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WELCOME Chris Minett & Rhonda Hope 15 th June 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME Chris Minett & Rhonda Hope 15 th June 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME Chris Minett & Rhonda Hope 15 th June 2006

2 2 KEY MESSAGES Reminder of the Key Messages from Day One

3 3 OUTPUTS OF WORKSHOP At the end of the workshop, brokers should: Understand the purpose of Train to Gain Understand the evolution of Train to Gain Understand the Core Offer (including regional variations and differences with ETP) and employer/employee eligibility Be aware of key marketing messages Understand/build on knowledge of Apprenticeships, NVQs, Leadership & Management within Train to Gain Know how to source other training (non-funded) and alternative learning

4 4 OUTPUTS OF WORKSHOP Have an overview of how Welfare to Work fits with Train to Gain Have an overview of the role of Sector Skills Councils Have an overview of equality and diversity issues and know where to go for further information Understand the customer journey Understand what Management Information is required Have an overview of the broker standard Know what further broker support is available

5 5 OUTPUTS REMAINING FOR DAY TWO Understand the customer journey Have an overview of how Welfare to Work fits with Train to Gain Have an overview of the role of Sector Skills Councils Understand what Management Information is required Know what further broker support material is available

6 6 AGENDA Day 2 Session 1 – Welcome Session 2 – Customer Journey & Client Handling Tea/Coffee Break Session 3 – MI and Customer Data Session 4 – National Employer Service Session 5 – Quiz Lunch Session 6 – Support and Materials for Brokers Session 7 – Q&A Session 8 - Close

7 CUSTOMER EMPLOYER JOURNEY Steve Lydon, Rhonda Hope & Paul Gaunt 15 th June 2006


9 9 IDB TO SKILLS BROKER REFERRAL PROCESS IDB identifies relevant Skills Broker via local or web site listing IDB confirms Skills Broker is available to take employer call and agrees handover details and timing IDB and Skills Broker carry out handover, covering any pre-work and specific requirements IDB informs Call Management Centre and provides details to update call IDB informs employer, introduces Skills Broker and finalises handover.

10 10 SKILLS BROKER TO PROVIDER REFERRAL PROCESS On completion of a skills development plan the Skills broker will source relevant training provider using the information held on the National Broker Website and using the training project templates The Skills Broker will identifying the most suitable Train to Gain provider to deliver training based on capacity, capability and geographic location, taking into account the needs of the employer and utilising all available funding options The Skills Broker will inform the employer of the training options, agree solution and organise for the provider to start the delivery process The Skills Broker will ensure employer satisfaction during the Train to Gain activity

11 11 PROVIDER DELIVERY Contestability 80/20 Provider Procurement Employer Guide to Training

12 12 Training Provider is working with an employer with skills needs PROVIDER TO SKILLS BROKER REFERRAL PROCESS Provider carries out skills needs diagnosis Provider and employer agrees training plan and any funding streams Provider informs local Skills Broker of agreed plan(s) Skills Broker will confirm Train to Gain services are being met (if there are additional employer requirements refer to protocol 004) Provider carries out training against plan

13 13 EMPLOYER TO BROKER Vacancy Referral Process Employer contacts the Call Management Centre using the available Train to Gain free phone number and logs a call for a broker visit or If employer has training being delivered by a Train to Gain provider they can request a broker visit through the provider. The provider will contact a broker using protocol 5.

14 14 LIGHT TOUCH Where an employer has a direct relationship with a provider and wants to access Train to Gain funding (discrete or mainstream used to support Train to Gain provision), the employer must be registered with the skills brokerage service who will then give the employer a courtesy call to check whether they would like a visit from a skills broker. this phone call should happen within three months of the employer being registered with the service.

15 15 THE ROLE OF TRADE UNIONS-BACKGROUND The White Paper (2005) “Skills: Getting in business, getting on at work” recognises these achievements and underlines the invaluable role that trade unions and Union Learning Reps (ULRs) can play. Role of TUC Draws up common policies for British unions Works with government to implement policies to benefit workforces Helps unions to improve services for members Sets up training and education for ULRs Represents British workers at international level Union Learning Fund (ULF) aims to build capacity in Lifelong Learning and encourage participation of hard to reach learners

16 16 TRADE UNIONS AND ULRS TUC share common goals with LSC - Contributing to Skills Strategy Impact of working together (i.e. on delivery of ETPs) has proven advantageous Role of ULRs Identify learning needs, give frontline advice and guidance on learning and work in partnership with employers Provide on-going support to learners Maintain a relationship of trust and degree of influence with employers/employees

17 17 ULR REFERRAL PROCESS During the Train to Gain skills diagnosis the Broker identifies the employer union status and if there are union learner reps available If ULR, then the broker in agreement with the employer, involves the ULR and discusses how the URL can help in the implementation of training and any ongoing support If no ULR employed then the broker explains the ULR role and where acceptable, refers employer to the Union Academy

18 18 THE ROLE OF IAG IN TRAIN TO GAIN Background An offer of Information, Advice and Guidance for employees on qualifications and training and how they can be accessed DfES National Policy Framework statement stipulates that there is a free, quality service which offers a range of up to date information Within Train to Gain An integral element of service is employee entitlement to IAG Both employers and employees need to understand what IAG is and its benefits IAG can be offered by: Learning Providers Local nextstep service Any other agency who has achieved matrix accreditation

19 19 IAG DELIVERY Learning Providers Any teacher, tutor or learner support staff from work-based learning, or adult and community education may deliver it as long as matrix accredited The local nextstep service This is a national service funded by LSC. There are 47 contractors who deliver to adults yet to achieve their first Level 2. This complements IAG provided by learning providers Any other agency who has achieved matrix accreditation See the matrix website:

20 20 IAG DELIVERY Offered on entry to learning (to confirm course suitable), during programme and at course end as part of learning review and also to support progression planning Where possible “Health Checks” carried out during programme to give extra support to learners

21 21 WELFARE TO WORK - BACKGROUND The Budget in March 2004 announced New Deal for Skills Working together with Jobcentre Plus (JCP) is a key priority for the LSC as stated in item 4 of their annual statement of priorities 2005/2006 Welfare to Work is the umbrella name given to a number of a joint initiatives between LSC and JCP

22 22 WELFARE TO WORK AND TRAIN TO GAIN The LSC and Job Centre Plus have worked together to identify how the skills training offers made to individuals by JCP and the Train to Gain offer to employers is aligned for maximum impact. The result is an agreed protocol through which: Jobcentre plus will –Brief all relevant staff on Train to Gain –Work with LSC to ensure JCP customers continue their development when moving from welfare into work –Publicise Train to Gain on the Jobcentre Plus intranet and external website –Work with local/regional LSCs to maximise Train to Gain impact –Provide recruitment expertise and support to Train to Gain brokers

23 23 WELFARE TO WORK AND TRAIN TO GAIN LSC will –Brief Brokers on working with JCP –Encourage all regions to plan for welfare to work activity as part of their Train to Gain design –Work with local/regional JCPs to maximise Train to Gain impact –Provide learning and Train to Gain expertise and support to JCP Brokers will –Where appropriate and with their agreement, refer employers with vacancies to Employer Direct –Record the amount of referrals to JCP that they make

24 24 WHAT IS EMPLOYER DIRECT? Employer Direct is a JCP service which provides a single national telephone number for employers to place vacancies at a time to suit them. Lines are open between 8am – 8pm weekdays and 10am to 4pm Saturdays.

25 25 HOW TO PLACE A VACANCY If an employer chooses Jobcentre Plus as a recruitment partner you should: –Give the employer the vacancy form (on-line or hard copy) to complete or you can do it on their behalf –E-mail the form to Employer Direct or telephone using the form as a prompt –You or the employer must declare the vacancy reference as “Train to Gain” –Employer Direct will submit the vacancy into Jobcentres as instructed

26 26 HOW TO PLACE A VACANCY Alternatively, employers can use Employer Direct on-line (EDoN) which is a facility to post and manage vacancies on-line 24/7. Log the Employers Vacancy Reference as “Train to Gain” Employers who use this service will be given a registration/employer identification number so that future vacancies are processed faster and input requirements are kept to a minimum. All vacancies are subject to the same Agency, Discrimination, Vulnerable groups, National Minimum wage and appropriate language checks of standard vacancies

27 27 VACANCY REFERRAL PROCESS During the Train to Gain skills diagnosis the Broker asks if the employer has a recruitment need? If appropriate the broker provides the employer with the contact details for Employer Direct. The Employer contacts ED identifying themselves as a Train to Gain Employer or asks the broker to do so on their behalf Employer Direct places the employer’s vacancy labelled as Train to Gain online and in job centres Local JCP matched low skilled Job seekers with the vacancy and arranges an interview

28 28 NEW DEAL ROUTE-WAY New Deal – Subsidised Work Options –Subsidised Employment (ND25+) –Upfront Skills Shortage Subsidy (UfSSS) –Employment Option (NDYP) The subsidies are paid to employers, primarily to help offset the loss of production to the company through employing an inexperienced worker. These subsidies are normally paid for 26 weeks and the individual has “day 1 employed status”.

29 29 NEW DEAL ROUTE-WAY Wage Compensation – Train to Gain wage subsidy is not compatible with New Deal Subsidised wage options. –To avoid double funding issues, where employers have less than 50 employees, you should ask that those participating on New Deal programmes are identified during initial staff diagnosis. –These individuals should participate in Train to Gain activity only when the New Deal Wage Subsidy period has ended (usually 26 weeks). Upfront Skills Shortage Subsidy / Training Grants – Where an employer has received Upfront Skills Shortage Subsidy or a Training Grant for a New Deal employee, this funding cannot be used to fund Train to Gain activity. Any training delivered under Train to Gain to these individuals must not duplicate that specified in the Employer’s Agreement with Jobcentre Plus.

30 30 JCP CONTACT JCP can be contacted for further details on 0845 601 2001. They also provide a textphone service if you are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech difficulties. The number is 0845 601 2002. Lines are open 8am to 8pm Monday to Friday and from 10am to 4pm on Saturdays.

31 31 WELFARE TO WORK PROGRAMMES Skills Coaching –Offers 1-1 coaching on skills development to Job Seekers Allowance (JSA) and Inactive Benefit (IB) recipients who’s lack of skills is the main barrier to them finding sustainable employment. –Currently being trialled in 7 LSC areas, will increase to 11 from June 2006 Adult Learning Option –It will offer financial support to low skilled, longer term unemployed and IB recipients to voluntarily take up full-time learning to obtain their first full level. –Trialled in 5 LSC areas from Autumn 2006

32 32 WELFARE TO WORK PROGRAMMES Joint Working trials –Commenced in summer 2005 to provide JCP customers with access to LSC funded provision using a planned and agreed approach –Current trials in 6 LSC regions

33 33 SECTORS - RATIONALE FOR INVOLVING SSCS WITHIN TRAIN TO GAIN SSCs represent industry and regularly engage with employers SSCs understand: –Sectors’ skills needs –The positive impact skills have on business performance All of this is augmented in the Sector Skills Agreement process

34 34 SKILLS FOR BUSINESS NETWORK Skills for Business Network (SfBN) is the name given to all 25 SSCs operating together with the Sector Skills Development Agency (SSDA) SfBN aims to boost productivity and profitability of the UK Done through identifying and tackling skills gaps and shortages in each sector.

35 35 KEY GOALS SSCs have 4 key goals: Reduce skills gaps and shortages Improve productivity, business and public service performance Increase opportunities to boost the skills and productivity of everyone in the sector’s workforce Improve learning supply including apprenticeships, higher education and National Occupational Standards

36 36 WORKING WITH BROKERS SSCs will be able to provide leads to brokers Knowledge of how to access employers in sector SSC may be able to offer additional support to broker beyond the brokerage experience LSC currently working on a referral protocol for SSCs and brokers

37 37 SSC SUPPORT Three Tier Offer of support for employers and brokers: Tier 1 support will be available from all SSCs and will include information relating to labour market intelligence Tier 2 support will be available free of charge as it will already have been funded from the public purse (these services may not be offered by all SSCs) Tier 3 support will be offered at a cost but may be beneficial to brokers and will vary from SSC to SSC. May include improvement tools and support, training, bespoke helplines

38 38 SECTOR SKILLS AGREEMENT (SSA) Sector Skills Agreements essentially map out what skills employers need their workforce to have Also establish the process by which these skills can be supplied by key partners Facilitated by SSCs but signed up to by everyone who supplies, funds and plans education and training

39 39 OTHER SSC SERVICES Sector Qualifications Strategy CoVE Apprenticeships National Skills Academies

40 40 ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FOR BROKERS LSC organising sector specific training sessions for brokers Help to impart sector knowledge to brokers and know what SSCs can offer Training session in the Autumn SSC websites soon to have specific pages for brokers

41 CLIENT HANDLING 15 th June 2006

42 42 LEVELS OF SERVICE What is the current good practice?


44 44 IT SYSTEMS Integrated IT systems being developed to enable and support Train to Gain Purpose of the systems is to: –meet the needs of the LSC (e.g. managing broker contracts; planning and monitoring budgets) –minimise bureaucracy for the LSC and broker organisations –provide accurate and comprehensive MI for reporting to Government, RSPs and local skills partnerships –provide a backbone of accurate and consistent regional and national data against which the effectiveness of Train to Gain can be measured

45 45 SYSTEMS The following four systems will be in operation for Train to Gain: 1.Broker contract management system 2.Employer data and registration service 3.Broker interchange 4.Broker resources website

46 46 1. BROKER CONTRACT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Tool for regions to manage skills brokerage contract(s) in terms of key performance indicators (KPIs) Annual and monthly volume/profile of key performance indicators (KPIs) from each contract is loaded on to the system Returns from brokers compared to profiled activity as stipulated in contracts and brokers managed accordingly

47 47 2. EMPLOYER DATA REGISTRATION SERVICE (EDRS) EDRS enables skills broker activity to be linked to learning outcomes EDRS assigns a unique employer reference number at workplace level Provides information on hierarchies for multi-site employers Employer look-up ready from 1 st April Web based utility accessed through the broker information site that offers search facilities (e.g. employer name, post code and address) Employer reference number must be entered into the CRM system used by the skills broker so it is uploaded to monthly report Employer data provided by EDRS is to be used for the purpose of analysis only (i.e. it is not to be used for marketing purposes)

48 48 3.BROKER INTERCHANGE Mechanism by which information about broker activity will be transferred electronically to the broker contract management system from brokers own CRM system Standard set of data to be provided once a month to the broker contract management system Prime source of data for the contract management system and feeds into the LSC’s Train to Gain management information system Skills brokers using their own CRM systems will have to ensure they collect the data the LSC needs, including the LSC’s unique employer reference number (using the web enquiry tool that forms part of the EDRS) Brokers will upload the returns to the contract management system using the broker information website LSC will provide assistance and training if necessary to broker organisations to enable them to meet this requirement

49 49 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION Brokers/brokerage organisations are required to submit a monthly report covering the full range of MI As set out in the Invitation to Tender, brokers are required to report on the following: 1.Actual employers managed with targets/segmentation set in contract 2.Number of brokers working towards/achieved new Standard 3.Indicative numbers of learners for Apprenticeships, first level 2, Skills for Life, L3, L4 and ‘other’ training linked to the employer referrals in 1 above 4.Indicative level of employer full-cost investment (drawn from employer proposal)

50 50 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION CONT.. 5. Use of diagnostic tools including IiP and DTI Business Performance Index 6. Referrals to Investors in People 7. Referrals to leadership and management 8. Referrals to Higher Education 9. Organisation Needs Analysis completed 10. Referrals to IAG service 11. Referrals to Job Centre Plus 12. Repeat business i.e. employers with more than one agreement 13. Referrals to IDB generalist brokers 14. Mode of brokerage i.e. telephone/face to face



53 53 THE NATIONAL EMPLOYER SERVICE BACKGROUND AND INTRODUCTION NES supports national employers with more than 5000 employees and the potential for 200 learners An increasing focus on the very large employers, i.e. those listed in the FTSE 250 Index The framework for NES Train to Gain based on research as to what employers want: –Use of innovative approaches to training methods –Need for greater knowledge about sectors –Promotion of Apprenticeships –Need for basic skills training- unmet demand –Increased leverage for large employers Within this there is to be a focus on the hard to reach large national employers and employees

54 54 THE NES OFFER The offer will focus on: –Apprenticeships 16-25 –First full NVQ level 2 (age 23 and above) –Skills for Life Focus on employees without first Level 2 or with basic skills needs Signposting to other non-funded training support; IiP, Foundation Degrees and Level 3 Aim to develop new and existing contracts with national employers supporting ‘hard to reach’ employees and those not engaged previously Develop provision to address key sectoral issues (e.g. staff turnover, lack of investment in training)

55 55 NES BROKERAGE MODEL A skills broker organisation to work with NES Account Management team to provide a seamless diagnostic and advice service NES envisage that the skills broker engages directly with the employer through referrals from the NES Account Management Team Proposals developed to address training needs for both funded and non-funded training Work with partners i.e. Job Centre Plus to meet recruitment needs Brokers feedback on provider capacity issues and gaps in provision via MI platform

56 56 REFERRALS Expected that regional brokerage teams will refer large national employers to NES A flag will be placed on reporting systems to signify referral needed NES brokerage team to refer to regional brokerage teams for advice on regional skills solutions NES MI will capture participation and brokerage performance

57 QUIZ TIME! Raj Patel 15 th June 2006

58 BROKER SUPPORT MATERIALS Ingrid Purse 15 th June 2006

59 59 BROKER WEBSITE Broker website (see handout) Website is a developing resource just for brokers Brokers given login details Access to information and online resources including sales tools, FAQs, discussion forums Will develop to include regionally specific pages

60 60 Log in Page

61 61 Home Page

62 62 Assessing Training Needs

63 63 Broker Support

64 64 Regional Pages

65 65 ADDITIONAL BROKER TRAINING Regions will provide and fund a development programme for their brokers. Additional modules will cover the following areas in depth: IDB Service Diagnostic tools including the new IiP tool, training and development plans Providers and quality marks Welfare to Work and JCP NVQs Apprenticeships Level 2 Entitlement Skills for Life Leadership and Management

66 66 ADDITIONAL BROKER TRAINING Informal and non-government funded provision Foundation degrees Investors in People Sector Skills Councils National Employer Service IAG and learner Support

67 Q & As

68 Closing Session Chris Minett & 15 th June 2006

69 69 OUTPUTS OF WORKSHOP At the end of the workshop, brokers should: Understand the purpose of Train to Gain Understand the evolution of Train to Gain Understand the Core Offer (including regional variations and differences with ETP) and employer/employee eligibility Be aware of key marketing messages Understand/build on knowledge of Apprenticeships, NVQs, Leadership & Management within Train to Gain Know how to source other training (non-funded) and alternative learning

70 70 OUTPUTS OF WORKSHOP Have an overview of how Welfare to Work fits with Train to Gain Have an overview of the role of Sector Skills Councils Have an overview of equality and diversity issues and know where to go for further information Understand the customer journey Understand what Management Information is required Have an overview of the broker standard Know what further broker support is available

71 71 EVALUATION FORMS & DELEGATE PACKS Before you leave: Please complete and pass your evaluation forms to Raj Patel Please check that you have got all of the delegate pack contents

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