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Warm Up 1/7/13.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up 1/7/13."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up /7/13

2 Warm Up /8/13

3 Warm Up /8/13 “Barron and I studied photosynthesis for our project,” explained Dean. Daniela plays chess better than her younger brother because she practices a lot. fragment

4 Warm Up 1/9/13 (*Hint: It is AFTER the predicate!).
Circle the complete subject of this sentence. (*Hint: It is AFTER the predicate!).

5 Warm Up /9/13 Arctic wolves, which live in northern Canada and Greenland, prey on caribou. Dennis enjoyed running the marathon, but he was very tired when he finished. She doesn’t sing well. Circle the complete subject of this sentence. (*Hint: It is AFTER the predicate!).

6 Warm Up /10/13

7 Warm Up /10/13 Uncle Keith, my dad’s brother, is a mechanic in the U.S. Air Force. Mr. Pacheco said, “We’ve got to find Marta’s keys, or she’s going to be locked out.” both singular (plural would be ‘axes’ )

8 Warm Up /11/13 (Use your notes on Compound/Complex sentences to help!

9 Warm Up /11/13 (Use your notes on Compound/Complex sentences to help! Louis visits the dentist every six months because he wants to avoid cavities. I love pancakes for breakfast, and sometimes I eat six or seven. Jen wants to be a police officer, so she’s studying criminal justice. Jacksonville is the biggest city in Florida, but Tallahassee is the capital. Mr. Quinn, our history teacher, is an expert on the Civil War.

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