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15. Lecture WS 2008/09Bioinformatics III1 V15 Stochastic simulations of cellular signalling Introduction into stochastic processes, see e.g. Nico van Kampen‘s.

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1 15. Lecture WS 2008/09Bioinformatics III1 V15 Stochastic simulations of cellular signalling Introduction into stochastic processes, see e.g. Nico van Kampen‘s book A random number or stochastic variable is an object X defined by (a) a set of possible values (called „range“, „set of states“, „sample space“, or „phase space“) and (b) a probability distribution over this set. Ad (a) The set may be discrete, e.g. head or tails, or the number of molecules of a certain component in a reacting mixture. Or the set may be continuous in a given interval as the velocity of a Brownian particle. Or it may be partly discrete, partly continuous. The set of states may also be multidimensional. Then, X stands for a vector X.

2 15. Lecture WS 2008/09Bioinformatics III2 Stochastic variables Ad (b) The probability distribution is given by a nonnegative function P(x), and normalized in the sense where the integral extends over the whole range. The probability that X has a value between x and x + dx is

3 15. Lecture WS 2008/09Bioinformatics III3 Averages The set of states and the probability distribution together fully define the stochastic variable. The average or expectation value of any function f(X) defined on the same state is In particular, is called the m-th moment of X, and  1 the average or mean. is called the variance, which is the square of the standard deviation .

4 15. Lecture WS 2008/09Bioinformatics III4 Addition of stochastic variables Let X 1 and X 2 be two variables with joint probability density P X (x 1,x 2 ). The probability that Y = X 1 + X 2 has a value between y and y +  y is From this follows If X 1 and X 2 are independent this equation becomes Thus the probability density of the sum of two independent variables is the convolution of their individual probability densities.

5 15. Lecture WS 2008/09Bioinformatics III5 Addition of stochastic variables From this follows two rules concerning the moments The average of the sum is the sum of the averages, regardless of whether X 1 and X 2 are independent or not. If X 1 and X 2 are uncorrelated,

6 15. Lecture WS 2008/09Bioinformatics III6 Stochastic processes Once a stochastic variable X has been defined, an infinite number of other stochastic variables derive from it, namely all quantities Y that are defined as functions of X by some mapping f. These quantities Y may be any kind of mathematical object, in particular also functions of an additional variable t, Such a quantity Y(t) is called a random function, or, since in most cases t stands for time, a stochastic process. Thus, a stochastic process is simply a function of two variables, one of which is time t and the other a stochastic variable X. On inserting for X one of its possible values x, an ordinary function of t obtains called a sample function or realization of the process.

7 15. Lecture WS 2008/09Bioinformatics III7 Stochastic processes It is easy to form averages, on the basis of the given probability density P X (x) of X. E.g. A Markov process is defined as a stochastic process with the property that for any set of n successive times, i.e. t 1 < t 2 <... < t n one has The notation P 1|n -1 means that the probability to have a particular value y n at 1 time point t n depends on the values at n-1 previous time points. The equality means that the conditional probability density at t n, given the value y n- 1 at t n-1 is uniquely determined and, for a Markov process, is not affected by any knowledge of the values at earlier times. P 1|1 is called the transition probability.

8 15. Lecture WS 2008/09Bioinformatics III8 Markov property A Markov process is fully determined by the two functions P 1|1 (y 1,t 1 ) and P 1|1 (y 2,t 2 | y 1,t 1 ); the whole hierarchy can be constructed from them. One obtains for instance, taking t 1 < t 2 < t 3 Continuing this algorithm one finds successively all P n. This property makes Markov processes manageable, which is the reason why they are so useful in applications. From here one can derive the Chapman-Kolmogorov equation This identity must be obeyed by the transition probability of any Markov process. The time ordering is t 1 < t 2 < t 3.

9 15. Lecture WS 2008/09Bioinformatics III9 Master equation In practice, the Chapman-Kolmogorov equation is not very convenient for deriving transition probabilities because it is a functional relation. A more convenient version of the same equation is the Master equation. W(y 2 |y 1 ) is the transition probability per unit time from y 1 to y 2. This equation must be interpreted as follows. Take a time t 1 and a value y 1, and consider the solution that is determined for t  t 1 by the initial condition P(y,t 1 ) =  (t – t 1 ). This solution is the transition probability T t-t1 (y|y 1 ) of the Markov process – for any choice of t 1 and y 1.

10 15. Lecture WS 2008/09Bioinformatics III10 Stochastic simulations of cellular signalling Traditional computational approach to chemical/biochemical kinetics: (a) start with a set of coupled ODEs (reaction rate equations) that describe the time-dependent concentration of chemical species, (b) use some integrator to calculate the concentrations as a function of time given the rate constants and a set of initial concentrations. Successful applications : studies of yeast cell cycle, metabolic engineering, whole-cell scale models of metabolic pathways (E-cell),... Major problem: cellular processes occur in very small volumes and frequently involve very small number of molecules. E.g. in gene expression processes a few TF molecules may interact with a single gene regulatory region. E.coli cells contain on average only 10 molecules of Lac repressor.

11 15. Lecture WS 2008/09Bioinformatics III11 Include stochastic effects (Consequence1)  modeling of reactions as continuous fluxes of matter is no longer correct. (Consequence2) Significant stochastic fluctuations occur. To study the stochastic effects in biochemical reactions stochastic formulations of chemical kinetics and Monte Carlo computer simulations have been used. Daniel Gillespie (J Comput Phys 22, 403 (1976); J Chem Phys 81, 2340 (1977)) introduced the exact Dynamic Monte Carlo (DMC) method that connects the traditional chemical kinetics and stochastic approaches. Assuming that the system is well mixed, the rate constants appearing in these two methods are related.

12 15. Lecture WS 2008/09Bioinformatics III12 Dynamic Monte Carlo In the usual implementation of DMC for kinetic simulations, each reaction is considered as an event and each event has an associated probability of occurring. The probability P(E i ) that a certain chemical reaction E i takes place in a given time interval  t is proportional to an effective rate constant k and to the number of chemical species that can take part in that event. E.g. the probability of the first-order reaction X  Y + Z would be k 1 N x with N x :number of species X, and k 1 : rate constant of the reaction Similarly, the probability of the reverse second-order reaction Y + Z  X would be k 2 N Y N Z. Resat et al., J.Phys.Chem. B 105, 11026 (2001)

13 15. Lecture WS 2008/09Bioinformatics III13 Dynamic Monte Carlo As the method is a probabilistic approach based on „events“, „reactions“ included in the DMC simulations do not have to be solely chemical reactions. Any process that can be associated with a probability can be included as an event in the DMC simulations. E.g. a substrate attaching to a solid surface can initiate a series of chemical reactions. One can split the modelling into - the physical events of substrate arrival, - attaching the substrate, - followed by the chemical reaction steps. Resat et al., J.Phys.Chem. B 105, 11026 (2001)

14 15. Lecture WS 2008/09Bioinformatics III14 Basic outline of the direct method of Gillespie (Step i) generate a list of the components/species and define the initial distribution at time t = 0. (Step ii) generate a list of possible events E i (chemical reactions as well as physical processes). (Step iii) using the current component/species distribution, prepare a probability table P(E i ) of all the events that can take place. Compute the total probability P(E i ) : probability of event E i. (Step iv) Pick two random numbers r 1 and r 2  [0...1] to decide which event E  will occur next and the amount of time  by which E  occurs later since the most recent event. Resat et al., J.Phys.Chem. B 105, 11026 (2001)

15 15. Lecture WS 2008/09Bioinformatics III15 Basic outline of the direct method of Gillespie Using the random number r 1 and the probability table, the event E  is determined by finding the event that satisfies the relation Resat et al., J.Phys.Chem. B 105, 11026 (2001) The second random number r 2 is used to obtain the amount of time  between the reactions As the total probability of the events changes in time, the time step between occurring steps varies. Steps (iii) and (iv) are repeated at each step of the simulation. The necessary number of runs depends on the inherent noise of the system and on the desired statistical accuracy.

16 15. Lecture WS 2008/09Bioinformatics III16 Weighted Sampling In the commonly used MC algorithm, the Markov chain is generated using transition probabilities  (i  j) that are based on the physical probability distribution: Resat et al., J.Phys.Chem. B 105, 11026 (2001) The ensemble average  of any physical quantity  is obtained by taking the arithmetic average of all the n simulation runs. The individual averages  i  could e.g. be time-averages over the simulation run. This choice disfavors the transitions with low probabilities. If the system characteristics depend on the events that happen less frequently, then the common implementation of MC requires extremely lengthy simulations to acquire enough statistical sampling.

17 15. Lecture WS 2008/09Bioinformatics III17 Weighted Sampling This statistical sampling problem can be reduced if the probability distribution is multiplied with a weight function that adjusts the sampling probability distribution such that the low probability parts of the sampling space are visited more often. In the case of weighted sampling, the Markov chain is generated by using the modified probability distribution function Resat et al., J.Phys.Chem. B 105, 11026 (2001) where Y is the biasing weight function. Since the probability of the transition i  j is weighted with Y(i  j), calculation of the ensemble average of a physical quantity  is obtained by computing the average of  / Y. Division of  by Y effectively corrects for the bias introduced in the sampling probability distribution.

18 15. Lecture WS 2008/09Bioinformatics III18 Probability-Weighted DMC Probability-weighted DMC incorporates weighted sampling into DMC. Steps (iii) and (iv) of the DMC algorithm are replaced by (Step iii‘) Using the current component/species distribution, prepare a probability table of all the events E i that can take place, (Step iv‘) define the weight factor scale and compute the inverse probability weight table Resat et al., J.Phys.Chem. B 105, 11026 (2001) for all events. Note that the stochastic simulations mentioned here use discrete numbers of molecules, i.e. the species are produced and consumed as whole integer units. Therefore, the weight table w(E  ) must contain only integer values.

19 15. Lecture WS 2008/09Bioinformatics III19 Probability-Weighted DMC (Step v‘) Prepare the weighted probability table Resat et al., J.Phys.Chem. B 105, 11026 (2001) (Step vi‘) Compute the total probability by summing the weighted probabilities of all individual events (Step vii‘) Pick two random numbers r 1,r 2  [0...1]. Determine which event E  occurs next as before using r 1. (Step viii‘) Propagate the time as before using r 2. The speed-up achieved by the PW-DMC algorithm stems from the fact that the reactions with large probabilities are allowed to occur in „bundles“.

20 15. Lecture WS 2008/09Bioinformatics III20 Comparison of DMC and PW-DMC DMC is essentially a method to solve the master equation that rules how the probabilities of the configurations are related to each other Resat et al., J.Phys.Chem. B 105, 11026 (2001) W  : transition probability of going from configuration  to  P  : probability of configuration . Using the master equation, the statistical average  X  of the rate of change of the property X can be expressed as: In PW-DMC, this relation is rearranged using the weight factor w as PW-DMC leaves the ensemble averages unchanged. However, the fluctuations increase with w.

21 15. Lecture WS 2008/09Bioinformatics III21 Epidermal growth factor receptor signaling pathway The EGFR signaling pathway is one of the most important pathways that regulate growth, survival, proliferation, and differentiation in mammalian cells. International consortium has assembled a comprehensive pathway map including - EGFR endocytosis followed by its degradation or recycling, - small GTPase-mediated signal transduction such as MAPK cascade, PIP signaling, cell cycle, and GPCR-mediated EGFR transactivation via intracellular Ca 2+ signalling. Map includes 211 reactions and 322 species taking part in reactions. Species: 202 proteins, 3 ions, 21 simple molecules, 73 oligomers, 7 genes, 7 RNAs. Proteins: 122 molecules including 10 ligands, 10 receptors, 61 enzymes (including 32 kinases), 3 ion channels, 10 transcription factors, 6 G protein subunits, 22 adaptor proteins. Reactions: 131 state transitions, 34 transportations, 32 associations, 11 dissociations, 2 truncations. Oda et al. Mol.Syst.Biol. 1 (2005)

22 15. Lecture WS 2008/09Bioinformatics III22 Oda et al. Mol.Syst.Biol. 1 (2005)

23 15. Lecture WS 2008/09Bioinformatics III23 Architecture of signaling network: bow-tie structure Oda et al. Mol.Syst.Biol. 1 (2005)

24 15. Lecture WS 2008/09Bioinformatics III24 Network control Several system controls define the overall behavior of the signaling network: - 2 positive feedback loops - Pyk2/c-Src activates ADAMs, which shed pro-HB-EGF so that the amount of HB-EGF will be increased and enhance the signalling - active PLC  /  produces DAG which results in the cascading activation of protein kinase C (PKC), phospholipase D, and PI5 kinase. - 6 negative feedback loops - inhibitory feed-forward paths There are also a few positive and negative feedback loops that affect ErbB pathway dynamics. Oda et al. Mol.Syst.Biol. 1 (2005)

25 15. Lecture WS 2008/09Bioinformatics III25 Process diagram Oda et al. Mol.Syst.Biol. 1 (2005)

26 15. Lecture WS 2008/09Bioinformatics III26 Modification and localization of proteins Oda et al. Mol.Syst.Biol. 1 (2005)

27 15. Lecture WS 2008/09Bioinformatics III27 Precise association states between EGFR and adaptors Oda et al. Mol.Syst.Biol. 1 (2005) Ellipsis in drawing association states of proteins using an ‘address’. (A) Precise association states between EGFR and adaptors. Three adaptor proteins, Shc, Grb2, and Gab1, bind to the activated EGFR via its autophosphorylated tyrosine residues. Shc binds to activated EGFR and is phosphorylated on its tyrosine 317. Grb2 binds to activated EGFR either directly or via Shc bound to activated EGFR. Gab1 also binds to activated EGFR either directly or via Grb2 bound to activated EGFR, and is phosphorylated on its tyrosine 446, 472, and 589.

28 15. Lecture WS 2008/09Bioinformatics III28 temporal dynamics of signalling networks simplified scheme of signalling routes starting at EGFR

29 15. Lecture WS 2008/09Bioinformatics III29 Integrated Model of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Trafficking and Signal Transduction The EGF receptor can be activated by the binding of any one of a number of different ligands. Each ligand stimulates a somewhat different spectrum of biological responses. The effect of different ligands on EGFR activity is quite similar at a biochemical level  the mechanisms responsible for their differential effect on cellular responses are unkown. After binding of any of its ligands, EGFR is rapidly internalized by endocytosis. Haluk Resat et al. Biophys Journal 85, 730 (2003)

30 15. Lecture WS 2008/09Bioinformatics III30 Computational modelling of EGF receptor system (1)trafficking and ligand-induced endocytosis (2)signaling through Ras or MAP kinases This work combines both aspects into a single model. Most approaches to building computational kinetic models have severe drawbacks when representing spatially heterogenous processes on a cellular scale. Review: In the traditional approach, we - formulate set of coupled ODEs (reaction rate equations) for the time-dependent concentration of chemical species - use integrator to propagate the concentrations as a function of time given the rate constants and a set of initial concentrations. Resat et al. Biophys Journal 85, 730 (2003)

31 15. Lecture WS 2008/09Bioinformatics III31 Multiple time scale problem In Dynamic Monte Carlo, reactions are considered events that occur with certain probabilities over set intervals of time. The event probabilities depend on the rate constant of the reaction and on the number of molecules participating in the reaction. In many interesting natural problems, the time scales of the events are spread over a large spectrum. Therefore it is very inefficient to treat all processes at the time scale of the fastest individual reaction. In the EGFR signaling network, - receptor phosphorylation after ligand binding occurs almost instantaneously - vesicle formation or sorting to lysosomes requires many minutes. Resat et al. Biophys Journal 85, 730 (2003)

32 15. Lecture WS 2008/09Bioinformatics III32 Solution to multiple time scale problem Computing millions and billions non-correlated random numbers can become a time-consuming process. Resat et al. (2001) introduced Probability-Weighted DMC to speed-up the simulation by factor 20 – 100. Different processes are only tested at variant times depending on their probabilities  very unlikely processes compute MC decision very infrequently. Resat et al. Biophys Journal 85, 730 (2003)

33 15. Lecture WS 2008/09Bioinformatics III33 Signal transduction model of EGF receptor signaling pathway Resat et al. Biophys Journal 85, 730 (2003)

34 15. Lecture WS 2008/09Bioinformatics III34 Species in the EGF receptor signaling model Resat et al. Biophys Journal 85, 730 (2003)

35 15. Lecture WS 2008/09Bioinformatics III35 Receptor and ligand group definitions Resat et al. Biophys Journal 85, 730 (2003)

36 15. Lecture WS 2008/09Bioinformatics III36 Early endosome inclusion coefficients Resat et al. Biophys Journal 85, 730 (2003) These are adjusted to yield the experimentally determined rates of ligand-free and ligand-bound receptor internalization.

37 15. Lecture WS 2008/09Bioinformatics III37 Time course of phosphorylated EGF receptors (a) Total number of phosphorylated EGF receptors in the cell. Curves represent the number of activated receptors when the cell is stimulated with different ligand doses at the beginning. The y axis represents the number of receptors in thousands. (b ) Ratio of the number of phosphorylated receptors that are internalized to that of the phosphorylated surface receptors. (c) Ratio of the number of internalized receptors to the number of surface receptors. Curves are colored as: [L] = 0.2 (magenta), 1 (blue), 2 (green), and 20 (red) nM. Resat et al. Biophys Journal 85, 730 (2003)

38 15. Lecture WS 2008/09Bioinformatics III38 Distribution of the receptors among cellular compartments Resat et al. Biophys Journal 85, 730 (2003)

39 15. Lecture WS 2008/09Bioinformatics III39 Stimulation of EGFR signaling pathway by different ligands Comparison of the results when the EGFR signaling pathway is stimulated with its ligands EGF (red) and TGF-  (green). (a ) Total number of receptors in the cell as a function of time after 20 nM ligand is added to the system. Red diamond (EGF) and green square (TGF-  ) points show the experimental results. (b) Distribution of the receptors between intravesicular compartments and the cell membrane. (c) Distribution of the phosphorylated receptors between intravesicular compartments and the cell membrane. In the figures, y axes represent the number of receptors in thousands. Resat et al. Biophys Journal 85, 730 (2003)

40 15. Lecture WS 2008/09Bioinformatics III40 Ratio of internal/surface receptors The ratio of the In/Sur ratios when the EGFR signaling pathway is stimulated with its ligands EGF and TGF-  at 20 nM ligand concentration. Comparison of computational (solid lines) and experimental (points) results. Ratio of the ratios for the phosphorylated (i.e., activated) (blue), and total (phosphorylated + unphosphorylated) number (magenta) of receptors. Resat et al. Biophys Journal 85, 730 (2003)

41 15. Lecture WS 2008/09Bioinformatics III41 Summary Large-scale simulations of the kinetics of biological signaling networks are becoming feasible. Here, the model of the EGFR trafficking consisted of hundreds of distinct compartments and ca. 13.000 reactions/events that occur on a wide spatial- temporal range. The exact Dynamic Monte Carlo algorithm of Gillespie (1976/1977) was a breakthrough for simulations of stochastic systems. Problem: simulations can become very time-consuming. In particular if the processes occur on different time scales. Methods like the probability-weighted DMC are promising tools for studying complex cellular systems using molecular quanta. V16: more on stochastic dynamics simulations.

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