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LOGO Chemistry of Carbon Building Blocks of Life 2007-2008 Lynn English High School Science Biology/Ms. Mezzetti Modified version from Explore

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2 LOGO Chemistry of Carbon Building Blocks of Life 2007-2008 Lynn English High School Science Biology/Ms. Mezzetti Modified version from Explore

3 Why study Carbon?  All of life is built on carbon  Cells  ~72% H 2 O  ~25% carbon compounds carbohydrates lipids proteins nucleic acids  ~3% salts Na, Cl, K…

4 Chemistry of Life  Organic chemistry is the study of carbon compounds  C atoms are versatile building blocks  Can form 4 bonds with itself or other elements  Can form single, double or triple bonds HH C H H

5 Isomers  Molecules with same molecular formula but different structures (shapes)  different chemical properties  different biological functions 6 carbons

6 Form affects function  Thalidomide  prescribed to pregnant women in 50s & 60s  reduced morning sickness, but…  stereoisomer caused severe birth defects

7 Functional groups  Parts of organic molecules that are involved in chemical reactions  give organic molecules distinctive properties Affect reactivity  makes hydrocarbons hydrophilic  increase solubility in water

8 LOGO Macromolecules Building Blocks of Life 2007-2008

9 Macromolecules  Smaller organic molecules join together to form larger molecules  macromolecules  4 major classes of macromolecules:  carbohydrates  lipids  proteins  nucleic acids

10 H2OH2O HO H HH Polymers  Long molecules built by linking repeating building blocks in a chain  monomers building blocks repeated small units  Held together with covalent bonds Dehydration synthesis Removes water to build larger molecules

11 H2OH2O HO H HH How to build a polymer  Dehydration Synthesis/ Condensation Reaction  joins monomers by “taking” H 2 O out one monomer donates OH – other monomer donates H + together these form H 2 O  requires energy & enzymes enzyme Dehydration synthesis Condensation reaction

12 H2OH2O HOH H H How to break down a polymer  Hydrolysis/Digestion  use H 2 O to breakdown polymers reverse of dehydration synthesis breaks off one monomer at a time H 2 O is split into H + and OH – –H + & OH – attach to ends  requires enzymes  releases energy Hydrolysis Digestion enzyme Adds water to breakdown polymers

13 Review  Organic compounds contain _________?  Carbon is unique because 1. --- 2.---  Name the 4 major macromolecules  What is a monomer?  What is a polymer?  How do polymers form?  How do macromolecules digest (break)?

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