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Long, Long Chains Song by Michael Offut. A polygon is a figure that has many sides A polygamist is a guy who has many brides,

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Presentation on theme: "Long, Long Chains Song by Michael Offut. A polygon is a figure that has many sides A polygamist is a guy who has many brides,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Long, Long Chains Song by Michael Offut

2 A polygon is a figure that has many sides A polygamist is a guy who has many brides,

3 But there’s another “poly- word” to which this song refers, It’s something in chemistry we call a polymer. POLY: MANY

4 Long, long chains, the biggest molecules we know,

5 Made of many monomers, lined up in a row.. One Monomer

6 Long, long chains, macromolecules for sure,

7 In chemistry, that’s what we, call a polymer

8 Some plastic bags and bottles are made of polyethylene, You can keep things hot or cold in cups of polystyrene.

9 Polytetrafluoroethylene is on our pans, That’s Teflon for those of you who may not understand.

10 When chemists make a polymer, they need some building blocks, Monomers are what they’re called, and they need a lot.

11 They hook ‘em all together like boxcars in train, Or like the links of metal in a long, long chain.

12 Long, long chains, the biggest molecules we know,

13 Made of many monomers, lined up in a row.. One Monomer

14 Long, long chains, macromolecules for sure,

15 In chemistry, that’s what we, call a polymer

16 There are polymers in latex paint and artificial plants, Rubber bands hold your papers, and elastic holds your pants,

17 Just go to Toys ‘R’ Us with any girl or boy, They’re all fighting over polymers in the shape of toys.

18 If you look around the room and make yourself a list, Of everything that’s made of polymers, you’ll get a tired wrist.

19 The world has really changed, it’ll never be the same, All because of molecules in long, long chains.

20 Long, long chains, the biggest molecules we know,

21 Made of many monomers, lined up in a row.. One Monomer

22 Long, long chains, macromolecules for sure,

23 In chemistry, that’s what we, call a polymer

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