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HSP3U Triology Sciences. C ANADIAN C ULTURE What does being a Canadian mean to you? How do you know you are a Canadian Citizen? What does Multicultural.

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Presentation on theme: "HSP3U Triology Sciences. C ANADIAN C ULTURE What does being a Canadian mean to you? How do you know you are a Canadian Citizen? What does Multicultural."— Presentation transcript:

1 HSP3U Triology Sciences

2 C ANADIAN C ULTURE What does being a Canadian mean to you? How do you know you are a Canadian Citizen? What does Multicultural mean? (Brainstorm Idea’s on the board) One person’s interpretation of Canada

3 C ANADIAN C ULTURE Multiculturalism – an ideology that states that all cultures are of equal value and should be promoted equally within the same nation. In Canada, multiculturalism is a policy that protects ethnic, racial, linguistic, and religious diversity hip.asp In 1971, Canada was the first country in the world to adopt multiculturalism as an official policy. By so doing, Canada affirmed the value and dignity of all Canadian citizens regardless of their racial or ethnic origins, their language, or their religious affiliation. The 1971 Multiculturalism Policy of Canada also confirmed the rights of Aboriginal peoples and the status of Canada’s two official languages.

4 M ULTICULTURALISM C ONTINUED Multiculturalism has led to higher rates of naturalization than ever before. With no pressure to assimilate and give up their culture, immigrants freely choose their new citizenship because they want to be Canadians. As Canadians, they share the basic values of democracy with all other Canadians who came before them. At the same time, Canadians are free to choose for themselves, without penalty, whether they want to identify with their specific group or not. Their individual rights are fully protected and they need not fear group pressures.

5 M ULTICULTURAL ? Are there aspects of Canada that are not multicultural?

6 A NTHROPOLOGY Is the study of human beings as a ______ and as members of different cultures. __________ anthropology involves looking at the way that humans are similar and different from other species. It examines how _________ have developed biologically over time ___________ anthropology explores how culture shaped the way people lived in the _____ and how they live _____

7 P SYCHOLOGY Is the study of the human ______ processes and behaviour. Psychologists try to understand the general ______ that govern our thinking and behaviour. They examine overt actions, how people_______ in certain _________, and how people think, feel and learn _______ psychologists use this information to help individuals experiencing psychological problems like anger, anxiety and ___________

8 S OCIOLOGY Is the study of people in specific _________, of relationships, ______ _______, and how they develop Sociologists explore how the categories we belong to, shape our ___________ of the world They look at how ________ can be influenced by our thoughts, feelings, ________ Gender roles, religion, culture, music, movies etc.

9 T HESE ARE S CIENCES ? These are still considered _________ because they all follow a strict process of scientific _______ that has five steps 1) Identifying the problem or issue – this provides the _______ for inquiry and indicates a plan of action. This first step is to put the problem in the form of a ___________ 2) Develop a hypothesis – a possible _________ to the inquiry question and a starting point for further inquiry. It indicates what needs to be _______ and what research ________ to use 3) Gather data – determine the method of _________ appropriate to the question and __________. (ex. Case studies, sample surveys, experiments, interviews, observations)

10 S TEPS C ONTINUED : 4) Analyze data – organize and ________ the data into trends, patterns or ________ 5) Draw conclusions – determine whether or not the hypothesis is _________, whether it should be __________ or revised

11 5 T YPES OF R ESEARCH M ETHODS Case Studies – observation of an individual, situation, or _______ over a period of time. By studying one situation in depth, a lot of _______ can be unearthed, and hypothesis on similar situations can be developed and therefore applied to other cases Experiments – determine how one factor is related to another. In social science several ________ standards must be met since we are dealing with the study of ________ beings. One group cannot be unfairly _____________ over another

12 R ESEARCH M ETHODS C ONTINUED Sample surveys – can be used to determine the thoughts or _________ of a large group of people. they are used on a limited number of individuals that can represent the _______ group. These usually take the form of questionnaires with ________ choice questions which allows for easy collation of information. Sample survey groups must be _______, they have to represent a ______ of people, and not lead to group exclusions

13 R ESEARCH M ETHODS C ONTINUED Interviews – are used when there is _________ information that needs to be collected from only a few people. Generally questions are prepared _______ of time. Observation – allows social scientists to learn about people in their _________ surroundings _____________ observation involves people without a predetermined ______ of what to look for, allowing for fresh insights, ideas and the creation of _____ research hypotheses Structured observation involves planning __________ what will be noted during observation, and having a ______ of things to look for Participant observation is used mainly by ____________ and involves not only observing group activities, but _____________ in them as well. This can involve living in these groups for as long as one or two years

14 D ATA C OLLECTION Data needs to be analyzed 1) Data must be separated into two categories; relevant and irrelevant 2) Data should be organized in a way that makes it clear, ex. Charts, graphs, percentages, trends etc. 3) Data should be analyzed in terms of how it supports, or fails to support the hypothesis

15 C ONCLUSIONS After the data has been analyzed, __________ can start to form and be drawn about the issue in question. There are four broad categories of a conclusion 1) The evidence supports the hypothesis 2) There is some evidence that supports the hypothesis 3) The evidence does not support the hypothesis 4) The evidence supports an alternative hypothesis The value of any conclusion is determined by three tests Objectivity Relevance Validity A conclusion must _____ all three tests to be a truly successful study

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