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Resources  Crude Oil is a finite resource – fuels are obtained from it by Fractional distillation.  We use it to get the small molecules that are synthesised.

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Presentation on theme: "Resources  Crude Oil is a finite resource – fuels are obtained from it by Fractional distillation.  We use it to get the small molecules that are synthesised."— Presentation transcript:


2 Resources  Crude Oil is a finite resource – fuels are obtained from it by Fractional distillation.  We use it to get the small molecules that are synthesised (built up) to give us CONSUMER PRODUCTS.  Consumer Products – Plastics, cosmetics,agricultural products and dyes etc.  Crude Oil gives is fuels and consumer products.  We use a lot of aromatic compounds to make consumer products. ( e.g. – aspirin, TCP )

3 Esters and Carboxylic Acids  Esters can used used to give characteristics smells to substances, they are also very good non polar solvents.  Other uses – perfumes, flavourings, nail varnish remover( ethyl ethanoate)and paint thinner.  Carboxylic acids – vinegar ( ethanoic acid), benzoic acid is used as a food preservative.

4 Halogenalkanes  Trichlormethane – chloroform – used as an anaesthetic.  However it is toxic and can cause liver damage.  Halothane (2 – bromo-2-chloro-1,1,1-triflouroethane) is a modern replacement.  CFC’s – Chloroflourocarbons – unreactive, low toxicity.  Uses – aerosol propellants, refrigerants, cleaning solvents.  Problem – They break up O 3 in the ozone layer – more UV radiation gets to the earth.  This can cause – skin cancer, eye cataracts, effect growth of organisms, the global temperature etc.

5 Polymers  Revision Standard Grade  Plastics are long chain molecules made when small monomer units join.  The monomers are repeated along the polymer chain.  There are 2 types of polymerisations: addition and condensation.

6 Addition Polymerisation  The monomer must be an unsaturated molecule.  The double bond opens up along the monomers to join. MonomerPolymer EthenePoly (ethene) PropenePoly (propene) StyrenePoly (Styrene) Vinyl chloridePoly ( vinyl chloride)

7 Example  Monomer – Propene Polymer – Poly(propene) CH 3 H CH 3 H CH 3 H CH 3 H I I I I I I I I C = C - C – C – C – C – C – C – I I I I I I I I H H H H H H H H repeating unit

8 Condensation Polymerisation  When 2 monomers join the elements which make up 1 molecule of water are released.  Examples  Starch, Proteins, polyesters.  Starch is made when glucose monomers join  HO – –OH + HO – – OH + HO –- O  - O - - O - - O - - + H 2 O + H 2 O

9 Polyester  Polyesters are formed in condensation reactions.  They are made from monomers that have2 functional groups in their molecule i.e. di ols and di acids.  Example  HO - - OH HOOC– Δ – COOH  Alcohol Acid  Part of polyester O II  HO -  - O – C – Δ – COOH + H 2 O

10 Uses of Polyesters  They can be manufactures as textile fibres – Terylene.  The long polyester chains have a linear structure and fibres can be spun together to make strong, flexible fibres. These are used to make clothes.  They can also be used to make resins. The unsaturated molecules form cross –links across to other fibres – producing a network.  This is called CURING.  Polyester resins (thermosetting) can be mixed with glass fibre to produce GRP – glass reinforced plastic.  The resin is brushed on to the glass fibre and cured.  It can be used in boats, car bodies etc.

11 Amines  Amines are a homologous series that contain the functional group – amine NH 2 ( amino)  They start with the normal prefix and end in amine Example Methyl amine CH 3 NH 2 Ethyl amineCH 3 CH 2 NH 2

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