. Courtesy of ExxonMobil L 11 – Stratigraphic Analysis
Line 1 Well C Well D SLIDE 16 Here is line 1 with our interval of interest highlighted Some red lines have been added on the peaks (blacks) There are two ABC zones – boundary near the yellow vertical line What is the code for the first zone – Tp-Dn/Ob (animation) What is the code for the second zone – C-Dn/P (animation) OTC©1979 reprinted with permission of the OTC whose permission is required for further use. Ramsayer, 1979 Courtesy of ExxonMobil L 11 – Stratigraphic Analysis
ABC-Coded Map Well C SLIDE 17 We have given you the base map with the codes posted for the Woodbine interval - our zone of interest Use this map to: synthesize the observations predict depositional environments Note that some lines have depositional limits for the Woodbine and this sequence is NOT present on the line to the far west GIVE STUDENTS SOME TIME TO WORK THE EXERCISE Well D OTC©1979 reprinted with permission of the OTC whose permission is required for further use. Ramsayer, 1979 Courtesy of ExxonMobil L 11 – Stratigraphic Analysis
Well C SLIDE 18 EXERCISE SOLUTION This is the synthesis of the observations Brown is C-On/Thin Yellow is Tp-Dn/Ob Green is C-Dn/P Well D OTC©1979 reprinted with permission of the OTC whose permission is required for further use. Ramsayer, 1979 Courtesy of ExxonMobil L 11 – Stratigraphic Analysis
Interpreted Depositional Environments
Fluvial & Delta Plain Delta Plain Slope SLIDE 19 Here are the interpreted depositional environments Brown is fluvial and upper delta plain – fluvial sands and shales Yellow is lower delta plain – well sorted sands with some silts Green is delta slope – shale with minor silt OTC©1979 reprinted with permission of the OTC whose permission is required for further use. Ramsayer, 1979 Courtesy of ExxonMobil L 11 – Stratigraphic Analysis
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